Stella Quotes in Angry Birds (2016)


Stella Quotes:

  • [from trailer]

    Bomb: Sometimes, when I get upset, I have been known to blow up.

    [Bomb walks into his house]

    Birds: Surprise!

    Bomb: Ahh!

    [He and his house explodes]

    Bomb: Oh, excuse me, party foul.

    Stella: [fell over] Ow!

  • Leonard: Hmm... is that what I think it is?

    Stella: That's an egg. That's how are children are born. You guys don't like eggs?

    Leonard: [Sotto voce] I wish we did.

    [Daydream sequence: Leonard is out in a meadow having a picnic with the egg]

    Leonard: Enchanté.

    [pours wine and "feeds" the wine to the egg]

    Leonard: You look delicious, my dear.

    [Leonard skips through the meadow holding the egg while laughing maniacally, then rolls through the grass and points at the sky]

    Leonard: That's us.

    [2 clouds appear in a heart shape, then the big cloud eats the small cloud. Back to reality: Leonard is holding the egg while laughing maniacally]

  • [from trailer]

    Stella: Hey, something's coming!

  • Stella: [to the pigs] You guys don't lay eggs?

  • Bird Salesman: Hey Red. How are ya?

    Red: Oh I'm horrible.

    Stella: Hi Red! Good to see you!

    Red: I wish I could say the same.

  • Stella: Hi, Red. It's good to see you!

    Red: I wish I could say the same.

  • Stella: Red, we need a leader.

    Red: Wait a minute. I'm not a leader!

  • Leonard: Citizens of Pig Island. If you spot any birds destroying your neighborhood please capture them.

    Pig: What did he say?

    Leonard: There's been a change of plans. We will eat the eggs for lunch.

    Stella: Did he say eat the eggs?

  • One Two: Hello?

    Stella: It's me.

    One Two: Who?

    Stella: ME.

    One Two: Ahh. Well, what do you want?

    Stella: You.

    One Two: Well, you had better come in then.

  • One Two: So you don't wanna know what happened?

    Stella: I know what happened. Hollandaise?

    One Two: I see you ordered already.

    Stella: You were late. Shouldn't you have taken precautions?

    One Two: Precautions?

    Stella: Well, that's your job, isn't it? I didn't realize.

    One Two: Realize? Realize that they had guns? Big, long, dangerous machine guns? With war criminals attached to the trigger?

    [cue big getaway sequence by the Wild Bunch]

    One Two: You know what, darling? I'm just gonna leave this laundry bag here, under the table for you, okey? Goodbye, sweetheart. You're way too dangerous for me.

  • One Two: Nice shoes, by the way.

    Stella: Thank you. You will be able to afford a pair of your own in a couple of days.

  • One Two: I've got one just like that at home, but with a little boy fishing.

    Stella: Is that what they call humor where you're from?

    One Two: Is that what they call art where you're from?

  • Stella: Drink?

    One Two: Dance?

    Stella: You're a dancer?

    One Two: Am I a dancer? Shall we set the record straight? See, my dad was a dancer, and his dad before him. So, finally, it percolates through the old DNA. You're not joining me?

    Stella: Sure. I like to dance.

  • Steve: Still don't trust me?

    Stella: I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust.

    Steve: that's an interesting saying, it's very charming, I knew a guy who said that. He said it all the time. In fact he said it exactly like that

  • Stella: You know this was never about the gold.

    Steve: What ever helps you sleep at night sweetheart.

    [Stella punches Steve]

    Steve: Bitch! Charlie! Come on, Charlie!

  • [timing the getaway to Union Station]

    Handsome Rob: It's either bad traffic, peak traffic, slit-your-wrist traffic... you know, five people died from smoking in between traffic lights today.

    Left Ear: You know, they do have the Metrorail, Rob, you could always use that.

    Handsome Rob: Yeah, that'd be ideal for carrying a ton of gold now, wouldn't it, genius?

    Charlie Croker: What's your guesstimate?

    Handsome Rob: The last twenty times I done this journey, you've got an average of thirty two minutes and a top time of fifty, but if we had green lights all the way, we could do it in fourteen minutes.

    Stella: [poking fun] What? Couldn't get through traffic?

  • Wrench: [upon first seeing Stella] Whoa, whoa whoa! We didn't get a chance to meet! Wrench.

    Stella: [slapping a wrapped hoagie into his outstretched hand] Ham and cheese.

    Wrench: [everyone laughs] Oh, that's cold. Damn, that's cold.

  • Charlie Croker: [after opening Steve's safe] Don't you want to see what's inside?

    Stella: Absolutely.

  • Cop: Don't you want see what's inside?

    Stella: I never look inside.

  • Charlie Croker: [playing basketball with Handome Rob when his phone rings] Hello?

    Stella: I want to see the look on that man's face when his gold is gone. He took my father from me, I'm taking this.

    [hangs up]

    Charlie Croker: [to Handsome Rob] She's in.

  • Stella: [over the phone] Why don't you just come by? We'll have some breakfast, hmm?

    John Bridger: Well, it'd be a long trip. I'm in Venice.

    Stella: ...With your Parole Officer's approval, of course?

    John Bridger: Well, I like the guy Stella, you know that. But we never really connected.

