The Chaplain Quotes in Battleground (1949)


The Chaplain Quotes:

  • The Chaplain: [at an interfaith service for the soldiers] Now it's nearly Christmas... and here we are in beautiful Bastogne enjoying the winter sports. And the $64 question is: "Was this trip necessary?" I'll try to answer that. But my sermons, like everything else in the army... depend on the situation and the terrain. So I assure you this is going to be a quickie. Was this trip necessary? Let's look at the facts. Nobody wanted this war but the Nazis. A great many people tried to deal with them, and a lot of them are dead. Millions have died... for no other reason except that the Nazis wanted them dead. So, in the final showdown, there was nothing left to do except fight. There's a great lesson in this. Those of us who've learned it the hard way aren't going to forget it. We must never again let any force dedicated to a super-race... or a super-idea, or super-anything... become strong enough to impose itself upon a free world. We must be smart enough and tough enough in the beginning... to put out the fire before it starts spreading. My answer to the sixty-four dollar question is yes, this trip was necessary. As the years go by, a lot of people are going to forget. But you won't. And don't ever let anybody tell you you were a sucker to fight in the war against fascism. And now, Jerry permitting, let us pray. Almighty God...

    [artillery drowns him out]

    The Chaplain: The organist is hitting those bass notes a little too loud for me to be heard. So let each of us pray in his own way, to his own God.

  • The Chaplain: [awaits news about his prospective eye operation. Sits up as he hears the Padre come out of a room with a German doctor] Well, lad, it's me again.

    Lt. David Lennox: Yes, Padre?

    The Chaplain: David... They can't operate.

    Lt. David Lennox: [stunned] Not... ever?

    The Chaplain: No, David.

    Lt. David Lennox: I won't ever see again?

    [gets upset]

    Lt. David Lennox: I don't believe it. It's that German doctor! When I get back to Scotland...

    The Chaplain: No! David, it's no use. You've got to face it.

    Lt. David Lennox: I'll not need this any more.

    [removes bandages from around eyes]

    The Chaplain: You feel now there's nothing left to live for. And that feeling will go on for a long time. But then you'll begin to remember things that are left. You'll begin to realize that this darkness of yours is not absolute. David, the things that make life worthwhile for all of us -kindness, affection, companionship. The loss of your sight can never rob you of those things, David. We're your friends here. We offer you our help and understanding. And waiting to welcome you home, when all this is over, are your own folk who love you.

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