Stavros Quotes in Immortals (2011)


Stavros Quotes:

  • Stavros: Hyperion's legions are gathering at Tartarus. That's where Hellenists will fall.

    Phaedra: That future's not set.

    Stavros: But likely. It'll be a slaughter.

    Phaedra: You have no faith.

    Dareios: Heathens.

    Stavros: That is true, Dareios. But not always. When I was just a boy, I prayed to the Gods, for a horse. The Gods never answered me. So I stole one, instead.

    Dareios: We're surrounded by heathens.

    [Falls dead with a knife in his back]

  • Stavros: Good to see you're still alive. Worried that cow had gotten the best of you.

    Theseus: It almost did. She saved my life.

    Stavros: Looks like she did more than that.

    Phaedra: [Looks down embarrassed]

    Theseus: Careful.

    Stavros: Just 'cause you have that bow doesn't mean I'm going to treat you any differently.

    Theseus: Good. We march to the monastery.

    [Turns and starts walking away]

    Theseus: We have a war to fight.

  • Stavros: You know, Jack... I can call you Jack, can't I? I bet there's not a single night where you can close your eyes tight enough without seeing my little boy's face. I'm gonna give you a chance to know your son. If you live today, you'll get to know your son. And if you don't, I'll raise him as my own. You know, men are strong, Jack, but the tiger is stronger. Oh, one more thing, Jack. There's nothing wrong with stepping on a mine. It's stepping off that counts.

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