  • Charlie Croker: [on the Coast Starlight] Guys, I want to make a toast. To John Bridger. The most brilliant master planner of all. Father and friend.

    Stella: To my Dad.

  • [first lines]

    Stella: [on the phone] Hello.

    John Bridger: [on the phone] Hello, sweetie.

    Stella: [on the phone] Daddy, it's early.

  • Stella: I don't go out with strange men. I just met you five minutes ago.

    Steve: I guess I'll just have to sabotage my cable, you know, till we get to know each other well enough.

  • Steve: So if I was to ask you out for dinner, would I be the first one of your customers to ever do that?

    Stella: Did you ask your last cable repair guy out to dinner?

    Steve: No. But the last one was like three hundred pounds and had a handlebar mustache, not exactly my type.

  • Stella: The world is what you make of it, friend. If it doesn't fit, you make alterations.

    Paden: I'll drink to that.

  • Paden: Stella. Are you the Midnight Star herself?

    Stella: I am. I'm always there, but I only shine at night.

  • Paden: [lifts his drink] To my midnight star.

    Stella: Cobb's using me to stop you. So good people are being hurt because of me. That makes me mad. Some people think because they're stronger, or meaner, that they can push you around. I've seen a lot of that. But it's only true if you let it be. The world is what you make of it.

    Paden: I like your attitude. But it can be risky.

    Stella: I'm ready for that. What about you?

    Paden: [heavy sigh] I don't want you to get hurt.

    Stella: He can't hurt me... if he's dead.

  • Phoebe: [Phoebe stands between Jake and an angry Tyree] Nothing happened, Tyree. This is my job.

    Tyree: Shut up.

    Jake: I don't believe a lady has to explain anything to a man this ugly.

    [Two deputies come up behind him, but he doesn't seem to notice]

    Paden: [Comes up behind Tyree] What's the trouble here?

    Tyree: Stay out of this, Paden.

    Stella: He can't do that, Tyree. Cobb's hired him.

    Tyree: That's Cobb's mistake.

    Stella: Come on out of there, Phoebe, you've done enough.

    [Phoebe moves to leave, but Tyree pushes her back. Paden takes Tyree's gun and points it at him]

    Paden: Go on home, Jake.

    Jake: All I did was kiss the girl.

    Paden: That's what you said in Turley. Remember how that ended?

    Jake: What's the matter, Paden? You afraid I couldn't get those two behind me?

    Paden: I don't want you getting anybody in my place.

    Jake: [Takes his hat, faces the deputies, and points a finger at them] Boom.

    [He leaves]

    Tyree: [to Paden] I should've killed you a long time ago.

    Paden: [Offering Tyree's gun back to him] Why not now?

    [Tyree takes the gun and holds it under Paden's chin]

    Stella: Don't do it, Tyree. I just lost one partner. If you kill him, I'll never get anyone to work in here.

    Tyree: You better start looking.

    [He takes the gun from under Paden's chin and leaves]

    Stella: You really are a gambler, aren't you?

    Paden: [Walks up to the bar] Give me some of the good stuff.

  • Paden: [picks up a bottle in the back room] What's this?

    Stella: That's the good stuff.

    Paden: Yeah? How good?

    [Stella smiles and pours two glasses. They toast]

    Paden: Here's to the good stuff.

    Stella: May it last a long time.

  • Stella: From what I've seen, Paden doesn't seem to care about money.

    Cobb: Ha! Paden doesn't seem to care about anything, except he does. You just can never tell what it's going to be. Howdy, Mr. Slick.

    Slick: Sheriff.

    Cobb: Let me tell you about your friend Paden. A long time ago, me, Paden, Tyree, and a couple of other fellas did a lot of riding together. On business, and business was pretty good. We moved around a lot, the way you have to in that line of work. Somewhere along the way, we picked up this dog. One of us took to feeding it, so it followed us everywhere. Well, one day we're leaving this little Missouri town, in kind of a hurry with a bunch of the locals hot on our tail. Somehow this dog got tied up with Tyree's horse. Tyree went flyin'.


    Cobb: Well, Tyree was pretty mad when he got up, and, being Tyree, he shot the dog. Didn't kill him, though. The next thing you know, Paden's down off his horse, and he's holdin' this dog, sayin' we should go on without him. I thought he was kidding, except he wasn't. Tyree was ready to plug 'em both - all this with the posse ridin' down on us.

    [Paden has entered]

    Cobb: I thought we were pals after all that riding we did together. All of a sudden he's worried about some mutt. Well, we did like he asked. We left him, and he went to jail for a dog. You want to hear the funny part? Paden didn't even like that damn dog.

    Paden: It evened out in the end. They locked me up; the dog sprung me.

    [Cobb laughs]

    Stella: Where's the dog now?

    Paden: He left me.

    Cobb: C'mon, Paden... I'll buy you a drink.

  • Paden: Compliments to you Miss Stella. This is what I call a saloon.

    Stella: Thanks. That's what I call it too.

    Paden: And I know what I'm talking about.

    Stella: You like a good saloon?

    Paden: It's the only place I'm happy.

    Stella: Me, too! What's wrong with us?

  • Paden: Is that a fair mix?

    Stella: I'm saving lives here. The straight stuff will raise a blood blister on boot leather.

    Paden: I meant, it seemed like a lot of whiskey.

