Ted Winter Quotes in Salt (2010)


Ted Winter Quotes:

  • Ted Winter: Any chance she could follow?

    President's Secret Service Agent: My own men couldn't get through that door once it's closed.

    Ted Winter: Yeah, well, unfortunately, she isn't one of your men.

  • Ted Winter: At least I was right. I had a feeling we'd lost you back there in North Korea. I could see how moved you were by Mike's little white-knight routine. You were supposed to recruit him, Ev, not fall in love with him. That's why I told Orlov to pick him up. By the way, how is Mike?

    Evelyn Salt: Orlov is dead.

    Ted Winter: Well, that's good news. Saved me the trouble. I had to practically twist his arm to get him blow your cover at the CIA. You see, he wanted you to come out of this alive.

    Evelyn Salt: But you needed somebody to take the blame. I'm the patsy.

    Ted Winter: And I'm the hero. Congratulations, Ev. You're about to become famous.

  • Ted Winter: That's her. That's Evelyn Salt. Give me your sidearm. I'm qualified on it.

    President's Secret Service Agent: No. Sorry, only secret service possess firearms in the President's vicinity.

    Ted Winter: Screw protocol, Jinks. We got an enemy agent out there.

    President's Secret Service Agent: Protocol's protocol, sir.

    [Winter takes his firearm]

    Ted Winter: And dead

    [shoots him]

    Ted Winter: is dead.

    National Security Advisor: I'm a National Security advisor!

    [kills him; only the President is left]

    Ted Winter: Not anymore.

    [pointing gun at President]

    Ted Winter: Sit down.

    U.S. President Lewis: Who are you?

    Ted Winter: My name, Mr. President, is Nikolia Tarkovsky, and unless you do exactly as I say, I'm the last person you will ever see.

  • Ted Winter: Look, Ev, try to stay calm.

    Evelyn Salt: I'm not a goddamn Russian spy.

    Ted Winter: I didn't say you were. Let's go to my office, we can sort this out.

    Peabody: No, no. We gotta go to a secure location. Now.

    Ted Winter: All right. Doesn't get any more secure than this. Ev? Five minutes.

    Evelyn Salt: Call Protective Services, find Mike.

    Ted Winter: I will.

    Evelyn Salt: This is bullshit.

  • Ted Winter: [rattled by underling] "Sir"? Do I look like a "sir" to you?

    Evelyn Salt: From head to toe. I'm surprised he didn't call you "Your Majesty".

    Ted Winter: I like the ring of that. I think I'd prefer "Your Majesty".

  • Peabody: I'd say she's a trained goddamn liar, and everything she's said up until now has been to protect her cover.

    Ted Winter: Why don't you tell me how you really feel about it.

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