Sykes Quotes in Oblivion (2013)


Sykes Quotes:

  • Jack Harper: What Horatius said was, "How can a man die better / Than facing fearful odds"

    Sykes: Drones! Get inside! Get inside!

    Jack Harper: "For the ashes of his fathers / And the temples of his Gods"

    Sally: I created you, Jack. I am your God.

    Jack Harper: Fuck you, Sally.

  • Sykes: We're wasting our time. The drone will track him here.

    Malcolm Beech: That's Sergeant Sykes. He thinks I'm a fool for having brought you here. I hope you prove him wrong.

  • Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: How'd you lose that arm?

    Sykes: In the line of duty.

  • Sykes: What is this - a trench coat convention?

  • [on Kimble]

    Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Does he have a reason to come after you?

    Sykes: [sarcastically] Well, hell yeah I have a prosthetic arm. I must have murdered his wife right?

    Sykes: Give me a break will you? I'll tell you what I told them a year ago, I wasn't in Chicago that night, fifteen people verified it.

  • Sykes: [while on the phone waiting outside CCH for Kimball] Ooh, wait... I marked him.

  • [last lines]

    Sykes: I Didn't expect to find you here.

    Deke Thornton: Why not? I sent them back; That's all I said I'd do.

    Sykes: They didn't get very far.

    Deke Thornton: I figured.

    Sykes: What are your plans, now?

    Deke Thornton: Drift around down here. Try to stay out of jail.

    Sykes: Well, me and the boys got some work to do. You want to come with us? It ain't like it used to be; but it'll do.

  • Sykes: Say, back there in Starbuck. How'd my boy do?

    Pike Bishop: Your boy? Crazy Lee?

    Sykes: Yeah, C.L., Clarence Lee, my daughter's boy. Not too bright, but a good boy.

    Pike Bishop: [thinks back on Crazy Lee agreeing to remain behind while the rest escaped] Why didn't you tell me he was your grandson?

    Sykes: Well, you had enough things on your mind; besides he had to pull his own weight just like the rest of us. I just wanted to make sure he didn't let you down: run when things got hot. Huh? Huh?

    Pike Bishop: No, he did fine... just fine.

  • Tector Gorch: Silver rings.

    Dutch Engstrom: [upset] "Silver rings", your butt! Them's washers! Damn!

    Lyle Gorch: Washers. Washers. We shot our way out of that town for a dollar's worth of steel holes!

    Pike Bishop: They set it up.

    Lyle Gorch: "They"? Who in the hell is "they?"

    Sykes: [laughs hysterically] "They"? Why, they is the plain and fancy they, that's who "they" is! Caught you, didn't they? Tied a tin can to your tail. Led you in and waltzed you out again. Oh my, what a bunch! Big tough ones, hunh? Here you are with a handful of holes, a thumb up your ass, and a big grin to pass the time of day with. They? Who the hell is "they?"

    Pike Bishop: Railroad men... bounty hunters... Deke Thornton.

  • Angel: Would you give guns to someone to kill your father or your mother or your brother?

    Pike Bishop: Ten thousand cuts an awful lot of family ties.

    Angel: My people have no guns. But with guns, my people could fight! If I could take guns... I would go with you.

    Dutch Engstrom: Hey, uh, how many cases of rifles did Zamora say was in that shipment?

    Pike Bishop: Sixteen.

    Dutch Engstrom: Well, give him one.

    Pike Bishop: All right. One case... and one case of ammo; but you give up your share of the gold.

    Angel: I will.

    Pike Bishop: We know you will.

    Sykes: I'm sure glad we got that settled.

  • Dutch Engstrom: [impressed] Well, I'd say those fellas know how to handle themselves!

    Sykes: They been fightin' Apaches for a thousand years; That's a sure way to learn.

    Pike Bishop: They ever get armed, with good leaders, this whole country'll go up in smoke!

    Sykes: That it will son, that it will.

    Lyle Gorch: They made damn fools out of us, Mr. Bishop! Gettin' so a feller can't sleep with both eyes closed for fear of gettin' his throat cut. Where in hell were you?

