Denies quotes:

  • Fiction gives us the second chances that life denies us. -- Paul Theroux
  • Self-sacrifice which denies common sense is not a virtue. It's a spiritual dissipation. -- Margaret Deland
  • Everybody denies I am a genius - but nobody ever called me one! -- Orson Welles
  • No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. -- Alice Walker
  • Prohibition makes you want to cry into your beer and denies you the beer to cry into. -- Don Marquis
  • A suppressing person isn't critical. A suppressing person is a person who denies the rights of others. -- L. Ron Hubbard
  • The role of the intelligence - that part of us which affirms and denies and formulates opinions is merely to submit. -- Simone Weil
  • In so far as one denies what is, one is possessed by what is not, the compulsions, the fantasies, the terrors that flock to fill the void. -- Ursula K. Le Guin
  • I do not believe that defending traditional marriage between one man and one woman excludes anybody or usurps anybody's civil rights and denies anybody their civil rights. -- Alan Autry
  • Whoever sets any bounds for the reconstructive power of the religious life over the social relations and institutions of men, to that extent denies the faith of the Master. -- Walter Rauschenbusch
  • My atheism, like that of Spinoza, is true piety towards the universe and denies only gods fashioned by men in their own image, to be servants of their human interests. -- George Santayana
  • Four years ago in speaking of a Jewish nation one ran the risk of being regarded ridiculous. Today he makes himself ridiculous who denies the existence of a Jewish nation. -- Theodor Herzl
  • But the fact a person denies that he is theorising is no reason for taking him at his word and failing to investigate what implicit theory is involved in his statements. -- Talcott Parsons
  • Every nation on the Earth that embraces market economics and the free enterprise system is pulling millions of its people out of poverty. The free enterprise system creates prosperity, not denies it. -- Marco Rubio
  • Indians today are governed by two different ideologies. Their political ideal set in the preamble of the Constitution affirms a life of liberty, equality and fraternity. Their social ideal embodied in their religion denies them. -- B. R. Ambedkar
  • Put bluntly, the American church today accepts grace in theory but denies it in practice. We say we believe that the fundamental structure of reality is grace, not works - but our lives refute our faith. -- Brennan Manning
  • The ambivalence of writing is such that it can be considered both an act and an interpretive process that follows after an act with which it cannot coincide. As such, it both affirms and denies its own nature. -- Paul de Man
  • The Iranian regime gives financial support to terrorist organizations all over the world, denies the Holocaust, and calls for the wiping the state of Israel from the map, while developing long-range missiles and trying to obtain nuclear weapon. -- Moshe Katsav
  • Now and always, hard-line policy and those who embrace it are vessels for darker forces that are at once self-cannibalizing and combustible. No good can come of them. They are unsustainable because their sense of righteousness denies human worth. -- Queen Rania of Jordan
  • I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed that Katharine Carr Esters claims that she was 'tricked' into divulging her true feelings about Oprah and that she now denies that she revealed to me the identity of Oprah's biological father. -- Kitty Kelley
  • So stick up ivy and the bays, and then restore the heathen ways, green will remind you of the Spring, though this great day denies the thing, and mortifies the earth, and all, but your wild revels, and loose hall. -- Henry Vaughan
  • In February 2004, the two traditional torturers of Haiti - France and the United States - combined to back a military coup and send President Aristide off to Africa. The U.S. denies him permission to return to the entire region. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Altho that is so, Ireland has always denied and Ireland still denies that the Union was binding upon her either legally or morally. And here on this historic occasion we have assembled to renew our protest and to place it upon record. -- John Edward Redmond
  • I don't have much patience for people who are self-conscious about the act of eating, and it irritates me when someone denies themselves the pleasure of a bloody hunk of steak or a pungent French cheese because of some outdated nonsense about what's appropriate or attractive. -- Anthony Bourdain
  • The single despot stands out in the face of all men, and says: I am the State: My will is law: I am your master: I take the responsibility of my acts: The only arbiter I acknowledge is the sword: If any one denies my right, let him try conclusions with me. -- Lysander Spooner
  • I think the idea of the social construction of beauty - this idea that beauty is simply whatever culture or society says it is - is on the run. Of course, beauty does arise in a cultural context. No one ever denies that. But there's also a natural response people have to it. -- Denis Dutton
  • The Bible consistently denies free will. -- Gordon Clark
  • Haste denies all acts their dignity. -- Dante Alighieri
  • Who gives to all, denies all. -- George Herbert