  • Ms. Jenkins: [the girls are in gym class working out] Pick it up, Brenda.

    Brenda: [low] Stuff it, bitch.

    Ms. Jenkins: That goes for you too, Stella!

    Stella: [low] Kiss my black ass.

    Ms. Jenkins: Get that ass up. Get moving, Francine!

    Francine: [low] Up yours.

  • Ozzie: But this house is like a fortress. Walls, so high. Doors, impenetrable. How will we get in?

    RJ: The collar is the key.

    [Shows video on cell phone of Tiger entering door]

    RJ: Literally, the collar is like a key that opens the door, and if...

    Stella: And what? You think he's just gonna hand over his collar to you?

    RJ: Not to me, my femme fatale. To you.

    Verne: Her?

    Stella: Me?

    RJ: You, Stella, will get that cat to give you his collar by using...

    Stella: My stink.

    RJ: ...your feminine charms.

    Hammy the Squirrel: Ha ha ha! - Was that out loud?

  • Stella: So, you got a name?

    Tiger: Yes. It is a Persian name, for I am Persian. I was born Prince Tigeriess Mahmood Shabaz.

    Stella: Ooh, that's a mouthful. Can I just call you Tiger?

  • Stella: I'm gonna gas you so hard your grandchildren will stink!

  • Stella: [to Verne] Oh, so we're supposed to go hungry just because your butt's vibrating!

  • Stella: [to Tiger] Look, its not you. It... it won't work, OK? Because I'm a... a...

    Gladys: [walks in, sees Stella] *Skunk!*

    Stella: Yeah, that.

  • RJ: Now, the traps are set here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Here, here, here, here, big one here, here, and maybe a few over here.

    Stella: Gee, it's that all?

    RJ: No. There's bunch of red lights all over here. You OK, Verne? Look a little green.

    Verne: I blacked out for a second there, but... I get the idea: there's lights, traps and I might need to change my shell.

  • Stella: Don't even ask about the cork!

  • Tiger: Shoo, go on, get away from here. My owner does not give scraps to common strays.

    Stella: Common strays? Alright, you asked for it...

    [turns and raises rear]

    RJ: [whispers] Get the collar!

    Stella: Gee, that's a nice collar you got on. Mind if I have a look?

    Tiger: No-no-no-no-no! Come no closer! I must not be so near a creature of the outdoor woods.


    Tiger: Away with your filth!

    Stella: My filth? My *filth*?

    Penny: Oh jeepers here we go.

    Stella: Okay, that's it. I'm sick and tired of everybody taking one look at me and running away 'cause they think I'm filthy. Well I got news for you: I didn't get primped and preened to have some overfed, pompous puffball tell me he's too good for me. I've got makeup on my *butt*, dude! And you don't even want to know about the cork!

    Tiger: Stop! No one has *ever* spoken to me like that!

    [others gasp]

    Tiger: It is bold... I like it.

    Stella: Yeah? Well, there's more where that came from, uh... puffball!

    [Leads him away from the door]

    Tiger: You're strong. Your essence is overpowering.

    Stella: [pushes tail down] Wh-what do you mean by that?

    Tiger: It is your eyes.

    Stella: My eyes?

    Tiger: They are... luminous.

    Stella: Luminous... Dang.

  • Stella: You mean you don't mind the smell?

    Tiger: This face was bred for Beauty. I cannot smell a thing.

  • Stella: I got makeup on my butt, dude!

  • Verne: Come on, you guys!

    [Tries to be intimidating]

    Verne: Don't make me come in there!

    Stella: [Heard beneath the leaves] Y'all better listen... I've been holding something in all winter and I'm about to LET IT OUT!

    Penny: [Animals scatter from under leaves] Whoa!

    Ozzie: She means it!

    [as the leaves and dust settles, Stella is shown in her "firing" position]

    Verne: [Politely and grateful] Thank you, Stella!

    Stella: [Nonchalantly] Oh, I can clear a room, Verne. That much I can do!

  • Stella: [Stamping toward the hedge, getting into her "firing" position] All right, Steve... you brought this on yourself!

  • Stella: Y'know, I saw this TV show: Rosie O'Donnell took a bunch of dykes on a cruise to Nova Scotia, then this flock of lesbians got married there.

    Dot: Flock?

    Stella: That's what they call us when we're in a group; a gaggle of gays, a flock of lesbians. Like in nature.

    Dot: Stella, are you proposing to me?

    Stella: Maybe.

  • Waitress: You seemed... familiar.

    Stella: You know, if that skirt was any shorter, you'd need another hair net.

  • Prentice: [pointing at the car radio] Who's this?

    Stella: Who's this? Who is this?

    Prentice: What?

    Stella: k.d. lang. This is k.d. lang. Jesus Anne Heche Christ.

  • [At the Canadian border, a bag of Dotty's medicine is found]

    Border Patrol: Whose drugs are these?

    Stella: Not mine!

    Prentice: Mine.

    Border Patrol: Your name is Dorothy?

    Prentice: On weekends.

  • Guillaume: You're giving these people my breakfast?

    Cat: It's just eggs and sausage, Guillaume.

    Guillaume: She already had my fucking sausage.

    Stella: Well, now she needs a bigger one.

