Amazement quotes:

  • Amazement awaits us at every corner. -- James Broughton
  • Write in recollection and amazement for yourself. -- Jack Kerouac
  • I play a musical instrument a little, but only for my own amazement. -- Fred Allen
  • Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods. -- Plato
  • People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure. -- David Attenborough
  • When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms. -- Mary Oliver
  • I mean people up here aren't stupid, I'm lower gene pool and I kind of sit in amazement at watching some of them because they are pretty damn smart. -- Doug Ose
  • The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amazement, distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by survivors, and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance. -- Maya Angelou
  • Amazement + Gratitude + Openness + Appreciation = an irresistible field of energy -- Frederick Dodson
  • Those who are Awake live in a state of constant amazement ... -- Jack Kornfield
  • It's amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions. -- Ben Stein
  • I was Amazement--I was Desire--I was Ecstasy and Rapture and the slightest bit of Greed." -- Sharon Shinn
  • I was Amazement--I was Desire--I was Ecstasy and Rapture and the slightest bit of Greed. -- Sharon Shinn
  • Life is amazing: and the teacher had better prepare himself to be a medium for that amazement. -- Edward Blishen
  • We are never nearer Christ than when we find ourselves lost in a holy amazement at His unspeakable love. -- John Owen
  • All mathematicians share... a sense of amazement over the infinite depth and the mysterious beauty and usefulness of mathematics. -- Martin Gardner
  • Even the people who come our way look upon us in amazement, that we run only for the healing of Mother Earth -- Dennis Banks
  • A moving or movement away from a station A waving away from a waving a motion Amazement a moment amazing a waving -- Jim Morrison
  • Amazement and wonder signify that one's concepts of self and of the world and of other people are ready to be re-formed. -- Sidney Jourard
  • If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you. -- Les Brown
  • Love withers with predictability; its very essence is surprise and amazement. To make love a prisoner of the mundane is to take its passion and lose it forever. -- Leo Buscaglia
  • My father says that almost the whole world is asleep, everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement. -- Meg Ryan
  • Sometime in the last ten years the best brains of the Occident discovered to their amazement that we live in an Environment. This discovery has been forced on us by the realization that we are approaching the limits of something. -- Gary Snyder
  • Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed. -- Abraham Joshua Heschel
  • Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century's developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age. -- Richard Lindzen
  • There are moments when one feels free from one's own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable; life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only Being. -- Albert Einstein
  • The Cro-Magnons lived with fear and amazement in a culture of Arrival, facing many mysteries. Their culture lasted for some 20,000 years. -- John Berger
  • Even the people who come our way look upon us in amazement, that we run only for the healing of Mother Earth. -- Dennis Banks
  • When I got on the set of 'Saving Private Ryan,' I discovered, to my amazement, that Steven Spielberg is a gamer. -- Vin Diesel
  • The launch of a space shuttle can still make you weep with amazement and wonder, if you happen to be watching it. -- Hanna Rosin
  • The fact that I ended up married to a decent man is still a source of amazement to me, thanks to 'The Women's Room.' -- Catherine Jinks
  • The human bird shall take his first flight, filling the world with amazement, all writings with his fame, and bringing eternal glory to the nest whence he sprang. -- Leonardo da Vinci
  • On 'EastEnders,' if someone gets surprising news on the phone, the scene ends with them looking at their handset in amazement. No one in real life does that. -- Robert Webb
  • I've watched with amazement as Local Motors has pioneered a co-creation and micro-manufacturing model that has democratized the development and production of complex machines, effectively transforming consumer choice from supply-driven to demand-driven. -- Bre Pettis
  • When I finished grad school, I sort of fell into journalism. Someone mentioned that there was an entry-level job at the Reuters News Agency. I applied, and, to my amazement, I got the job. -- Wolf Blitzer
