Thumper Quotes in Diamonds Are Forever (1971)


Thumper Quotes:

  • Bambi: [seductively] I'm "Bambi."

    Thumper: And I am "Thumper." Is there something we can do for you?

    James Bond: I can think of several things, off hand...

  • James Bond: And, eh, that's all there is to it?

    Thumper: Not quite. First, we're going to have a ball!

    [Knees Bond in the crotch]

  • Flower: [about two birds fluttering around] Well! What's the matter with them?

    Thumper: Why are they acting that way?

    Friend Owl: Why, don't you know? They're twitterpated.

    FlowerThumperBambi: Twitterpated?

    Friend Owl: Yes. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example: you're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden, you run smack into a pretty face. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head's in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather; and before you know it, you're walking on air. And then you know what? You're knocked for a loop, and you completely lose your head!

    Thumper: Gosh. That's awful.

    Flower: Gee whiz.

    Bambi: Terrible!

    Friend Owl: And that ain't all. It can happen to anybody. So you'd better be careful.

    [points at Bambi]

    Friend Owl: It could happen to you...

    [points at Thumper]

    Friend Owl: ...and you, and...

    [Flower looks at Owl shyly]

    Friend Owl: Yes, it could even happen to you!

    Thumper: Well, it's not gonna happen to me.

    Bambi: Me neither.

    Flower: Me neither.

  • Thumper: "Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

  • Thumper: He doesn't walk very good, does he?

    Mrs. Rabbit: Thumper!

    Thumper: Yes, mama?

    Mrs. Rabbit: What did your father tell you this morning?

    Thumper: If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.

  • Thumper: I'm thumpin'! That's why they call me Thumper!

    [we hear an echo of "They call me Thumper!" from inside the log]

  • Thumper: Hiya, Bambi! Watch what I can do!

    [jumps into the frozen pond and slides on the ice]

    Thumper: Come on, it's all right. Look.

    [thumps on ice]

    Thumper: The water's stiff.

  • Thumper: Whatcha gonna call 'im?

    Bambi's Mother: Well, I think I'll call him Bambi.

    Thumper: Bambi... Yep, I guess that'll do all right.

  • [first lines]

    Thumper: Wake up, wake up!

  • Thumper: [after hearing his sisters] Aww, for crying out loud!

  • Thumper: Being brave is easy.

    Bambi: It is?

    Thumper: Sure, watch this. Argh!

    Flower: I think he's got a hairball.

    Thumper: No, silly. I'm being brave. All you got to do is be scarier than whatever's scaring you.

  • Thumper: I'm a mountain lion! Roar!

    Bambi: I'm a... I'm a bear! Maaa!

    Flower: I'm a turtle. Rrrr!


    Flower: What? Turtles are so scary.

  • Thumper: [about his sisters] You know, they're okay for sisters. It's just too bad they're girls.

    Faline: [clearly offended] Hey!

    Thumper: Oops

  • Thumper: [to Bambi] If you're scared, just be scarier than whatever's scaring you!

  • Thumper: Oh, come on! You jumped farther than this yesterday!

    Bambi: [Nervous] I... don't know...

    Thumper: [Tauntingly] You're not afraaaiid, are ya?

    [Bambi gets scared]

    Thumper: [sing-song voice] You're too afraaaiid! You cannot juuuump! Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyyyah-nyah! Nyah-nyah, nyaaaahhh!

    [Bambi runs back and does a big jump]

    Thumper: [Amazed] You did it!

  • Bambi: Oh! I gotta go! My dad's waiting for me!

    Additional Voices: Bye, Bambi.

    Thumper: Aww, Bambi, you never have time for us anymore.

    Faline: Yeah. Isn't it wonderful?

  • Thumper: Clobber him, Bambi!

  • Thumper's Mother: What did your father tell you?

    Thumper: 'Bout What?

    Thumper's Mother: About playing with your sisters.

    Thumper: Oh that 1. A family that stays together, plays togther, even if it means taking your dumb sisters.

  • Thumper: Maybe there's a reason you repressed the day some pervert had you in your tighty-whities.

    [glances at Evan's journals]

    Thumper: I'd think twice about what you're doing. You could wake up a lot more fucked up than you are now.

    Evan: More fucked up than I already am? You think you know me? *I* don't know me!

  • Evan: Hey Thumper, you got the time?

    Thumper: Whatsa matter, you lost your Rolex? Fuck you frat-boy!

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