  • Stella: If you're ever lucky enough to have a perfect day, don't let go of it. Bank it. Paint a picture of it.

  • [singing in The Van Driving to Dulais]

    StephStellaZoe: [to the Tune of "Solidarity Forever"] Every woman is a lesbian at heart/Every woman is a lesbian at heart/Every woman is a lesbian at heart...

    Reggie: You can't possibly say that every woman is a lesbian.

    Zoe: Why not?

    Reggie: Because they're not! Esther Rantzen isn't a lesbian. My mum is not a lesbian.

    Stella: How do you know?

    Reggie: How do I know my Mum's not a lesbian?

    Ray: What he's trying to say is, you can't make grand, sweeping generalizations. It's not acceptable.


    StephStellaZoe: [Resumes Singing] Every woman is a lesbian at heart/Every woman is a lesbian at heart/Every woman is a lesbian at heart/Including Reggie's Mum!

  • Stella: You know for someone whose been holding onto something for so long, you're pretty quick to let it go.

    Jake: I can't control her, any more than I can control the weather.

  • [Nicole stands up, wearing a thong bathing suit]

    Andre: What - what's that?

    Nicole: What's the matter?

    Andre: What are you wearing?

    Nicole: My bathing suit!

    Andre: The whole thing?

    Nicole: What, you don't like it?

    Andre: Are you sure you didn't leave part of it in the box?

    Nicole: Get real, Andre. Everybody's wearing them.

    Andre: Everyone's staring at you!

    Nicole: No, everyone's staring at you.

    Andre: I insist you change!

    Nicole: And I insist you loosen up, Andre, dear.

    [Kisses him on the cheek]

    Stella: Now she's French.

  • Urquhart: [regarding the eaten rabbit] Is it worthwhile calling the vet, Stella?

    Stella: Don't be a clown, Gordon.

  • [giving Gloria a rape alarm, a can of MACE and a knuckleduster]

    Stella: Take these. Without them, you are a walking light-bulb... waiting to be screwed.

  • Stella: Nobody's gonna mess with Stella unless Stella wants to be messed.

  • Stella: Suppose that guy attacked you instead of pulling that weird stunt in the theater, huh? What would you have done?

    Gloria Mundy: I would have hit him with my umbrella.

    Stella: Talk about ancient! Really, honey, you've got to drag yourself into the Seventies! You've got to get some merchandise!

  • Stella: Gloria, sweetheart, we live in a violent society. Weirdos all around. Get them before they get you.

  • Stella: You meet some guy on a nude beach and after five minutes later you're downloading his hard drive in the back of a van? You're a slut.

  • Stella: Next to putting a dick in your mouth with Lady Gaga playing in the background, that's about as gay as it gets.

  • Stella: Nice hat, by the way. Are we in Paris?

  • Stella: So, anyways, the party tonight...

    [Smith groans]

    Stella: You're going. Lorelei, this hot girl from my Emotion Painting class, invited me.

    Smith: Lorelei? As in legendary siren luring helpless sailors to their doom?

    Stella: Yeah, I know. She's gorge and I need a wingman, so you're drafted.

    Smith: So that you can hook up and ditch me after five seconds.

    Stella: Basically.

  • Stella: The guy sounds like a fucking asstard.

  • Smith: I'm not sure how straight Thor really is.

    Stella: You just said he was putting a load in some pinhead's dryer last night.

    Smith: Yeah, but doing it with women doesn't necessarily make him straight. Case in point.

    Stella: The fact that you randomly sometimes stick it in a girl does not mean anything beyond you need to monitor your drinking.

  • Smith: And what do you make of him, uh, trying to blow himself this afternoon?

    Stella: He likes having his sword swallowed. Not exactly a revelation.

  • Stella: Happy birthday, monkey-spanker.

  • Stella: Smith, college is just an intermission between high school and the rest of your life. It's four years of having sex, making stupid mistakes, and experiencing stuff. It's a pit stop, not the second coming of the Messiah.

  • Smith: You got something better to do?

    Stella: Uh, sucking a fart out of a dead seagull's ass?

  • Smith: So, are you worried?

    Stella: Does Mel Gibson hate Jews?

  • Vivienne Mae: Ah, the goddess on whom the music attends.

    Stella: Sorry I'm late, miss.

    Vivienne Mae: Don't worry, I did your bit for you. You're not indispensable, Stella Joes. Just remember that. Nobody is.

    Headmaster: It won't happen again, Miss Mae. The both of us will be punctual next time. Won't we, *Stella*?

  • P.L. O'Hara: Don't you love me just a bit?

    Stella: No, I love another.

  • Dotty Blundell: What about Desmond Fairchild? What's your estimation of him?

    Stella: He's a cunt.

  • Stella: I know other words. Just that no one cares to hear them.

  • Stella: But Mr. Potter, you haven't seen me act!

    Meredith Potter: Oh, I rather think I have.

  • Stella: It's been awful. There was this man who seduced me. It wasn't my fault.

    [shouting into the telephone]

    Stella: I'm learning, Mother! I'm just bending down to tie a shoelace. Everyone else is waiting around the corner.

  • Meredith Potter: [During rehearsal] What do you think the play's about, Stella?

    Stella: [pauses] Love.