  • And if a person is religious, I think it's good, it helps you a bit. But if you're not, at least you can have the sense that there is a condition inside you which looks at the stars with amazement and awe. -- Maya Angelou
  • I doubt that I could create a character I loathed simply because when a character takes life, it is impossible not to be a little amazed by the phenomenon, and to find that the amazement has something of the quality of delight. -- Marilynne Robinson
  • I want people who see my watches to go, 'Wow!' And the more they look at them, the more they go into it, the more I want them to say, 'Wow!' I work on a razor blade between gimmickry and amazement. -- Richard Mille
  • The fundamental aspect of video is not the image, even though you can stand in amazement at what can be done electronically, how images can be manipulated and the really extraordinary creative possibilities. For me the essential basis of video is the movement - something that exists at the moment and changes in the next moment. -- Bill Viola
  • Our most fundamental social need, it turns out, to my amazement, is love. Now, I'm not a hippie-dippie whatever. If you look at the literature, our most fundamental need for children is an environment of maximum love, and that they can be hugged, kissed, and loved. That's what humanises us and allows us to realise our whole dimension. -- David Suzuki
  • All the way back in 1999, when I first stumbled upon the idea of a project tracking John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson and all the major Depression-era bank robbers, I thought the subject was too big to be a single book. Instead, with a friend's help, I pitched the idea as a miniseries to HBO. To my amazement, they bought it. -- Bryan Burrough
  • Working with the children on 'Matilda' has been a joy. They don't do this professionally - their sense of discovery is instinctive, and the challenge for us adults is to keep that going in ourselves when we're doing it for the fiftieth or the hundredth time. To my delight and amazement, it hasn't gone stale - we discover it freshly every time. -- Bertie Carvel
  • When I write, I feel that I'm writing with my intellect. When I paint, I think it's some other force making me paint. I - as I wrote in my novel 'My Name is Red' - watch with amazement what my hand is doing on the paper, what kind of line, what kind of strange, beautiful thing it's doing in spite of my will, so to speak. -- Orhan Pamuk
  • O amazement of things-even the least particle! -- Walt Whitman
  • The true scientist never loses the faculty of amazement. -- Hans Selye
  • The highest goal that man can achieve is amazement. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • The very fact of snow is such an amazement. -- Roger Ebert
  • The mystery was gone but the amazement was just starting. -- Andy Warhol
  • Senators are a never-ending source of amusement, amazement, and discouragement. -- Will Rogers
  • Life is a fairy tale. Live it with wonder and amazement. -- Welwyn Wilton Katz
  • Poetry is a language in which man explores his own amazement. -- Christopher Fry
  • Existence itself is nothing if not an amazement. Good poems restore amazement. -- Jane Hirshfield
  • Be collected. No more amazement. Tell your piteous heart There's no harm done. -- William Shakespeare
  • Aphrodite," she said. "Venus?" Hazel asked in amazement. "Mom," Piper said, with no enthusiasm. -- Rick Riordan
  • Watch with awe and amazement at how quickly an engineer will become totally annoyed by inefficiency. -- Rands
  • Wonder or radical amazement is the chief characteristic of the religious man's attitude toward history and nature. -- Abraham Joshua Heschel
  • The ultimate test of our spirituality is the measure of our amazement at the grace of God. -- David Lloyd-Jones
  • Attention, if sudden and close, graduates into surprise; and this into astonishment; and this into stupefied amazement. -- Charles Darwin
  • Christ dazzles me and stirs within me such feelings of amazement that I can never get over Him. -- Aiden Wilson Tozer
  • One day people will look back with amazement that we ever sought to grow our food with poisons. -- John Robbins
  • My wisdom is as spurned as chaos. What is my nothingness, compared to the amazement that awaits you? -- Arthur Rimbaud
  • There is no reason for amazement: surely one always knew that cultures decay, and life's end is death. -- Robinson Jeffers
  • We are, none of us, 'either' mothers or daughters; to our amazement, confusion, and greater complexity, we are both. -- Adrienne Rich
  • Joy and amazement of the beauty and grandeur of this world of which man can just form a faint notion... -- Albert Einstein
  • See, how the liver is swollen larger than a fat goose! In amazement you will exclaim: Where could this possibly grow? -- Martial
  • DREAM PREDICTION ELITE is the realization of true amazement in your audiences reactions. This is PURE GOLD - A REAL WINNER -- Banachek
