Almost Love quotes:

  • Hands that never touch. Lips that never meet. The Almost Lovers, never to be. -- Rae Hachton
  • Perhaps there is no position more perilous to a man's honesty thanthat?of knowing himselftobe quiteloved by a girl whom he almost loves himself. -- Anthony Trollope
  • I recalled when I worked in the woods and the bars of Madras, Oregon. That short-haired joy and roughness America your stupidity. I could almost love you again. -- Gary Snyder
  • I don't really like politics that much. And I like the order and simplicity of sports. They have an ending. You can argue with your friends about it, but in the end you still like sports. I almost love the fantasy world of sports more than the real world. -- Norm MacDonald
  • My friends are much more dangerous than my enemies. These latter - with infinite subtlety - spin webs to keep me out of places where I hate to go, - and tell stories of me to people whom it would be vanity and vexation to meet; - and they help me so much by their unconscious aid that I almost love them. -- Lafcadio Hearn
  • Love is almost never simple. -- Dejan Stojanovic
  • Now I am almost entirely love. -- Hayden Carruth
  • almost all novels are love stories. -- George Sand
  • Failure to love is almost like murder. -- Boris Pasternak
  • In love deceit almost always outstrips distrust. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • I love super crispy, almost burned, snapping-crispy bacon. -- David Lynch
  • Reality and love are almost contradictory for me. -- Julie Delpy
  • But our hatred is almost indistinguishable from our love. -- Virginia Woolf
  • Love. It's so close to hate, it's almost indistinguishable. -- Melissa de la Cruz
  • I'd do almost anything for love, within safe boundaries. -- Brittany Murphy
  • I love being famous. It's almost like being white. -- Chris Rock
  • I love being single. It's almost like being rich. -- Sue Grafton
  • Almost everybody's happy to be a fool for love. -- Jack Nicholson
  • I love films that are made with almost no budget. -- Alan Moore
  • If love was easy, there would be almost no music. -- Jake Johannsen
  • Yeah, I love being famous. It's almost like being white, y'know? -- Chris Rock
  • In the opera we call love, the libretto is almost nothing. -- Victor Hugo
  • Love that is ignorant and hatred have almost the same ends. -- Ben Jonson
  • In abstract love of humanity one almost always only loves oneself. -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • I love bowling almost as much as I love not bowling. -- Demetri Martin
  • Love has the quality of informing almost everything - even one's work. -- Sylvia Ashton-Warner
  • Fraternal love, sometimes almost every thing, is at others worse than nothing. -- Jane Austen
  • I just love to experience things. I would do almost anything once. -- Brooke Burke
  • Love is seldomâ??almost neverâ??an even proposition. Someone always loves more. -- Emily Giffin
  • I love being in bed almost as much as I love food. -- Niall Horan
  • I love red so much, I almost want to paint everything red. -- Alexander Calder
  • Dreiser... I love... and almost wouldn't speak to anyone who ever attacked him. -- Marguerite Young
  • Constant love despite almost impossible anti-clamix towards this place of the rising sun... -- Alexander Zalan
  • I love the word warm. It is almost unbearable-- so moist and breathlike. -- Anne Sexton
  • I love telling stories, and am almost entirely unable to keep a secret. -- Ben Macintyre
  • Love is the eternal quest: almost everyone wants to love and be loved. -- Jay McInerney
  • You can love yourself spiritually, physically-in almost any way that anybody else can. -- Alice Walker
  • I love to be directed, and I can glean something from almost anyone. -- Swoosie Kurtz
  • I was almost one of The Magnificent Seven. I love horses and guns. -- Omar Chaparro
  • There is a kind of serenity in love which is almost a paradise. -- Alain Badiou
  • To love one that is great, is almost to be great one's self. -- Suzanne Curchod
  • I love flying. I've been to almost as many places as my luggage. -- Bob Hope
  • There is a kind of serenity in love which is almost a paradise, -- Alain Badiou
  • You can feel for almost everyone, but only one person can you love. -- Moffat Machingura
  • I am almost a vegetarian, and I meditate, do yoga and love to hike. -- Diane von Furstenberg
  • I love doing action; I love doing martial arts. There's almost something balletic about it. -- Michelle Ryan
  • On the streets, unrequited love and death go together almost as often as in Shakespeare. -- Scott Turow
  • I love life way too much and find fun in almost anything. I'm a chameleon. -- Kellan Lutz
  • Love is a capricious creature which desires everything and can be contented with almost nothing. -- Madeleine de Scudery