    Meredith Potter: I think it's about Time. I think we're all mourners at a funeral procession and that some of us have simply dropped behind to tie a shoelace. Contact with the beloved is suspended, but the dead are still there, so to those who we think we love, just around a dangerous corner, waiting to be caught up with.

  • Nikki: We're exterminators.

    Harmony: Ah. Don't you guys use chemicals for that?

    Stella: No, actually you know, with everyone going green now, we came up with a more holistic approach.

    Nikki: Just cuz you're gonna kill something, doesn't mean you have to harm the environment.

  • Stella: I'm Stella and I use my car as a weapon.

  • Alex: You want me to drive?

    Stella: Yeah, if you drive then I can drink.

  • Nikki: Alex, please...

    Stella: Oh, come on. Really Alex? We, we need you.

    Alex: That's what every fixer loves to hear. That someone needs them.

    Alex: [flash forward] I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just doing my job, ABC was my client. I was like Switzerland, or the military. Don't ask, don't tell. Right?

  • Stella: [to Nikki] I want to take up smoking so I can have skin like yours.

  • [last lines]

    Distraught Woman: He took everything. Even my credit card. Then I get this bill - he put her new boobs on my Visa!

    Stella: [off to the side] You know, we're officially out of business.

    Nikki: Yup, officially we are.

    Stella: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

    Nikki: I follow you.

    StellaNikki: [they march over to the distraught woman]

  • [first lines]

    Stella: [dropping clipboard] That's six's blood gases. I'm up to oxygen 60%.

    Dr. Werner Ernst: Thank you.

  • Dr. Werner Ernst: It's important to say we did as much as we could.

    Stella: Which is doctor-speak for we put this patient through hell before he died.

  • Stella: [to the camera] Wesley is their second child. If he had been the first, there never would have been a second! Oh... You're probably wondering who I am. Well, don't be so nosy!

  • Mother Winfield: George, the children have been spoiling me. Marjorie has been fussing with my hair all afternoon, keeping me out of the kitchen, and Wesley insisted on doing the marketing and polishing the silver. I've been treated as though I were a queen.

    Father Winfield: You are a queen! And that's straight from the king.

    Stella: [sourly; she believes George is having an affair] Henry the Eighth!

  • Stella: There's no fool like an old fool, especially an old fool who isn't too old to act like a young fool again.

  • Stella: [Holding Marjorie's dress] Now c'mon. You're supposed to be the belle of the ball tonite.

    Marjorie Winfield: Some belle. I don't even have an escort.

    Stella: Ah, ah, ah. Now, Miss Marjorie, you have to go. You're in the play tonight. Now c'mon. Get in your dress.

    Marjorie Winfield: Alright, but my heart's not in it.

    Stella: Well, as long as you get the rest of you in it, you won't have to worry about escorts.

  • [first lines]

    Stella: Hello, Mr. Winfield.

    Father Winfield: Good afternoon.

    Stella: [to the camera] That's Mr. Winfield. Vice President of our first National Bank, Chairman of the Civic Betterment League, and twice winner of the Elks picnic potato sack race.

  • Stella: [about Bill returning home] Well, we'll be having a man around the house again!

    [Mr. Sherman gives Stella a dirty look]

    Stella: A young man.

  • Stella: Too bad, Sonny boy...

  • Mr. Winfield: Marjorie's young and very inexperienced. All she knows about men is their batting averages.

    Stella: In case you're interested, this one's batting a thousand.

  • Stella: [to Marjorie] Men have been buzzing around here like flies ever since you gave up baseball! This place is beginning to look like the YMCA on a rainy afternoon!

  • Stella: I'm dead! Mr. Winfield, that kitchen's too big! I'm tellin' ya, it must be 30 feet from the stove to the cupboard! I'm bein' paid to be a cook, not a cross-country runner!

    Mr. Winfield: Stella, bring me some hot coffee.

    Stella: Okay, but it'll be cold by the time I hike back.

  • Stella: You'll never be a proper doctor. I want to marry a proper doctor.

    Grimsdyke: But,... I'll have to study!

    Stella: Yes.

    Grimsdyke: I'll...I'll have to pass the exams!

    Stella: Yes!

    Grimsdyke: My allowance will stop!

    Stella: Yes!

    Grimsdyke: I'll,.. Good heavens woman. I'll have to WORK !!!

    Stella: YES!

    Grimsdyke: And you say you love me?

  • Oscar: Whatcha got for pie today, Stella?

    Stella: I got cherry, cherry and cherry.

    Oscar: Well, what do you recommend?

    Stella: I like the cherry.

    Oscar: Bring it on.

  • Reardon: Good morning, Stella.

    Stella: Good morning, dream boy.

  • Eric Stanton: Twenty-one, the Stork Club, that's where you belong - smothered in mink!

    Stella: And do you see me with a ring on my finger? Someone to give me a home?

  • Mark Judd: [Walking over to Stella] I knew you'd come back Stella.

    Stella: [looks at him from her chair in disdain, rubbing her sore feet] Okay.

  • Iris Bentley: How's that boy you're seeing?

    Stella: What, Johnny? I'm not going about with him no more; his cars off the road.

  • Blanche DuBois: Oh, Stanley! What sign were you born under?

    Stanley Kowalski: What sign?

