Spider-Man Quotes in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)


Spider-Man Quotes:

  • [Spider-Man shows up at a robbery carried out by men in Avengers masks]

    Spider-Man: Wait a minute... You guys aren't the real Avengers! I can tell Hulk gives it away.

  • Spider-Man: I got you!

    Karen: This is your chance. Kiss her.

  • [Peter's face is turning pale white, after finding out that Toomes is Liz's father]

    Adrian Toomes: Hey, you up for some bourbon, some gin, rum?

    Spider-Man: I'm not old enough to drink.

    Adrian Toomes: Right answer.


  • Spider-Man: Hey guys, you ever see that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?

    War Machine: Jesus, Tony, how old is this guy?

    Iron Man: I don't know, I didn't carbon date him. He's on the young side.

  • Falcon: [after being trapped by Spider-Man] I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking.

    Spider-Man: All right, sorry. My bad.

  • Spider-Man: [to Bucky] You have a metal arm? That is AWESOME, dude!

  • Spider-Man: [referring to Captain America's shield] That thing doesn't obey the laws of physics at all!

  • Tony Stark: All right, I've run out of patience. "Underoos!"

    [webbing comes down, grabs Cap's shield and cuffs his hands. Spider-Man lands on a nearby truck holding Cap's shield]

    Tony Stark: Nice job, kid!

    Spider-Man: Thanks! Well, I could have stuck the landing a little better. It's just, new suit... wait, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's... it's perfect, thank you.

    Tony Stark: Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.

    Spider-Man: Okay.


    Spider-Man: Cap... Captain? Big fan. Spider-Man.

    Tony Stark: Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just...

    Spider-Man: [waves] Hey, everyone.

    Tony Stark: Good job.

  • Spider-Man: [when the two teams start running towards each other] They're not stopping!

  • Captain America: You got heart, kid. Where are you from?

    Spider-Man: [straining] Queens!

    Captain America: [chuckles in mild disbelief] Brooklyn!

  • Spider-Man: [reacting to Ant-Man growing] HOLY SHIT!

  • Spider-Man: [after taking down the Falcon and webbing him up] Are those carbon fiber wings?

    Falcon: Is this stuff coming out of you?

  • Spider-Man: [while fighting Falcon] You have the right to remain silent!

  • Spider-Man: [after taking down Giant-Man] Whoa, no, I'm not done, I've gotta get him back!

    Iron Man: You're going home, or I'm calling Aunt May! You're DONE!


    Spider-Man: Wait, Mr. Stark! I'm not done, I'm not...

    [tries to get up; collapses]

    Spider-Man: [sighs] Okay, I'm done.

  • Tony Stark: [referring to Spiderman's secret identity] Who else knows, anybody?

    Spider-Man: Nobody.

    Tony Stark: Not even your unusualy attractive aunt.

  • Captain America: All right, Sam. What's the play?

    Falcon: We need a diversion. Something big.

    Ant-Man: I got something kinda big. But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me.

    Bucky Barnes: He's gonna tear himself in half?

    Captain America: You sure about this, Scott?

    Ant-Man: I do it all the time. I mean, once. In a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss. I'm the boss!

    Spider-Man: [Ant-Man becomes giant] Holy shit!

    War Machine: [Ant-Man laughs and grabs War Machine] Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now.

    Captain America: I guess that's the signal.

    Falcon: Way to go, Tic Tac!

    Iron Man: Give me back my Rhodey.

  • Gwen Stacy: I'm coming with you.

    Spider-Man: Gwen, you're not coming with me.

    Gwen Stacy: Yes, I am.

    Spider-Man: Gwen, it's too dangerous.

    Gwen Stacy: I'm coming with you. I've seen the grid specs and I know how to reset the entire system.

    Spider-Man: Gwen.

    Gwen Stacy: I'm coming with you! You need me!

    Spider-Man: Okay, shut up. You're coming with me! Shut the thing.

    [webs her wrist to the hood of a police car]

    Spider-Man: [swinging away] Sorry. I love you. Don't hate me.

    Gwen Stacy: PETER!

    [covers her mouth]

  • Aleksei Sytsevich: [waves his rhino suit's metal fists] You fight me! You fight me now!

    Spider-Man: You want me to come down there so you can kill me?

    Aleksei Sytsevich: Yes!

    Spider-Man: Okay, I'll be right there.