  • I am the Spirit that denies. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Who loves his pain denies his god. -- Jean Garrigue
  • Communism denies God, enslaves men, and destroys justice. -- Richard M. Nixon
  • He who denies his heritage, has no heritage -- Khalil Gibran
  • Andrea Leadsom flatly denies she has changed her CV. -- Laura Kuenssberg
  • Absolute freedom mocks at justice. Absolute justice denies freedom. -- Albert Camus
  • You cannot deny the struggle; the struggle denies you. -- Lori Jenessa Nelson
  • A civilization that denies death ends by denying life. -- Octavio Paz
  • I abominate any organization that denies cats are people! -- Fritz Leiber
  • True American Liberalism utterly denies the whole creed of socialism. -- Herbert Hoover
  • The only gratification that science denies to us is deception. -- Ann Druyan
  • UNITARIAN, n. One who denies the divinity of a Trinitarian. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us. -- Paul Theroux
  • Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it. -- Sara Gruen
  • Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it -- Sara Gruen
  • Platitude: a statement that denies by implication what it explicitly affirms. -- Edward Abbey
  • Nothing so denies a person liberty as the total absence of money. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
  • At times the mirror increases a thing's value, at times denies it. -- Italo Calvino
  • You don't really know what to believe until the Government denies it. -- Brian Wilson
  • The more humanity owes the poor man, the more society denies him. -- Henri Rousseau
  • Faith doesn't deny a problems existence. It denies it a place of influence. -- Bill Johnson
  • The more a man denies himself, the more shall he obtain from God. -- Horace
  • A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it. -- Ursula K. Le Guin
  • The soul is that which beholds beauty even when the mind denies it. -- Neale Donald Walsch
  • Court a mistress, she denies you; let her alone, she will court you. -- Ben Jonson
  • How did the atheist get his idea of that God whom he denies? -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • God never denies us our hearts desire except to give us something better. -- Elisabeth Elliot
  • Violence is anything that denies human integrity, and leads to hopelessness and helplessness. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • I don't have much patience for anyone who denies that this challenge is real. -- Barack Obama
  • When a man denies the power of women, he is denying his own subconscious. -- Amrita Pritam
  • Faith never denies reality but leaves room for God to grant a new reality. -- Jim Cymbala
  • The earth is real. Only a fool, milking his cow, denies the cow's reality. -- Edward Abbey
  • Marrying the wrong person only denies you both a chance at your soul mate. -- Alessandra Torre
  • Is not the decisive difference between comedy and tragedy that tragedy denies us another chance? -- John Updike
  • He who denies himself much in great matters will readily indulge himself in small things. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • The final and conclusive evidence against evolution is the fact that the Bible denies it. -- Henry M. Morris
  • We resent all criticism which denies us anything that lies in our line of advance. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Each one should realize there is nothing in (us) which denies that which (we) desire. -- Ernest Holmes
  • Truth is eternal and God is eternal. Whoever denies God is truly a miserable being. -- Rev Sun Myung Moon
  • He, who holds out but a doubtful hope of succour to the afflicted, denies it. -- Seneca the Younger
  • No words suffice the secret soul to show, For truth denies all eloquence to woe. -- Lord Byron
  • Who finds not Providence all good and wise, Alike in what it gives, and what denies. -- Alexander Pope
  • Civil disobedience is the assertion of a right which law should give but which it denies. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Any revolution which denies the right to criticize is bound to wallow in stagnation and backwardness. -- Pablo Antonio Cuadra
  • If a country denies it has AIDS, that country will inevitably become an even greater victim. -- Richard Holbrooke
  • A society which denies the heart its role becomes, in very short order, a heartless society. -- Russell Kirk
  • Thus the blasphemy of the homosexual formula, for it denies Babalon and breeds devils in chaos. -- Kenneth Grant
  • Every man knows that slavery is a curse. Whoever denies this, his lips libel his heart. -- Theodore Dwight Weld
  • No person who denies the existence of a supreme being shall hold any office under this Constitution. -- Michael Newdow
  • Though pedantry denies, It's plain the Bible means That Solomon grew wise While talking with his queens.... -- William Butler Yeats
  • He who denies the existence of God, has some reason for wishing that God did not exist. -- Saint Augustine
  • Capitalism denies the right to live. You have only the right to remain on the labour market. -- Noam Chomsky
  • And when reality denies you the tools you need for survival you grab them from wherever you can. -- Alexander Gordon Smith
  • I have known many gods. He who denies them is blind as he who trusts them too deeply. -- Robert E. Howard
