The Commander Quotes in Gwok chaan Ling Ling Chat (1994)


The Commander Quotes:

  • Ling Ling Chai: I thought Organization had forgotten me already.

    The Commander: How could it be? Even a tissue or underpants have their own value.

    Ling Ling Chai: This analogy is really superb.

  • Da Mansi: [Chai and Mansi are on their way to the national agency after being summoned] So, Chai, you've been working as a pork merchant in these 10 years?

    Ling Ling Chai: No, I'm just a down and out pork butcher.

    Da Mansi: I'm not doing well either, I'm just a poor little greengrocer. But luckily, I have a part-time job in the National Psychiatric Hospital doing research.

    The Commander: What research?

    Da Mansi: Being researched.

    The Commander: [nods] That's great.

  • The Commander: What kinda of knife is that?

    Ling Ling Chai: Meat cleaver. Simply for cleaving beasts.

  • The Commander: Now, look Matthews. We are here to do a job. You just concentrate on doing yours.

    Jeb: My job? Sir, I still don't understand what we're doing here...

  • The Commander: You must come up and launch with me sometime.

  • The Commander: You cannot help these people. No one can help these people.

  • The Commander: Nobody cares about these people.

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Characters on Gwok chaan Ling Ling Chat (1994)