  • Electro: You're too late, Spider-Man. I designed this power grid. Now I'm gonna take back what is rightfully mine. I will control everything. And I will be like a god to them.

    Spider-Man: A god named Sparkles?

  • Spider-Man: On behalf of the fine people of New York and real rhinos everywhere, I ask you to put your mechanized paws in the air!

    Aleksei Sytsevich: Never! I crush you, I kill you! I destroy you!

  • [last lines]

    Spider-Man: There really is no place like home.

  • [from trailer]

    Spider-Man: Yo, Sparkles!

    Electro: You don't remember me?

    Spider-Man: Of course I remember you! You're my eyes and ears! Uhh, what's your name again? Uhh, do I know it? I know it! Don't tell me...

    Electro: It's Max.

    Spider-Man: Is it Max?

    Electro: Yes.

    [Gwen stares in disbelief]

    Electro: How could you forget me?

    Electro: [furious] YOU LIED TO ME!

    Spider-Man: No, no, I'm trying to help you! Let me help you!

    [Electro sends a bolt at him, knocking him into a police car]

  • Spider-Man: You okay? You all right?

    Max Dillon: You're Spider-Man.

    Spider-Man: Costume gives it away, huh? These look pretty important, Max.

    Max Dillon: How do you know my name?

    Spider-Man: It's written on your badge.

    Max Dillon: I'm a nobody.

    Spider-Man: Hey, you're not a nobody. You're a somebody.

  • Green Goblin: Peter. When you said Spider-Man said no, you meant *you* said no.

    Spider-Man: Harry, what did you do?

    Green Goblin: What you made me do. You were my friend and you BETRAYED ME!

    Spider-Man: No. I was trying to protect you.

    Green Goblin: Oh. Look at me.

    Spider-Man: Hey, it's gonna be okay. This is gonna be all right.

    Green Goblin: You don't give people hope. You take it away.

    Spider-Man: No, Harry.

    Green Goblin: I'm gonna take away yours.

    Spider-Man: No. Gwen, run!

  • Gwen Stacy: [after magnetizing Spider-Man's web shooters] And that is why you were number two at Midtown.

    Spider-Man: Rub it in. Okay.

  • Spider-Man: [to Aleksei] Knock, knock. Mr. Criminal? Hey, my name is Spider-Man. You can call me Web-Head, you can call me Amazing, just don't call me late for dinner. You get it?

  • Spider-Man: [after saving a police officer from getting hit by his car] I'm glad you're not one of those cops who rides a horse.

  • Green Goblin: [lands in front of Spider-Man on a rooftop] Wake up little spider, no you're not dead yet just paralysed. You're an amazing creature, Spider-Man. You and I are not so different.

    Spider-Man: I'm not like you. You're a murderer.

    Green Goblin: Well, to each his own. I chose my path, you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?

    Spider-Man: Because it's right.

    Green Goblin: [slaps Spider-Man on the head] Here's the real truth. There are eight million people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders. You, me? We're exceptional.

    [leans in and grabs Spider-Man's neck]

    Green Goblin: I could squash you like a bug right now, but I'm offering you a choice. Join me! Imagine what we could accomplish together... what we could create. Or we could destroy! Cause the deaths of countless innocents in selfish battle again and again and again until we're both dead! Is that what you want?

    [jumps on the glider]

    Green Goblin: Think about it, hero!

  • [trying to learn how to shoot a web]

    Spider-Man: Go web! Fly! Up, up, and away web! Shazaam! Go! Go! Go web go! Tally ho.

  • Green Goblin: [the Green Goblin has just pummeled Spider-Man] Misery, Misery, Misery, that's what you've chosen. I offered you friendship and you spat in my face.

    [Green Goblin continues to beat Spider-Man]

    Green Goblin: You've spun your last web, Spider-Man. If you had not been so selfish, your little girlfriend's death would have been quick and painless, but now that you've really pissed me off, I'm gonna finish her nice and slow. MJ and I, we're gonna have a hell of a time!

    Green Goblin: [Green Goblin lunges forward, but Spider-Man blocks and pushes him into a brick wall] Peter, Peter, stop, it's me!

    Spider-Man: [Green Goblin takes off his mask, revealing Norman Osborn] Mr. Osborn...

    Green Goblin: Oh, Peter, thank God for you...