    Blanche DuBois: Astrological sign. I'll bet you were born under Aries. Aries people are forceful, dynamic, they dote on noise. They love to bang things around.

    Stella: Stanley was born just five minutes after Christmas.

    Blanche DuBois: Capricorn - the goat!

    [long silence follows as Stanley stares at Blanche]

  • Stanley Kowalski: Hey, you hens! Cut out the cackling in there!

    Stella: You can't hear us.

    Stanley Kowalski: Well you can hear me, and I told you to hush up.

  • [last lines]

    Stanley Kowalski: Stella! Come on, Stella!

    Stella: I'm not going back in there again, not this time, never going back, never.

    Stanley Kowalski: Hey, Stella! Hey, Stellaaa!

  • Blanche DuBois: You're married to a madman.

    Stella: I wish you'd stop taking it for granted that I'm in something I want to get out of.

    Blanche DuBois: What you are talking about is desire - just brutal Desire. The name of that rattle-trap streetcar that bangs through the Quarter, up one old narrow street and down another.

    Stella: Haven't you ever ridden on that streetcar?

    Blanche DuBois: It brought me here. Where I'm not wanted and where I'm ashamed to be.

    Stella: Don't you think your superior attitude is a little out of place?

    Blanche DuBois: May I speak plainly?... If you'll forgive me, he's common... He's like an animal. He has an animal's habits. There's even something subhuman about him. Thousands of years have passed him right by, and there he is. Stanley Kowalski, survivor of the Stone Age, bearing the raw meat home from the kill in the jungle. And you - you here waiting for him. Maybe he'll strike you or maybe grunt and kiss you, that's if kisses have been discovered yet. His poker night you call it. This party of apes.

  • Stanley Kowalski: [sarcastically: picking up Blanche's tiara] Well what is that? A crown for an empress?

    Stella: A rhinestone tiara she wore to a costume ball!

    Stanley Kowalski: [serious] What is rhinestone?

    Stella: Next door to glass.

  • Stella: I never listen to you when you're being morbid.

  • Stella: You think you're going bowling now?

  • Stella: He smashed all the lightbulbs with the heel of my slipper.

    Blanche DuBois: And you let him? Didn't run, didn't scream?

    Stella: Actually, I was sorta thrilled by it.

  • Stanley Kowalski: Now will you just open your eyes to this stuff here. Now I mean, what - has she got this stuff out of teacher's pay?... Will you look at these fine feathers and furs that she comes to bring herself in here. What is this article? That's a solid gold dress, I believe.

    Stella: Oh, honest.

    Stanley Kowalski: This one here. What is this, Fox piece?

    Stella: Stanley!

    Stanley Kowalski: A genuine fur fox a half a mile long... Where are your fox pieces? This is bushy snow-white ones, no less. Where are your white fox furs?

    Stella: Those are inexpensive summer furs that Blanche has had a long time.

    Stanley Kowalski: Listen, I have an acquaintance who deals in this sort of merchandise and he's coming to make an appraisal.

    Stella: Oh, don't be such an idiot, Stanley.

    Stanley Kowalski: Listen, Listen, I'm gonna bet you there's a thousand dollars invested in this stuff. Well, now, what is that? That's the treasure chest of a pirate?

    Stella: Oh, Stanley! Would you...?

    Stanley Kowalski: That's pearls, Stella. Ropes of them. What is this sister of yours, a deep-sea diver? Bracelets, solid gold. Where are your pearls and gold bracelets?

    Stella: Be still, Stanley.

    Stanley Kowalski: And here you are, Diamonds. A crown for an empress.

    Stella: A rhinestone tiara, she wore to a costume ball.

    Stanley Kowalski: What is rhinestone?

    Stella: Next to glass.

    Stanley Kowalski: Yeah.

  • Blanche DuBois: Why, those were a tribute from an admirer of mine.

    Stanley Kowalski: He must have had a lot of admiration.

    Blanche DuBois: Oh, in my youth I excited some admiration. But look at me now! Would you think it possible that I was once considered to be attractive?

    Stanley Kowalski: Your looks are okay.

    Blanche DuBois: I was fishing for a compliment Stanley.

    Stanley Kowalski: I don't go in for that stuff.

    Blanche DuBois: What stuff?

    Stanley Kowalski: Compliments to women about their looks. I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and some of them give themselves credit for more than they've got. I once went out with a dame who told me, " I'm the glamorous type," she says, "I am the glamorous type!" I say, "So What?"

    Blanche DuBois: And what did she say then?

    Stanley Kowalski: She didn't say nothing. That shut her up like a clam.

    Blanche DuBois: Did it end the romance?

    Stanley Kowalski: It ended the conversation that was all. You know that some men are taken in by all this Hollywood glamour and some just aren't.

    Blanche DuBois: I'm sure you belong in the second category.

    Stanley Kowalski: That's right.

    Blanche DuBois: I cannot imagine any witch of a woman casting a spell over you.

    Stanley Kowalski: That's right.

    Blanche DuBois: You're simple, straightforward and honest, a little bit on the primitive side, I should think. To interest you a woman would have to...

    Stanley Kowalski: To lay her cards out on the table.

    Stanley Kowalski: Well I never did care for wishy-washy people. That was why when you walked in last night, I said to myself, "my sister has married a man". Of course that was all I could hope to...