  • Fear can't be reasoned with. Neither can hate. They're like love. They're almost identical emotions. -- Rick Riordan
  • in love: a momentary instance of bein almost interested in someone else as in oneself! -- Belle de Jour
  • I love when a scene can almost be boring because it's so honest, you know. -- Dito Montiel
  • The most powerful symptom of love is a tenderness which becomes at times almost insupportable. -- Victor Hugo
  • I loved 'Burning Love,' and I really do love almost everything Paul Scheer touches. -- Kristen Schaal
  • What I love about Goofy is the flesh on his cheeks. You can almost feel it. -- John Lasseter
  • The Communists have no need to introduce free love; it has existed almost from time immemorial. -- Karl Marx
  • I love you, Tessa, and I have loved you, almost since the moment I met you. -- Cassandra Clare
  • I would say that I have a love-hate relationship with almost everything in my life, including stand-up. -- Chelsea Peretti
  • Whoever said love conquers all was a fool. Because almost everything conquers love - or tries to. -- Edna Ferber
  • I love us so incredibly, insanely deeply; it's almost unbearable to see what we do to ourselves. -- Alice Walker
  • I love dressing up for events; to me it's almost like wearing a costume for the evening. -- Tamsin Egerton
  • Almost as many inhumanities are committed in the name of love as in the name of religion. -- Bette Davis
  • I love the holiday season, almost as much as I love touching myself in front of orphans. -- Zach Braff
  • Almost every girl falls in love with the wrong man, I suppose it's part of growing up. -- Natalie Wood
  • I could write paper people and I would love them too; I could make them almost real. -- Ally Condie
  • I personally think that all the scene that you see, love scene, is pretty real, almost 100 percent. -- Tommy Wiseau
  • In my Corgan brain, I've decided it's almost as simple as 'All you need is love.' Almost. -- Billy Corgan
  • I love the fact that I get something new to do almost every day and have new challenges. -- Jim Lee
  • I went to a psychoanalyst. He explained things about my love life that I found very impressive... almost scary. -- Britney Spears
  • Breakups are a horrible thing for almost everybody I know. For someone who is a love addict, it's debilitating. -- Alanis Morissette
  • I love those tiny little onions in the spring that are so small they're almost like a little chive. -- Alice Waters
  • I love day trips around L.A. I'm a huge Disneyland junkie - I go almost every other weekend. -- Jessica Lowndes
  • A woman in love will do almost anything for a man, except give up the desire to improve him. -- Nathaniel Branden
  • I love fresh flowers for my home. I spend far too much money on them, buying them almost every day. -- Billie Piper
  • I love to watch football.I actually really love to watch almost any competition with a score at the end. -- Condoleezza Rice
  • Love of privacy - perhaps because of the increasing exactions of society - has become in many people almost pathological. -- Elizabeth Bowen
  • It's almost jarring when you go to play a different character, after playing someone for so long. I love it! -- Bridget Regan
  • Getting divorced just because you don't love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do. -- Zsa Zsa Gabor
  • Novels are sweets. All people with healthy literary appetites love them-almost all women; a vast number of clever, hardheaded men. -- William Makepeace Thackeray
  • Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them. This only looks like love. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • I love the sad songs with their maudlin, self-deprecating, almost funny lyrics. As an Englishman, they make a lot of sense. -- Teddy Thompson
  • ... love and fear increase together with a precision almost mathematical: the greater the love is then the greater the fear is. -- Josephine Winslow Johnson
  • She had fallen in love with him twice. She loved him now with both loves, so overpowering it was almost unbearable. -- Laini Taylor
  • Only in America can you find so many angry people claiming to love their country, while hating almost anyone in it. -- Don King
  • The mother's love for her child is very strong in Korean society - almost on the borderline of being an obsession. -- Bong Joon-ho
  • I love to go shopping at Target. They have so much stuff there, you can buy almost anything, it's really amazing. -- Liv Tyler
  • What was the scandal? I fell in love with this girl, married her. We have been married for almost 15 years now. -- Woody Allen
  • If those we love visit us when we dream, those who torment us almost always visit us when we're still awake. -- Alyson Richman