    Tector Gorch: Now you listen to me, Lyle - You get up off your ass and help once in a while, I wouldn'a got caught near s'easy.

  • [the Bunch has just escaped from bounty hunters by blowing up a bridge]

    Dutch Engstrom: At least we won't have to worry about Deke Thornton.

    Pike Bishop: [laughs] Hell, no; not after ridin' a half a case of dynamite into the river!

    Sykes: [calmly] Well, don't expect him to stay there! He'll be along... and you know it!

  • Dutch Engstrom: What's our next move?

    Pike Bishop: Well, I figure Agua Verde's the closest... three days maybe. Then get the news and drift back to the border. Maybe a payroll, maybe a bank.

    Dutch Engstrom: Maybe that damn railroad.

    Tector Gorch: That damn railroad you're talkin' about, sure as hell ain't a-gettin' no easier.

    Sykes: And you boys ain't gettin' any younger either!


    Pike Bishop: We've got to start thinking beyond our guns. Those days are closin' fast.

  • Fallon: And your dad's what? He's a stockbroker?

    Ray Cochran: Something like that. But I'm a self-made guy. I'm a self-starter. Just like you.

    Fallon: That's funny. Cause these guys are always saying that to me.

    Sykes: That's why we hang with him.

    Rhodes: Self-made man.

  • Sykes: Come on, snap your fin. Snap it. You're not snapping it.

    Don Lino: I'm snapping it, I'm snapping it!

    Sykes: That's okay, a lot of great whites can't do it, yo.

    Don Lino: Yo?

    Sykes: Yo, what's up?

    Don Lino: What's up with what?

    Sykes: Yo-yo-yo, yo-yo-yo, yo-yo-yo-yo...

    Don Lino: Hey, you say "Yo" one more time, and I'm gonna yo you.

    Sykes: I'm sorry.

  • Sykes: [about Lenny] Look, all I'm saying is the kid ain't exactly no killer!

    Don Lino: My Lenny is a killer, you hear me? A cold-blooded killer! Look at him!

    [Lenny wiggles around on a bar stool]

  • Sykes: Now I have to pay Don Lino protection, so everything you owe me, you owe him!

    Oscar: How do you figure that?

    Sykes: Simple - the food chain!

    [Pulls out chart]

    Sykes: On top there's Don Lino, there's me, there's regular fish...

    Oscar: And that's me!

    Sykes: No. There's plankton, there's single-celled amoebas...

    Oscar: And then me!

    Sykes: I'm getting there, I'm getting there... There's coral, there's rocks, there's whale poop, and then there's you.

    Oscar: That's messed up.

  • Oscar: Sykes, shut up! SHUT UP!

    Sykes: Hey, that's good. That's good, I like that! Shut up, Lino! Ha! Shut up. Oh, kid, he wants to talk to you.

    Oscar: [Whispers] No. I'm not here. I'm not here!

    Sykes: Yeah, he's right here.

    Oscar: [Sykes gives shellphone to Oscar] Hello?

    Don Lino: [on phone with Oscar] Shut up? Shut up? You don't tell *me* shut up, I tell *you* shut up!

    Don Lino: [hears phone dialing]

    Don Lino: What?

    Luca: Hi, how you doing? I'll have a large pie, everything on it, anchovies, meatballs, mushrooms...

    Don Lino: Luca!

    Luca: Oh... Uh, hi, Boss! What're you doing working at a pizza joint?

    Don Lino: [shouts] Get off the phone!

    Luca: But I'm hungry.

    [hangs up]

    Don Lino: [sighs] My guys are coming for you, Sharkslayer. They're going to tear you fin from fin!

  • Don Lino: I tell you what's what, and what?

    Sykes: What?

    Don Lino: What what?

    Sykes: What what nothin'. You said what first.

    Don Lino: I didn't say what first.

    Sykes: You said "and then what?' and I said "what?'

    Don Lino: No, I said "What, what?" as in "What, what?"


    Sykes: ...You said what first.

  • Sykes: My brother, my player, the shark-slayer!