    Stanley Kowalski: [He yells at her] How about cutting the rebop!

    Stella: [Entering the room] Stanley! Stanley, you come outside with me and left Blanche finish dressing!

    Blanche DuBois: I've finished dressing honey.

    Stella: Well you come out then.

    Stanley Kowalski: Your sister and I are having a talk.

  • Blanche DuBois: I - I - I took the blows... on my face and my body. All of those deaths, the long parade to the graveyard. Father, Mother, Margaret, that dreadful way... You just came home in time for funerals, Stella. And funerals are pretty compared to deaths. How do you think all that sickness and dying was paid for? Death is expensive, Miss Stella. And I, with my pitiful salary at the school... Yes, accuse me. Stand there and stare at me, thinking I let the place go. I let the place go? Where were you? In there with your Polack.

    Stella: Blanche, be still. That's enough.

  • Stella: Mr. Kowalski is too busy making a pig of himself... Your face and your fingers are disgustingly greasy.

  • [as Stanley's friends gather to play poker]

    Stella: The blind are leading the blind!

  • Stanley Kowalski: Hey you two hens, cut out that cacklin' in there.

    Stella: You can't hear us...

    Stanley Kowalski: Well you can hear me, now knock it off!

  • Stella: [talking about her husband, Stanley] He's on the road a good deal... I can hardly stand it when he's away for a night.

    Blanche DuBois: Oh, Stella.

    Stella: When he's away for a week, I nearly go wild.

    Blanche DuBois: Gracious.

    Stella: When he comes back... I cry in his lap like a baby. I guess that's what's meant by being in love.

  • Stella: Why don't you take your tie off? You look like you're choking to death.

    Trelkovsky: I found a tooth in my apartment. It was in a hole.

  • Stella: I'm kind of old-fashioned. I like to make it in bed, okay?

  • Jim McCarthy: Do you realize that ex-convicts and jailbirds are the ones that write all the limericks?

    Stella: Not all of them.

    Joe Jackson: Aw, don't argue with Mr. McCarthy, miss.

    Stella: Jimmy Arno, he wrote a couple that were really funny. Didn't he, Jeannie?

    Jeannie Rapp: That's right. He did.

    Jim McCarthy: Jimmy Arno?

    Jeannie Rapp: Mm-hmm.

    Jim McCarthy: Jimmy Arno? Not the Jimmy Arno?

    Stella: Do you know him?

    Jim McCarthy: Never heard of him.

  • Stella: Why do you love me?

    Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: Firstly because I like you. Second because you seem so strange, so unprotected.

  • Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: Its hard work?

    Stella: Its a question of habit, if you need something you have to work.

  • Stella: Are you hungry?

    Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: No, ravenous.

    Stella: Well, noon, time to eat.

    Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: You seem so nice, so young, so good and kind. I don't know how to put this. Are you from Rome?

  • Stella: [Looking at prostitutes] What are those girls doing?

    Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: Making money.

  • Stella: What do they do?

    Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: What all other women do.

  • Stella: I want to make a speech.

    Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: Mussolini made speeches.

    Stella: This is serious, I want you to know everything about me.

  • Stella: So, get a job.

    Vittorio "Accattone" Cataldi: What, donating blood. No-one drinks my blood. Work. Animals work.

  • Stella: I know what you're doing with me. I've been expecting it. I know what you want from me.

  • Stella: I've only known pain and misery. I'm not like the others. How do I know what I must and mustn't do?

  • Stella: Where's Prue?

    [Ag points towards the barn]

    Stella: And where's Joe?

    [Ag points towards the barn again]

    Stella: I should have known.

  • Stella: When the war came it changed everybody's lives. I left my cosy job in an office and volunteered for the Women's Land Army. We all had to pull together to help win the war. We had to grow more food or starve. I chose the Lawrence farm to be near my fiancé Philip who was an officer in the Navy

  • Joe Lawrence: Have you lost something then, Miss Stella?

    Stella: No

    Joe Lawrence: What's up then?

    Stella: Nothing.

    Joe Lawrence: Where are you going then?

    Stella: Where do you think.

    Joe Lawrence: [loudly] Ratty, she's looking for a place to go.

    Ratty, Lawrence Farm Hand: What does she want? A perch?

    Stella: Please, I don't need a map.

    Joe Lawrence: [loudly] Where can she go, Ratty?

    Ratty, Lawrence Farm Hand: There's a two-acre field over there, if that one's not big enough, there's the four-acre field over there.


    Stella: I have been in a field before.

    Joe Lawrence: Do you want some paper?

    Stella: No thank you, I've some of my own.

    Ag: I say, that was completely out of line old chap, actually.

    Joe Lawrence: You speak like you've got a plum in your mouth.

    Ag: Not cricket, as boys say.

  • Stella: Don't tell them anything, Mark, you were with me Saturday and Sunday.

    Doctor Steele: [to himself] That's why she's so worried. I have no alibi.

  • Stella: What's that?

    Nicolas: A ferris wheel.

    Stella: And what does this wheel do?

    Nicolas: You get on it and it spins around.

  • Stella: Shall I tell you a secret?

    Nicolas: Yes.

  • Stella: I can keep a secret.

  • Stella: Talk dirty, Frank! Talk dirty!

    Frank: Um... tits.