    Spider-Man: You killed those people on that balcony!

    Norman Osborn: The Goblin did it, I had nothing to do with it! Please, don't let him take me again! I beg of you, protect me!

    Spider-Man: You tried to kill Aunt May! You tried to kill Mary Jane!

    Norman Osborn: But not you? I tried to stop it, I couldn't stop it.

    [Norman pushes a button on his suit and the glider rises]

    Norman Osborn: If anything happened to me, I knew it was you who would save me and so you have, Peter thank god for you

    Norman Osborn: [Norman rises up] Give me your hand, I've been like a father to you. Be a son to me now.

    Spider-Man: I had a father, his name was Ben Parker.

    Green Goblin: Godspeed, Spider-Man

    Norman Osborn: [Warned by spider-sense, Spider-Man black flips over the oncoming glider] Oh!

    [the glider impales Norman]

    Norman Osborn: Peter, don't tell Harry.

  • Mary Jane: You're amazing.

    Spider-Man: Some people don't think so...

    Mary Jane: But you are.

    Spider-Man: Nice to have a fan...

  • [the Goblin crashes through the Daily Bugle office]

    Green Goblin: [grabbing Jameson by the throat] Jameson you slime! Who's the photographer who takes pictures of Spider-Man?

    J. Jonah Jameson: I don't know who he is! His stuff comes in the mail!

    Green Goblin: YOU'RE LYING!

    J. Jonah Jameson: I swear!

    Green Goblin: He's the one who can take me to him!

    J. Jonah Jameson: I don't know who he is!

    Green Goblin: [preparing to punch Jameson] You are useless you...!

    Spider-Man: [appears upside-down outside the window] Settle down, tough guy.

    Green Goblin: [drops Jameson and turns around on the glider] Speak of the Devil!

  • Cop at Fire: [at a burning building, a cop approaches Spider-Man] Hold it right here, you're under arrest! I'm taking you in!

    Young Lady at Fire: [a scream is heard in the building] There's somebody still up there!

    Spider-Man: I'm going.

    Cop at Fire: I'll be here when you get back.

    Spider-Man: Not coming back, chief.

  • Mary Jane: Who are you?

    Spider-Man: You know who I am.

    Mary Jane: I do?

    Spider-Man: Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

  • Green Goblin: Spider-Man. This is why only fools are heroes - because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice. Let die the woman you love... or suffer the little children? Make your choice, Spider-Man, and see how a hero is rewarded!

    Spider-Man: Don't do it Goblin!

    Green Goblin: We are who we choose to be... now, *choose*!

  • Spider-Man: You have a knack for getting in trouble.

    Mary Jane: You have a knack for saving my life. I think I have a superhero stalker.

    Spider-Man: I was in the neighborhood...

  • [to J. Jonah Jameson]

    Spider-Man: Hey, kiddo. Let Mom and Dad talk for a minute, will ya?

  • Bonesaw McGraw: What're ya doin' up there?

    Spider-Man: Staying away from you. That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?

  • Green Goblin: [to Spider-Man] You and I are not so different.

    Spider-Man: I'm not like you. You're a murderer.

    Green Goblin: Well... to each his own.

  • Spider-Man: [referring to the Green Goblin] Whatever it is, somebody has to stop it...

  • [In the burning building]

    Green Goblin: You're pathetically predictable, like a moth to the flame. What about my generous proposal? Are you in or are you out?

    Spider-Man: It's you who's out, Gobbie. Out of your mind.

    Green Goblin: Wrong answer.

  • Spider-Man: Ahem. You know, in the future, if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief, man.

    Car Thief: Who are you? Are you a cop?

    Spider-Man: Really? You seriously think I'm a cop? Cop in a skin-tight red and blue suit?

  • Spider-Man: I'm gonna throw you out the window now.

    Gwen Stacy: What?

  • Gwen Stacy: [Answering phone] Hi.

    Spider-Man: Hey, where are you?

    Gwen Stacy: Peter, hi. I'm at Oscorp.

    Spider-Man: You have to get out of there right now. Ok?

    Gwen Stacy: The antidote is cooking.

    Spider-Man: No, no, no. Connors is on the way. He's coming to you right now.


    Spider-Man: He needs the dispersement device. He's gonna infect the while city!


    Gwen Stacy: There's eight minutes left.