  • Abundance is like love. Everybody has it, but almost nobody sees it. - See more at: -- Xomphi
  • It almost seems that nobody can hate America as much as native Americans. America needs new immigrants to love and cherish it. -- Eric Hoffer
  • I think I would have been a hopeless spy. I love telling stories and am almost entirely unable to keep a secret. -- Ben Macintyre
  • I fell in love with flora of all types, especially ferns. Loved the sparse structure and repetition of shape - almost fractal. -- Jack Dorsey
  • Selfishness, control, and fear will break almost any relationship. Generosity, freedom, and love will create the most beautiful relationship: an ongoing romance. -- Don Miguel Ruiz
  • I love watching him think," Maeve told Lily. "You can almost hear that poor little hamster running and running on its wheel. -- Jim Butcher
  • Love ranges from just fascination to something almost spiritual. In the case with my wife Barbara it just keeps growing all the time. -- Roy Orbison
  • When love enters, the whole spiritual constitution of a man changes, is filled with the Holy Ghost, and almost his form is altered. -- D. H. Lawrence
  • I almost never watch TV, except for '60 Minutes' and pro football. I love Drew Brees, the Manning brothers and the Steelers' linebackers. -- Wynton Marsalis
  • There is hardly a more gracious gift that we can offer somebody than to accept them fully, to love them almost despite themselves. -- Elizabeth Gilbert
  • For paranoia about 'what other people think' : remember that only some hate, a very few love - and almost all just don't care. -- Alain de Botton
  • Between 9 and 10 AM the American radio is concerned almost exclusively with love. It seems a little like ending breakfast with a stiff bourbon. -- Dean Acheson
  • Loving what you do is almost as important as doing what you love, especially if you need to make a living at it. -- Seth Godin
  • Although we love the idea of choice - our culture almost worships it - we seek refuge in the familiar and the comfortable. -- Hugh Mackay
  • I was born to be a runner. I simply love to run. It's almost like the faster I go, the easier it becomes. -- Mary Decker
  • Hate is all that keeps us alive when love is gone. Youâ??re almost there. Not quite ready to let it go yet. -- Kim Harrison
  • I believe 'love' is very nice to hear, but it's used so much that it's come to a point where it's almost meaningless. -- Park Chan-wook
  • I love to go see live music. That used to be what I would do, almost every other night, and watch drummers play. -- Patty Schemel
  • The Will I fell in love with, she almost said."And be Will," she finished instead. "Or I shall hit you with my umbrella. -- Cassandra Clare
  • I believe there are more films that involve love and forgiveness than violence, but they often seem fake and are almost embarrassing to watch. -- Park Chan-wook
  • I think I have almost everything I could ever want. I have my family, and I have a lot of love in my life. -- Danny Wood
  • I confess I love littleness almost in all things. A little convenient estate, a little cheerful house, a little company, and a little feast.... -- Abraham Cowley
  • Always try to come back to your senses when in love, because that's the moment you become almost carried away by sensuality and sentiments. -- Michael Bassey Johnson
  • Loving is almost a substitute for thinking. Love is a burning forgetfulness of all other things. How shall we ask passion to be logical? -- Victor Hugo
  • It's an awesome feeling being a father, because you never think you can fall in love with something so quickly. It was almost immediate. -- Richard Sherman
  • Life can be magnificent and overwhelming -- that is the whole tragedy. Without beauty, love, or danger it would almost be easy to live. -- Albert Camus
  • I see my studio like a laboratory, where I work like an investigator - it's almost forensic. I love the discovery process in painting. -- Ross Bleckner
  • The basis of world peace is the teaching which runs through almost all the great religions of the world. Love thy neighbor as thyself. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
  • I love to rescue animals.... The pounds were so crowded they were putting animals down almost immediately. Seven thousand dogs were put to sleep. -- Laura Dern
  • I, who so love a hermit life for a good part of the day, find myself living in public, and almost losing my identity. -- Elizabeth Blackwell
  • Great loves were almost always great tragedies. Perhaps it was because love was never truly great until the element of sacrifice entered into it. -- Mary Roberts Rinehart
  • Love, safety, belongingness and respect from other people are almost panaceas for the situational disturbances and even for some of the mild character disturbances. -- Abraham Maslow