    Stella: DIRTY dirty!

    Frank: Um... fuck. Ah, tits. Screw.

  • [Maria throws the drink the waiter delivered in his face]

    Waiter: Why did you do that?

    Maria Sanchez: Because you're a man!

    Stella: And a better reason I never heard. Beat it!

  • Stella: Mr. Hopkins, these two marshals are friends of yours. Now, why couldn't you say that I was a prisoner in that shack, the same as you were. After all, I did let you free. They'd believe you, Mr. Hopkins, and then you could get me out of all this.

    U. S. Marshal Sandy Hopkins: I believe you have somethin' there, ma'am. Yes, yes, I will get you out of here.

    Stella: Oh, Mr. Hopkins, I knew you would.

    U. S. Marshal Sandy Hopkins: I'll get you out of here and I'll send you to the penitentiary for twenty years!

  • Stella: Intelligence. Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence.

  • Stella: How much do we need to bail Lisa from jail?

    Jeff: Well, this is first offense burglary, that's about $250. I have $127.

    Stella: Lisa's handbag. Uh... 50 cents. I got $20 or so in my purse.

    Jeff: And what about the rest?

    Stella: When those cops at the station see Lisa, they'll even contribute.

  • Lisa: What's he doing? Cleaning house?

    Jeff: He's washing and scrubbing down the bathroom walls.

    Stella: Must've splattered a lot.

    [both Jeff and Lisa look at Stella with disgust]

    Stella: Come on, that's what were all thinkin'. He killed her in there, now he has to clean up those stains before he leaves.

    Lisa: Stella... your choice of words!

    Stella: Nobody ever invented a polite word for a killin' yet.

  • Lisa: The last thing Mrs. Thorwald would leave behind would be her wedding ring. Stella, do you ever leave yours at home?

    Stella: The only way somebody would get that would be to chop off my - finger. Let's go down to the garden and find out what's buried there.

    Lisa: Why not? I always wanted to meet Mrs. Thorwald.

  • Stella: When two people love each other, they come together - WHAM - like two taxis on Broadway.

  • Stella: Maybe one day she'll find her happiness.

    Jeff: Yeah, some man'll lose his.

  • Jeff: She wants me to marry her.

    Stella: That's normal.

    Jeff: I don't want to.

    Stella: That's abnormal.

  • Stella: I can hear you now: "Get out of my life, you wonderful woman. You're too good for me."

  • [regarding Jeff's telephoto lens]

    Stella: Mind if I use that portable keyhole?

  • Stella: He's gonna run out on her, the coward.

    Jeff: Sometimes it's worse to stay than it is to run.

  • Stella: You heard of that market crash in '29? I predicted that.

    Jeff: Oh, just how did you do that, Stella?

    Stella: Oh, simple. I was nursing a director of General Motors. Kidney ailment, they said. Nerves, I said. And I asked myself, "What's General Motors got to be nervous about?" Overproduction, I says; collapse. When General Motors has to go to the bathroom ten times a day, the whole country's ready to let go.

  • Jeff: She's too perfect, she's too talented, she's too beautiful, she's too sophisticated, she's too everything but what I want.

    Stella: Is, um, what you want something you can discuss?

  • Stella: When I married Miles, we were both a couple of maladjusted misfits. We are still maladjusted misfits, and we have loved every minute of it.

  • Jeff: Would you fix me a sandwich, please?

    Stella: Yes, I will. And I'll spread a little common sense on the bread.

  • Jeff: She sure is the "eat, drink and be merry" girl.

    Stella: Yeah, she'll wind up fat, alcoholic and miserable.

  • Detective: [referring to what was buried in Thorwald's flower bed] It's over in his apartment. In a hat box. Wanna look?

    Stella: Oh, no thanks! I don't want any part of her.

  • Stella: We've become a race of Peeping Toms. What people ought to do is get outside their own house and look in for a change. Yes sir. How's that for a bit of homespun philosophy?

    Jeff: Readers Digest, April 1939.

    Stella: Well, I only quote from the best.

  • Jeff: Those two yellow zinnias at the end, they're shorter now. Now since when do flowers grow shorter over the course of two weeks? Something's buried there.

    Lisa: Mrs. Thorwald!

    Stella: You haven't spent much time around cemeteries, have you? Mr. Thorwald could hardly bury his wife's body in plot of ground about one foot square. Unless he put her in standing on end, in which case he wouldn't need the knives and saw.

  • Stella: You'd think the rain would've cooled things down. All it did was make the heat wet.

  • Stella: Every man's ready to get married when the right girl comes along.

  • Jeff: I just can't figure it. He went out several times last night in the rain carrying his sample case.

    Stella: Well, he's a salesman, isn't he?

    Jeff: Well, what would he be selling at three o'clock in the morning?

    Stella: Flashlights. Luminous dials for watches. House numbers that light up.

  • Stella: [to Lisa] You haven't spent much time around cemeteries, have you?

  • Jeff: [shivering as cold alcohol is poured on his back before a rubdown] Say, don't you ever heat that stuff up?

    Stella: Aw, it gives your system something to fight against.

  • Stella: The New York State sentence for a Peeping Tom is six months in the workhouse.

    Jeff: Oh, hello, Stella.

    Stella: And they got no windows in the workhouse.

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