Squire Allworthy Quotes in Tom Jones (1963)


Squire Allworthy Quotes:

  • Squire Allworthy: [to Tom, when not expected to recover from a carriage accident] I am convinced, my boy, that you have much goodness, generosity and honor in your nature. If you will add prudence and religion to those, you must be happy.

  • Squire Allworthy: [Upon discovering an abandoned baby in his bed, which they suspect Jenny, one of the servants, has put there] Who is the father, Jenny?

    Jenny: Sir, I am under the most solemn ties not to reveal the father's name.

    Squire Allworthy: You must be sent away from this shame and degradation. As for your child I will bring him up as if he were my own son.

    Bridget Allworthy: What will you call him, brother?

    Squire Allworthy: Tom Jones.

    Narrator: ...of whom the opinion of all was that he was born to be hanged.

  • Squire Allworthy: [Mr. Allworthy, in his sickbed after his carriage accident has brought him to death's door, prepares to tell his will to assorted members of the household. Tom Jones weeps at his bedside] Do not grieve, my dear nephew. Do not grieve.

    Tom Jones: Sir, you cannot die!

    Squire Allworthy: Death comes to us all, Tom. I've asked you here to tell you my will. Nephew Blifil, I leave you heir to my whole estate, with three exceptions. To you my dear Tom, I have given an estate of 800 pounds a year, together with a thousand pounds in ready money. I am convinced, my boy, that you have much goodness, generosity and honor in your nature. If you will add prudence, and religion, to these, you must be happy. One thousand pounds I leave to you, Mr. Thwackum, and a like sum to you, Mr. Square, which I am convinced exceeds your desires as well as your wants.

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