  • I have always been concerned with painting that simultaneously insists on a flat surface and then denies it. -- Helen Frankenthaler
  • I deplore any action which denies artistic talent an opportunity to express itself because of prejudice against race origin. -- Bess Truman
  • Dualism makes the problem insoluble; materialism denies the existence of any phenomenon to study, and hence of any problem. -- John Searle
  • No matter how long it takes or how desperately a person battles or denies, the truth always-always-makes itself known. -- Andy Andrews
  • NIHILIST, n. A Russian who denies the existence of anything but Tolstoi. The leader of the school is Tolstoi. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Every work of art is an abstraction from time; it denies the reality of change and decay and death. -- Lewis Mumford
  • A being afire with life cannot foresee death; in fact, by each of his deeds he denies that death exists. -- Marguerite Yourcenar
  • The rush to enjoy robs the joy from life and only denies the happiness and freedom of here and now. -- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
  • Good when He gives, supremely good; Nor less when He denies: Afflictions, from His sovereign hand, Are blessings in disguise. -- Brother Lawrence
  • The truly faithless one is the one who makes love to only a fraction of you. And denies the rest. -- Anais Nin
  • The rise of National Socialism is the protest of a people against a State that denies the right to work. -- Gregor Strasser
  • People are people, and grief that is limited to those within a specific political boundary denies the humanity of others. -- Robert Jensen
  • Anything that threatens, hinders, obstructs, denies, delays your capacity to stand fully up for yourself, within yourself, take it down. -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • Friendship closes its eye rather than see the moon eclipsed; while malice denies that it is ever at the full. -- Augustus Hare
  • Within a system which denies the existence of basic human rights, fear tends to be the order of the day -- Aung San
  • A theory that denies that thoughts can regulate actions does not lend itself readily to the explanation of complex human behavior. -- Albert Bandura
  • Of two men who have no experience of God, he who denies him is perhaps nearer to him than the other. -- Simone Weil
  • Loving the world destroys our relationship with God, it denies our faith in God, and it discounts our future with God. -- David Jeremiah
  • I suppose it's a very highly developed form of denial, but some part of me completely denies that I'm a performer. -- Daniel Day-Lewis
  • By contrast, China is a repressive regime that denies its citizens the essential freedoms of religion, political dissent and representative self-government. -- Todd Akin
  • Every grown-up man consists wholly of habits, although he is often unaware of it and even denies having any habits at all. -- G. I. Gurdjieff
  • Some deny the existence of misery by pointing to the sun; he denies the existence of the sun by pointing to misery. -- Franz Kafka
  • Ours is the "land of the free"-nobody denies that-nobody challenges it. (Maybe it is because we won't let other people testify.) -- Mark Twain
  • Socialism and federalism are necessarily political opposites, because the former demands that centralized concentration of power which the latter by definition denies. -- Felix Morley
  • You don't like dealing with somebody who denies horrible things happening to your people or threatens future horrible things to your people. -- Barack Obama
  • Nigeria has its problems, nobody denies that, but there is a surge of spiritual, I would say, Christian dynamics that are awesome. -- Reinhard Bonnke
  • Zen is all-inclusive. It never denies, it never says no to anything; it accepts everything and transforms it into a higher reality. -- Rajneesh
  • Every fairy tale offers the potential to surpass present limits, so in a sense the fairy tale offers you freedoms that reality denies. -- Azar Nafisi
  • Our government denies that terrorism is caused by Islamic doctrine. Now, that is true, and it is a declarative statement. It's not arguable. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Our government denies that terrorism is caused by Islamic doctrine. Now, that is true, and it is a declarative statement. It's not arguable. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • --
  • When a parent denies a child its parent time, that parent is denying the child its child support -- its psychological child support. -- Warren Farrell
  • We all owe life a death, an inevitable death which we can meet. But the unnecessary death that wastes life denies all consolation. -- Laura Bohannan
  • We shall have lost something vital and beyond price on the day when the state denies us the right to resort to force... -- Louis D. Brandeis
  • Every man who loses everlasting life rejects it himself. God denies it not to him-he will not come that he may have life. -- Charles Spurgeon
  • By its existence, the Peace Movement denies that governments know best; it stands for a different order of priorities: the human race comes first. -- Martha Gellhorn
  • You don't help a country by supporting a military regime that denies any sign of democracy, and what defeated Pakistan was its military regime. -- Indira Gandhi