  • Ernie: [on the phone] Syke's Whale Wash! You get a whale of a wash and the price... eh... is really, really low, considering how good the wash is.

    Sykes: It's "oh my gosh!" "You get a whale of a wash, and the price, oh my gosh!"

    Ernie: Got it!

    [the phone rings, and Ernie answers it]

    Ernie: Whale wash!

    Bernie: Rhymes with gosh!

    [both laugh]

    Sykes: [chasing the brothers off] Get out of here, you two! Go be useless someplace else!

  • Sykes: [on the phone, while watching Oscar slay Lenny on TV] I don't think you understand how huge my client is. Turn on your TV right now!

    Sykes: [still on phone and Oscar has been eaten by Lenny] Turn off the TV! Turn off your TV!

    Sykes: [still on phone and Oscar escapes Lenny's mouth] Turn on your TV! What are you doing turning off your TV? Turn it back on!

  • Sykes: [on the phone] That's right, Lino! The Shark Slayer hired me as his agent! So I'm now, what I like to call, UNTOUCHABLE! And another thing - from now on you're gonna start paying ME protection!

  • Oscar: Sykes, the deal is off! That shark I killed was Don Lino's SON!

    Sykes: I know! Ain't that great?

    Oscar: Not if he finds out!

  • Sykes: Who's your Puff Daddy? Who takes care of you, huh?

  • Sykes: Ernie! Bernie! I want you to find the deepest, darkest hole in the ocean, and when you do, dig deeper and put him in it!

  • Sykes: So, Fagin. Did we bring something green and wrinkly to make Sykes happy?

    Fagin: Sykes, I have an airtight kitty - plan. Plan! It's sweet and simple, the plan... Let me start over again.

    Sykes: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

    Fagin: I got this kitty, see...

    Sykes: What am I going to do with you, Fagin?

    Fagin: Please, Sykes...

    Sykes: If you don't have my money...

    [he snaps his fingers and the Dobermans jump at Fagin; Dodger intercepts them and they fight]

    Fagin: No, no, Sykes! Please, stop! Your money's coming tonight! It's coming tonight! It's from a rich cat - I mean, a cat from a rich family! They're coming with the money I owe you to get their cat back!

    [Sykes snaps his fingers again; the Dobermans stop fighting, leaving Dodger unconscious on the floor]

    Sykes: Well, looks like you're doing all right for yourself. I'm proud of you, Fagin. Yeah, you're starting to think big. You have twelve hours. And Fagin... this is your last chance.

  • Sykes: Three sunrises. Three sunsets. Three days, Fagin.

    Fagin: [counting on his fingers] Three sunrises. Three sunsets. Three days. Three, three, three. That's nine. Nine?

    Sykes: No, Fagin. Three.

    Fagin: Three? Oh, you mean, just three days? Oh, my goodness! Oh, I'm having a bad day!

  • Sykes: Now, I lent you some money, and I don't see it. Do you know what happens when I don't see my money, Fagin?

    [rolls up the car window on Fagin's neck]

    Sykes: People get hurt. People like you get hurt. Do I make myself clear?

    Fagin: [wheezing] Clear! Perfectly clear!

  • Sykes: [opens the car door to empty his ashtray, almost pushing Fagin off the pier] I don't think you grasp the severity of the situation.

    Fagin: [hangs on to the sideview mirror to keep from falling] Oh, no, I grasp it. See? This is how I grasp.

    [the mirror comes off and falls in the water]

    Fagin: Accident! Accident!

  • [to Meehan]

    Sykes: So my ass is on the line, and by my ass, I mean your ass.

  • Sykes: Well get it sorted, 'cause this lad has a bad habit of turning cash flow problems into blood flow problems.

  • [as the team starts to rise]

    Danny Meehan: Hold up for Mr. Sykes.

    [they resume their seats]

    Sykes: Doc... was a different generation. And he saved all his life. And before he died, he had me sort out these.

    [He places a box on the floor, tears it open, and lifts out a black "Mean Machine" uniform jersey. The team cheers]

    Sykes: COME AND GET 'EM!

  • Sykes: There's a killer loose, a killer loose!

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