Stitch Quotes in The Courier (2012)


Stitch Quotes:

  • Stitch: [as he stitches up the Courier's wound] The secret of pain, Eddie, is that you can only ever feel it in one place at a time, and all you need to know is where to feel it.

  • Grand Councilwoman: [the Grand Councilwoman is yelling at Jumba] YOU! You're the cause of all this! If it hadn't been for your Experiment 626, none of this...

    Stitch: [interrupting] Stitch!

    Grand Councilwoman: What?

    Stitch: My name, Stitch.

    Grand Councilwoman: [Dismissive] Stitch then. If it wasn't for Stitch...

    [turns to look at Stitch, surprised]

    Stitch: Does Stitch have to go in the ship?

    Grand Councilwoman: Yes...

    Stitch: Can Stitch say goodbye?

    Grand Councilwoman: Yes.

    Stitch: Thank you.

    Grand Councilwoman: [to Nani and Lilo] Who are you?

    Stitch: This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Ya. Still good.

  • Stitch: Aloha!

    Gantu: Ah! You're vile; you're foul; you're flawed!

    Stitch: Also cute and fluffy!

  • Lilo: You know, you wreck everything you touch. Why not try and make something for a change?

    [Stitch builds a city out of what he finds in Lilos room]

    Lilo: Wow. San Francisco.

    [Stitch begins to destroy the city like the monster in "Earth vs. the Spider", picking up a toy car]

    Stitch: [as car passengers] "Eeeeeek! Save me!"

    Lilo: No more caffeine for you.

  • [Stitch and Jumba are tossing a jammed up gun back and forth]

    Stitch: Merry Christmas.

    Jumba: It's not Christmas.

    Stitch: Happy Channukah!

    Jumba: It's not Channukah!

    [Pleakley scoops up Lilo and carries her away from the house]

    Lilo: We're leaving Stitch?

    Pleakley: Trust me, this is not gonna end well!

    Jumba: One potato!

    Stitch: Two potato!

    Jumba: Three potato!

    Stitch: Four!

    Jumba: Five potato!

    Stitch: Six potato!

    Jumba: Seven potato more!

    Stitch: My...

    Jumba: mother...

    Stitch: told...

    Jumba: me...

    Stitch: you...

    Jumba: are...


    Jumba: Ha! I win!

    [gun explodes in his hands]

  • Stitch: [looking at Lilo's storybook. the picture says 'I'm lost!'] L-lo-lost... I'm lost.

  • Jumba: Yes, yes, that's it, come quietly.

    Stitch: W-... waiting.

    Jumba: For what?

    Stitch: Family.

    Jumba: Ah. You don't have one. I made you.

    Stitch: Maybe... I could...

    Jumba: You are built to destroy. You can never belong.

  • Grand Councilwoman: Experiment 626. Give us a sign you understand any of this. Show us that there is something inside you that is good.

    [Stitch clears his throat; the council members listen in anticipation]

    Stitch: Meega, nala kwishta!

    [the entire council gasps in horror]

    Grand Councilwoman: [horrified] So... naughty!

    [Stitch laughs maniacally]

    Jumba: I didn't teach him that!

  • Lilo: You came back.

    Stitch: Nobody gets left behind.

  • Jumba: Come on, what's the big deal?

    Stitch: [in alien language] Oongatish mista!

    Jumba: I'll put you back together again... I'll make you taller, and not so fluffy!

    [whips plates at Stitch, frisbee style]

    Stitch: I like fluffy!

    [after there is a ring of holes around Stitch]

    Stitch: [in alien language] Ah, Pooama Chicky!

    Jumba: Ach! Leave my mother out of this!

  • Lilo: Hello? Are there any animals in here?

    [Stitch appears]

    Lilo: Hi!

    Stitch: H... h... hi!

    [Hugs her]

    Lilo: Wow!

  • Captain Gantu: Abomination!

    Stitch: Stupid-head!

  • Lilo: Don't leave me, okay?

    Stitch: Okay.

  • Nani: Okay, talk. I know you had something to do with this. Now, where's Lilo? Talk! I know you can.

    Stitch: [reveals his alien form] Okay, okay.

    [Nani freaks and smacks him down with a tree branch]

  • Jumba: WHAT? After all you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? JUST LIKE THAT?

    Stitch: [alien language] Ih.

    Jumba: Fine!

    Pleakley: "Fine"? You're doing what he says?

    Jumba: He's very persuasive!

  • Stitch: [while using a VW Beetle to defend himself against attackers] Blue punch buggy... no punch-back!

  • Stitch: Poocha Chubugga Oom Chickee! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  • Stitch: Aloha!

  • [to his gang about Victor]

    Stitch: That guy's too stupid to be scared. He's a primitive.

  • Cosmo Carboni: Frankie! My brother who aint as handsome as you is as strong as Charles Atlas.

    Stitch: Your brother is a moron.

    Cosmo Carboni: Nah. He ain't no moron.

    Stitch: I said he's a moron.

    Cosmo Carboni: Okay he ain't no flaming wit guaranteed. But he can haul over four-hundred and fifty pounds of ice up five flights of stairs without blowing his breakfast. Can he do that?

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