The Great Prince Quotes in Bambi II (2006)


The Great Prince Quotes:

  • [First lines]

    Bambi: Mother! Mother! Moth...


    The Great Prince: Your mother can't be with you anymore. Come.

  • The Great Prince: A prince does not say "Woo-hoo."

  • Bambi: She's not coming back, is she?

    The Great Prince: No.

  • Bambi: It was mother. I heard her voice.

    The Great Prince: That was one of Man's tricks!

    Bambi: But I thought...

    The Great Prince: What if I didn't come in time? When I tell you to run, you run! Never freeze like that again, ever!

    Bambi: I'm... I'm sorry.

  • The Great Prince: Did you jump?

    Bambi: Uh, yeah.

    The Great Prince: I didn't make a jump like that until I had antlers.

  • [Last lines]

    Bambi: I didn't even know this place was here.

    The Great Prince: Beautiful, isn't it? This... this is where I met your mother.

    Bambi: Really?

    The Great Prince: Yes. I was just about your age.

    Bambi: What were you like?

    The Great Prince: Me? Let me think... Actually, I was a lot like you.

  • The Great Prince: I think it's best to leave the past in the past. A Prince does not look back. Only ahead.

  • The Great Prince: [yawns and grumbles] Remind me to never let you eat blossoms before bedtime.

  • Bambi: [trying to master his dad's advice, he walks along with his eyes closed] Feel the forest. Feel the forest.

    The Great Prince: [seeing where Bambi is going] Bambi!

    Bambi: Feel the - OOF!

    [walks headfirst into a tree]

    Bambi: Heh, heh. Felt it.

  • The Great Prince: Friend Owl.

    Owl: Excuse me, sir, I hope I'm not intruding but... well... I just had to come.

    [Looks at Bambi]

    Owl: Poor little fella. So young to be without his mother. Well, if I can be of any help...

    [starts to fly away]

  • The Great Prince: Everything must get rest, Bambi.


    The Great Prince: Some at night, some during the day...

    [grumbling slightly]

    The Great Prince: ... some not at all.

  • The Great Prince: Bambi, a prince does not...

    Bambi: That's all you care about! Not about me!

    The Great Prince: Don't you speak to me...

    Bambi: [running off] I wish Mother was here instead of you!

  • The Great Prince: Wait. I could use your help - find me a suitable doe to raise Bambi.

    Owl: Oh, yes, of course.


    Owl: Eh, food's so scarce, does can barely feed themselves. Uh, perhaps you could...?

  • The Great Prince: Me? You know as well as I do - a Prince looks after the herd, does care for the young.

    Owl: But you are his father, and circumstances being what they are...

  • The Great Prince: [looks up, sighs] Until Spring.

    Owl: Oh, excellent. After all: who better to raise the Young Prince than the Great Prince himself!

    [flies away]

  • The Great Prince: Bambi, a prince awakens before the forest does. If you are late again, I shall have no choice but to...

    [Bambi's stomach gurgles]

    The Great Prince: What was that?

    Bambi: What was what?

    [his stomach gurgles again, and he laughs nervously]

    Bambi: I guess it was my stomach.

    The Great Prince: Then you should eat.

    [Bambi pauses confused]

    The Great Prince: Oh, well, I suppose I should find you something to eat.

    [the prince digs up some snow revealing a nearly dead plant]

    Bambi: Ehh. No thank you.

    The Great Prince: Have you ever tried it?

    Bambi: Well, no.

    The Great Prince: Then how do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?

  • The Great Prince: Run, Bambi! Go, now!

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