The Rapist Quotes in Grindhouse (2007)


The Rapist Quotes:

  • The Rapist: I've seen me a lot of weird shit in my day, but I ain't never seen a one-legged stripper. I seen me a stripper with one breast. And I seen me a stripper with twelve toes. I've even seen me a stripper with no brains at all, but I ain't never seen a one-legged stripper. And I've been to Morocco.

  • Cherry: You a doctor?

    Dr. Dakota Block: Hm. I was earlier tonight.

    Cherry: I always wanted to be a doctor, instead, I can do this. Useless talent number 66. I'm very pliable.

    Dr. Dakota Block: You know my girlfriend had a theory, she said that you find a use for every useless talent you ever had.

    Cherry: I'm not that optimistic. I feel like I'm stuck a drain and I can't get out.

    Dr. Dakota Block: [Interrupts Cherry] She'd say, "when you're stuck in that spiral, just reach up".

    Cherry: What if there's nothing up there?

    Dr. Dakota Block: Just reach up.

    The Rapist: [Comes in] You're a dancer.

    Cherry: I was earlier tonight.

    The Rapist: Well I'm pulling you out of retirement!

  • The Rapist: [muffled] You like Ava Gardner?

    Cherry: Sorry?

    The Rapist: [takes off gas mask] Ava Gardner. D'you like her?

    Cherry: Yeah, I guess.

    The Rapist: I was just thinkin' that you, uh, kinda look like Ava Gardner, a little bit.

    The Rapist: [stops elevator and turns back to Cherry] You have somethin' you wanna say to me?

    Cherry: I have nothing to say to you.

    The Rapist: You have nothing to say to me? That's funny, cuz I could've sworn you just gave me a 'fuck you' look right now. You wanna say 'fuck you' to me?

    Cherry: Not at this moment.

    The Rapist: [pulls gun out of holster] You know what this is?

    Cherry: A gun.

    The Rapist: It's simplicity itself. You see, you point it at what you want to die. And you pull the little trigger here. And a little bullet comes outta here.

    [presses gun barrel against Cherry's cheek]

    The Rapist: And the little bullet... hits you right there!

    [indicates Cherry's forehead]

    The Rapist: And you know what? You don't look like Ava Gardner no more.

    The Rapist: [grabs her hair as giant bubbles appear on his face] Do not taunt me, tramp. I am not one to be taunted. Say 'I got it'. SAY 'I GOT IT'!

    Cherry: I... got it.

    [turns elevator back on]

    Cherry: [to herself] Tool.

  • The Rapist: I'm gettin' my dick wet.

    Rapist #2: She's only got one leg.

    The Rapist: Easier access.

    Rapist #2: Oh... that is a good point.

  • The Rapist: I've seen me a lot of weird shit in my day, but I ain't never seen a one-legged stripper. I seen me a stripper with one breast. And I seen me a stripper with twelve toes. I've even seen me a stripper with no brains at all, but I ain't never seen a one-legged stripper. And I've been to Morocco.

  • The Rapist: [muffled under the mask] Do you like Ava Gardner?

    Cherry Darling: Sorry?

    The Rapist: [removes his mask] Ava Gardner, do you like her?

    Cherry Darling: Yeah, I guess...

    The Rapist: I was just thinking that you, uh, kinda look like Ava Gardner a little bit.

    [pulls out his pistol]

    The Rapist: You know what this is?

    Cherry Darling: A gun...

    The Rapist: It's simplicity itself: you see, you point it at what you wanta die, and you pull the little trigger here, and a little bullet comes outta here, and the little bullet hits you

    [taps her between the eyes]

    The Rapist: right there! And you know what? You don't look like Ava Gardner no more.

  • The Rapist: You're a dancer?

    Cherry Darling: I was earlier tonight.

    The Rapist: [grabs Cherry by her hair] Well, I'm pulling you out of retirement!

  • [watching Cherry and Dakota on a TV monitor]

    The Rapist: I'm gettin' my dick wet.

    Rapist #2: She's only got one leg.

    The Rapist: Easier access.

    Rapist #2: Oh... that is a good point.

  • The Rapist: [after Cherry breaks her leg in his eye] I bet you thought that was pretty funny? You gave me some wood, now I'm gonna give you...

    [pulls down pants]

    The Rapist: ...some fucking wood!

    [Cherry, Dakota, and even the second rapist look with shock and disgust as the rapist's genetilia begins melting off!]

    Rapist #2: Gas! You need gas! Put your mask back on!

    The Rapist: No, no, fuck the gas. I'm just gonna have to make this quick!

  • The Rapist: I see what I want.

    [motioning to Billie]

    The Rapist: And this is it.

    First Madame: Well, you can't always get what you see.

    [Pulling him to the door]

    First Madame: And since you don't want what you CAN get, you know where you can go. And this is it!

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