Democratic Iraq quotes:

  • A genuinely democratic Iraq might well act as a fresh spur. -- Douglas Hurd
  • Clearly, a stable, unified and democratic Iraq cannot be achieved militarily by the U.S. -- John Olver
  • We must remain steadfast in our commitment to our troops, and to those fighting for a free and democratic Iraq because freedom makes our country and the world a safer place. -- Chris Chocola
  • The terrorists know what is at stake, which is why they are pulling out all the stops to derail our efforts. They understand that a free and democratic Iraq is a serious blow to their interests. -- Elizabeth Dole
  • We have reached an important milestone and achieved a new momentum in reaching a goal all Americans should embrace - building a secure, peaceful, democratic Iraq that is no longer a threat to the United States or the international community. -- Joe Lieberman
  • Iraq is the central battleground in the war on terror. The terrorists certainly know what is at stake, which is why they are pulling out all the stops to derail our efforts there. They know that a free and democratic Iraq is a serious blow to their interests. -- Elizabeth Dole
  • I believe the democratic transformation in Iraq will lead to change in Middle East. -- Jalal Talabani
  • Iraq's elite Republican Guard is doing so badly they're changing their name to the Democratic Guard. -- David Letterman
  • Lasting peace and security in Iraq and Afghanistan will be achieved when we establish the conditions for democratic, economically viable nations. -- John Warner
  • Saddam's ouster will not necessarily lead to the same result, since Iraq lacks democratic traditions. Democracy doesn't just consist of holding elections. -- Brent Scowcroft
  • The people of Iraq realize that a stable, successful, democratic Iraq can only come about if average Iraqis are willing to sacrifice to build it. -- John Ensign
  • A democratic and stable Iraq and Afghanistan are essential to our broader efforts to make no place safe for terrorists and to win the War on Terrorism. -- Ben Nelson
  • The completion of the Iraqi cabinet with the appointment of three critical ministers is also confirmation of continued movement toward a just and democratic society in Iraq. -- Spencer Bachus
  • We urge all democratic nations and the United Nations to answer the Iraqi Governing Council's call for support for the people of Iraq in making the transition to democracy. -- Dick Cheney
  • Iraq may get peace and stability through restoring it's sovereignty under participation of all Iraqi factions and sectarian groups, who must rebuild a new democratic, free and independent Iraq. -- Bill Vaughan
  • Iraq may get peace and stability through restoring it's sovereignty under participation of all Iraqi factions and sectarian groups, who must rebuild a new democratic, free and independent Iraq. -- Bill Vaughan