  • I think every discovery of the world plunges us into jubilation, a radical amazement that tears apart the veil of triviality. -- Judy Cannato
  • It is extraordinary to see how the discovery of one single free stroke of paint can fill you with such joy and amazement. -- Michele Cassou
  • I do not think a day passes in my life in which I fail to look with fresh amazement at the miracle of nature. -- Pablo Casals
  • We have got to abandon the sense of amazement in the face of creativity, as if it were a miracle if anybody created anything. -- Abraham Maslow
  • To his amazement, he could already hear Henry snoring in the backseat. That guy could fall asleep on a car trip to the mailbox. -- Heather Brewer
  • Tyson was still staring at Chiron in amazement. He whimpered like he wanted to pat Chiron's flank but was afraid to come closer. "Pony? -- Rick Riordan
  • Impatience turns an ague into a fever, a fever to the plague, fear into despair, anger into rage, loss into madness, and sorrow to amazement. -- Jeremy Taylor
  • Lack of understanding, along with outright anti-Christian prejudice, leads to journalistic amazement or horror at the supposed self-deception of those who do see a spiritual realm. -- Marvin Olasky
  • I still remember Botvinnik's reaction to each of my games, right from the opening moves. At first he would express amazement, then annoyance, and, finally irritation. -- Anatoly Karpov
  • Half the time I read Hayek's The Sensory Order with amazement at the extent of his reading and comprehension . . he is right . . most of the time. -- Edwin Boring
  • I looked back and forth at them in amazement. I didn't know if I was witnessing a fight or foreplay. I wasn't thrilled about either option. -- Richelle Mead
  • I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular. -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Suddenly I awake to a stark amazement at everything... To be alive is so incredible that all I can do is to lie still and merely breathe. -- W.N.P. Barbellion
  • I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular. -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Like a rustic at a fair, we are full of amazement and rapture, and have no thought of going home, or that it will soon be night. -- William Hazlitt
  • Now and then there comes a crash of thunder in a storm, and we look up with amazement when he sets the heavens on a blaze with his lightning. -- Charles Spurgeon
  • I'm from the East Coast. I love the city. I love the characters. I love the kind of people we are, the kind other people look at in amazement. -- Ralph Bakshi
  • It was a constant source of amazement to Alexia that the only thing she had ever done in her entire life that pleased her mama was marry a werewolf. -- Gail Carriger
  • When we trust our creativity we encounter a supreme kind of enjoyment - an amazement at the natural unfolding of life beyond our ordinary way of looking at things. -- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
  • The very fact that we make such a to-do over golden weddings indicates our amazement at human endurance. The celebration is more in the nature of a reward for stamina. -- Ilka Chase
  • We tend to tell strangers what we think will make us sound good. I myself, to my utter amazement, informed a telephone pollster that I exercised regularly, a bare-faced lie. -- Katha Pollitt
  • Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement . . . says heaven and earth in one word . . . speaks of himself and his predicament as though for the first time. -- Christopher Fry
  • With amazement and disappointment, we discovered in late October and early November that the beaten Russians seemed quite unaware that as a military force they had almost ceased to exist. -- Gunther Blumentritt
  • I have listened And I have looked With open eyes. I have poured my soul Into the world Seeking the unknown Within the known. And I sing out loud In amazement. -- Rabindranath Tagore
  • Often I am struck in amazement about a word: I suddenly realize that the complete arbitrariness of our language is but a part of the arbitrariness of our own world in general. -- Christian Morgenstern
  • You're a guardian angel now. I was still too much in awe to wrap my mind around it, but at the same time I felt amazement, curiosity...happinessI'm your guardian angel, he said. -- Becca Fitzpatrick
  • Everyone declares that love is irrational, and yet everytime this statement is proven correct, they profess amazement. They seem to assume that love will make an exception in their case. It never does. -- Jessica Zafra
  • Were you hugging Clary?" He looked at Sebastian in amazement. Sebastian shrugged. "She's my sister. I'm pleased to see her." "You don't hug people," Jace said. "I ran out of time to bake a casserole. -- Cassandra Clare