    Spider-Man: You're gonna wait there for eight minutes after what I just told you? People are gonna die! You leave right now. That is an order, ok?

    Gwen Stacy: I'm gonna get everybody out.

    [Hangs up]

    Spider-Man: Did you hear wh-

    [Gwen hangs up]

    Spider-Man: Gwen! Gwen! You Mother Hubbard. Are you serious?

  • Car Thief Cop: Freeze! You in the tights, don't move!

    Spider-Man: You serious?

    Car Thief Cop: Who are you?

    Spider-Man: No one seems to grasp the concept of the mask.

    [Peter walks towards cop]

    Car Thief Cop: Freeze!

    [starts shooting]

    Spider-Man: [dodges] I just did 80% of your job. Huh? And that - Is that how you repay me?

    [throws cop's gun under car]

  • Spider-Man: Is that a knife? Is that a real knife?

    Car Thief: Yes, it's a real knife.

    Spider-Man: My weakness. Small knives. Anything but knives!

  • Spider-Man: Uh-oh. Somebody's been a bad lizard.

  • Jack's Father: Who are you?

    Spider-Man: Spider-Man.

  • Spider-Man: [while The Lizard is slamming him against the walls] Don't... make me... have to... hurt you!

  • Spider-Man: You motherhubbard!

  • Spider-Man: You came.

    New Goblin: Looks like just in the nick of time.

    Spider-Man: A couple of minutes ago wouldn't have been so bad either.

    New Goblin: [Smiles] What are you gonna do?

  • Eddie Brock: Hey. I'm the new guy.

    Spider-Man: New guy?

    Eddie Brock: From now on, I am gonna be taking shots of you for the Bugle. So smile. Are you smiling? Just kidding.

    Spider-Man: They got a guy.

    Eddie Brock: Who, Parker? Um, yeah, look, just between you and me, guys kind of an amateur. Have you noticed his stuff makes you a little bloated? Just - Yeah, a little chunky.

    Spider-Man: Okay.

    Eddie Brock: But you don't have to worry about that, buddy.

  • Spider-Man: [surprising the Sandman] Flint Marko.

    Spider-Man: [angrily] Remember Ben Parker? The old man you shot down in cold blood?

    Flint Marko: What does it matter to you, anyway?

    Spider-Man: [as subway car passes by loudly and blares its horn] Everything!

  • Eddie Brock: [as Black Suited Spider-Man gets ready to plunge into the sewer and pursue Sandman] Whoa. Buddy, love the new outfit. This is exactly what I need to scoop Parker. Gimme - Give me some of that web action.

    Spider-Man: [slings a string of web, grabs Eddie's camera and slams it against the wall breaking it] See ya, chump.

    Eddie Brock: [shouts at Spider- man who is already jumped down the sewer] What the hell?

  • Spider-Man: Shazam!

  • Mary Jane Watson: [Peter jumps up to save Mary Jane] Peter. They're gonna kill us both.

    Spider-Man: I'm gonna get you out of this.

  • Spider-Man: It's time to pay, Marko!

  • Spider-Man: [both at top speed on the New Goblin's Sky Stick] This thing got any more?

    New Goblin: Hang on!

    Spider-Man: To what?

  • Spider-Man: [back-to-back with the New Goblin facing Venom] I could use some help over here!

    New Goblin: [facing the giant Sandman] I'm a little busy right now!

  • Flint Marko: I don't want to hurt you. Leave now.

    Spider-Man: [chuckles] I guess you haven't heard. I'm the sheriff around these parts!

  • [Spider-Man is unable to stop the reactor, so he turns to the only person who can help him... ]

    Spider-Man: Doctor Octavius!

    [Doc Ock frowns puzzledy, He recognizes that voice - and as if to confirm it, Spider-Man removes his mask and reveals his identity... ]

    Peter Parker: We have to shut it down! Please tell me how!

    Doc Ock: Peter Parker...?Brilliant but lazy."

    [He chuckles at this statement made by his old friend, now seeing its irony]

    Peter Parker: Look at what's happening! We have to stop it!

    Doc Ock: I can't stop it... I WON'T!

    [He clamps a tentacle on Peter's neck and glares at him]

    Peter Parker: You once spoke to me about intelligence... you said it was a gift to be used for the greater good...

    Doc Ock: A privilege...

