Democratic Leaders quotes:

  • In 1992, Bill Clinton ran on a platform of 'ending welfare as we know it.' His political worldview, drawn from like-minded thinkers at the Democratic Leadership Council, was based in private sector growth and personal responsibility. -- Nina Easton
  • The Democratic Leadership Council has named Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to design a plan to help define an agenda to the Democratic party. Although Bill said today, in his experience, whenever Hillary enters the picture that's when the party ends -- Jay Leno
  • Democratic leaders always seem to blame America first. -- Ken Mehlman
  • I absolutely intend to return every penny given to me by my Democratic colleagues and Democratic leaders. -- Rodney Alexander
  • Apparently there are some Democratic leaders in the Senate that are running for office who now believe in tax cuts. -- Jeb Bush
  • Democratic leaders, whose power is ultimately dependent on popular support, are held accountable for failing to improve the lives of their citizens. Therefore, they have a powerful incentive to keep their societies peaceful and prosperous. -- Natan Sharansky
  • Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, today's Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator. And nothing makes this Marine madder than someone calling American troops occupiers rather than liberators. -- Zell Miller
  • During the 2008 campaign, I strongly endorsed Barack Obama for president. I did so early, when many Democratic leaders - including many prominent African-American politicians - believed the safe bet was to back then-front-runner Hillary Clinton. -- Douglas Wilder
  • House and Senate Republicans are now united in adopting earmark bans. We hope President Obama will follow through on his support for an earmark ban by pressing Democratic leaders to join House and Senate Republicans in taking this critical step to restore public trust. -- John Boehner
  • After adding trillions to the debt on big-government policies most Americans didn't ask for and which we couldn't afford, Democratic leaders say they need more money, which they intend to take from small business, even though small businesses create the majority of new jobs. -- Mitch McConnell
  • In the depth of the near depression, that he faced when he came in, Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress provided 'recovery funds' that literally kept our classrooms open. Two years ago, these funds saved nearly 20,000 teacher and education jobs - just here in North Carolina. -- Jim Hunt
  • The leaders of the Democratic Party aren't soft on Communism. They're soft on Democracy. -- Jack Kemp
  • I've had very good meetings with Unionist leaders, Democratic Unionist Party, Ian Paisley and his team. -- Peter Hain
  • I absolutely intend to return every penny given to me by my Democratic colleagues and Democratic leaders -- Rodney Alexander
  • Democrat leaders are not only out of the American mainstream, but are also out of the Democratic mainstream. -- Virginia Foxx
  • In its current form, globalization cannot be sustained. Democratic societies will not support it. Authoritarian leaders will fear to impose it. -- John J. Sweeney
  • In its current form, globalization cannot be sustained. Democratic societies will not support it. Authoritarian leaders will fear to impose it. -- John J. Sweeney
  • Russia's inclination toward authoritarianism undoubtedly strengthened the leaders in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Kazakhstan, as they are afraid of normal democratic procedures. -- Garry Kasparov
  • My father was a politician, and a very important politician, and one of the leaders of the Iraqi Democratic Party, who believed in progress. -- Zaha Hadid
  • The Zimbabwean people, like everyone else, have a right to live in freedom and prosperity and to select their leaders through fair and democratic elections. -- Mo Ibrahim
  • Motivated more by partisan politics than by national security, todays Democratic leaders see America as an occupier, not a liberator. And nothing makes this Marine madder than someone calling American troops occupiers rather than liberators. -- Zell Miller