Beginning of periods quotes:

  • It is in revolutionary periods that the culmination of previous trends and the beginning of new ones appear. -- C. L. R. James
  • As you know, in most areas of science, there are long periods of beginning before we really make progress. -- Eric Kandel
  • I am convinced that when the history of international law comes to be written centuries hence, it will be divided into two periods: the first being from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century, and the second beginning with the Hague Conference. -- Ludwig Quidde
  • I'm married to Kevin, a photographer whose career has put him on the campaign trail with presidential candidates and sent him on assignment to far-flung places for long periods of time. It was sometimes rough when our children were small, and I was beginning to write in earnest. -- Nancy Horan
  • I find I often just fall into a stone-like sleep, right in the middle of the day, just sort of clonk. I can't work for extended periods when I'm beginning something. But if I'm at the end of something, I can work on for hours and hours and hours. -- Deborah Eisenberg