    Peter Parker: These things have turned you into something else... don't listen to THEM...

    Doc Ock: It was my dream...

    Peter Parker: Sometimes... to do what's right... we must be steady... and give up the things we desire the most... even our dreams.

    Doc Ock: You're right.

    [a piece of wreckage gets sucked into the machine. Outside several cars are pulled towards the vortex]

    Doc Ock: [to his arms] He's right...

    [the tentacles click and whirl, strongly disagreeing with him]

    Dr. Otto Octavius: Listen... listen to me now! Listen to ME now!

    [He finally acquires his sanity, and control over his tentacles. With a jerk, a tentacle lets go of Peter]

    Peter Parker: Now... tell me how to stop it!

    Dr. Otto Octavius: It can't be stopped. It's self-sustaining now.

    Peter Parker: THINK!

    Doc Ock: Unless... the river! Drown it!

    [Peter turns to leave, but a tentacle grips him once again... ]

    Dr. Otto Octavius: I'll do it.

    [He heads towards his Frankenstein creation, pausing for a moment to look back at Peter. Peter meets his glance, and then sensing someone, looks behind him and sees Mary Jane... ]

  • [man steps into elevator. Spider-man is in the elevator]

    Elevator Passenger: Cool Spidey outfit.

    Spider-Man: Thanks.

    Elevator Passenger: Where did you get it?

    Spider-Man: I made it.


    Elevator Passenger: Looks uncomfortable...

    Spider-Man: Yeah, it's kind of itchy...


    Spider-Man: ...and it rides up in the crotch a little bit, too.

  • [tossing a bag of coins back at Doc Ock]

    Spider-Man: Here's your change!

  • Spider-Man: If you lay... One finger... On her... I'll...

    Dr. Otto Octavius: You'll what?

  • Ben Parker: Of all the times we talked of honesty, fairness, justice. A lot of those times I counted on you to have the courage, to take those dreams out into the world.

    Spider-Man: I can't live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.

    Ben Parker: You've been given a gift Peter, with great power, comes great responsibility.

    [gives his hand to Peter]

    Ben Parker: Take my hand son.

    Spider-Man: [backs away] No Uncle Ben. I'm just Peter Parker. I'm Spider-Man no more. No more...

  • Elevator Passenger: I'm with Weisenhower, Anderson, Nichols & Knudsen PR firm in the building and I just wanna say I think the image you have is fantastic. It's really put together. The costume. The... this thing. I mean, it's really put together. It's great. I think you can do more than print though. I think you might wanna try some TV, you know? Can I riff for you? Can I come up with a couple ideas for you? Just what my company would do. Let's see what I got. How 'bout, um, uh, a children's book? You could, uh, have like Charlotte's Web but without the pig. You know, that kind of thing. How 'bout, um, uh, a line of hammocks? 'Cause it's kind of a web thing. Um, you could do, um, a men's cologne called "Thwip." Let me give you a card.

    Spider-Man: I don't have any pockets.

  • Spider-Man: Where is she?

    Dr. Otto Octavius: Oh, she'll be just fine. Let's talk.

    [they fight]

  • Mary Jane Watson: Peter I'm getting married.

    Spider-Man: I've always imagined you getting you married on a hill top.

    Mary Jane Watson: Who's the groom?

    Spider-Man: You hadn't decided yet.

  • Spider-Man: [after getting reprimanded by Mary Jane] I don't think it's that simple.

    Mary Jane Watson: Of course you don't! Because you complicate things!

  • Spider-Man: [in argument with Mary Jane] You don't understand! I'm not an empty seat anymore. I'm different! Punch me I bleed.

  • Spider-Man: [Thinks to himself] Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need? What am I supposed to do.

  • Doc Ock: [grabs Spider-Man in the bank] You're getting on my nerves.

    Spider-Man: I have a knack for that.

    Doc Ock: Not anymore.

  • Spider-Man: [addressing two kids he saved from getting hit by a truck] Hey, you two. No playing in the street.

    Boy Saved by Spider-ManGirl Saved by Spider-Man: Yes, Mr. Spider-Man.

    Spider-Man: See ya!

  • Spider-Man: [referring to Doc Ock] We sure showed him!

    May Parker: What do you mean 'we'?

  • Spider-Man: [to Aunt May, who's hanging several hundred feet up the side of a building] Hang on!

Browse more character quotes from Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
