Amalgamation quotes:

  • Amalgamation is a good word that I like to use - musically and in every way. -- Valerie June
  • Out of association grows adhesion, and out of adhesion amalgamation. -- Charlotte Bronte
  • CA means Charismatic Amalgamation of great experiences of life. I am a Chartered Accountant. -- Vikrmn
  • There is no process of amalgamation by which opinions, wrong individually, can become right merely by their multitude. -- John Ruskin
  • I don't think there's any such thing as rock n' roll anymore - it's an amalgamation of business interests. -- John Lydon
  • The cosmos is a complex amalgamation of sounds. One of the key sounds through which you can experience the cosmic nature of creation is Shambho. -- Jaggi Vasudev
  • It's the coolest part about writing music. I don't know how other people work, but so much is derived from some amalgamation of all these different songs that I love. That's why they jump all over the place. -- Nate Ruess
  • Some mechanism in my sub-consciousness took the dominant characteristics of various prize-fighters, gunmen, bootleggers, oil field bullies, gamblers, and honest workmen I had come in contact with, and combining them all, produced the amalgamation I call Conan the Cimmerian. -- Robert E. Howard
  • If, as Marshall McLuhan once taught us, the medium is the message, then Derfner's medium-this lovely, discursive amalgamation of wit and smarts-is indeed his message about how to stay happy, sane, and honest in whatever situation one finds oneself in. -- Philip Gambone
  • I will achieve in my life - Heaven grant that it be not long - some gigantic amalgamation between the two discrepancies so hideously apparent to me. Out of my suffering I will do it. I will knock. I will enter. -- Virginia Woolf
  • You can begin to see an amalgamation of cultures, the real beginning of one world. Ten years ago, it would have been impossible to imagine a Cockney singing group with a Southern Negro style and Indian and electronic music. I wonder if people have even noticed what a tremendous cultural signal the Beatles are. -- Alan Arkin
  • I'm an amalgamation of what I've needed to be. Part scholar, part rebel, part nobleman, part Mistborn, and part soldier. Sometimes I don't even know myself. I had a devil of a time getting all those pieces to work together. And, just when I'm starting to get it figured out, the world up and ends on me. -- Brandon Sanderson
  • Energy Engineering started first in IIT Kharagpur in 1983 and mine was the third batch. It was definitely not a popular course. It was basically an amalgamation of nuclear, mechanical, chemical engineering, etc. But I don't think it was a big factor because if we look, most of them joined the IT sectors and not the energy sector. -- Ramon Magsaysay
  • I am no longer interested in seeing and knowing everything all at once in my work. Technically I select the area of focus and if it's possible I try to make an amalgamation of every shape and color in the picture so that it acquires a circular movement: from representation to abstraction, from life to death, and vice-versa. -- Olivo Barbieri
  • World praises the amalgamation of conscious & unconscious, History is the testament. -- Shreyansh Jaiswal
  • World praises the amalgamation of unconscious & conscious, History is the testament. -- Shreyansh Jaiswal
  • People are trying to figure out what American food is; it's certainly an amalgamation. -- David Chang
  • There are certain natures of which the mutual influence is such, that the more they say, the more they have to say. For these out of association grows adhesion, and out of adhesion, amalgamation. -- Charlotte Bronte