Sonja Quotes in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)


Sonja Quotes:

  • Lucian: I love you

    Sonja: and I love you... your face will not be here when this is over will it?... goodbye my love

  • Tannis: There are twelve seats on the Council.

    Sonja: And we don't die often.

  • Viktor: I wanted to believe your lies, but I knew it could not be true, not my own daughter. How could you?

    Sonja: Father... I love him.

    Viktor: Baa... you have betrayed me! To be with an animal! I loved you more than anything!

    [to his guards]

    Viktor: She does not leave this room!

  • Viktor: It occurs to me that I have been thoughtless... so deep in my own anguish at Lucian's betrayal that I gave no thought... to your feelings.

    Sonja: My feelings?

    Viktor: They worm their way into our lives and we forget the travesty of their birth. I myself had tenderness towards Lucian, he could've been anything... a death dealer perhaps.

    Sonja: Yes... perhaps.

    Viktor: But he was not as we are was he?... did you help him escape?

    Sonja: Help him? Of course not.

    Viktor: Are you lying to me?

    Sonja: There many things I have done against your will, but he is a Lycan.

    Viktor: I'm sorry my dear.

    [kisses her forehead]

    Viktor: but you leave me no choice

    [bites her neck]

    Viktor: .

  • Lucian: If I had not left none of this would've happened

    Sonja: Then you would not be who you are, you're right no one should live a life like this. your brothers are free because of you;they are forever changed because of what you have done.

    Lucian: But I failed you!

    Sonja: No, Lucian my love,you have not failed me,the choices I made have led me here and to you, you said yourself that there were risks you were willing to take for me... as was I for you... for us.

  • Lucian: If I were to leave from here, would you come with me?

    Sonja: Leave? Do not say that, do not even think it. My father would have you hunted down and marked like all the others.

    Lucian: [Talking about his collar] Not if I can remove this.

    Lucian: Look

    [Shows her a key]

    Lucian: I made it myself. This will be my freedom.

    Sonja: Lucian, promise me you will not use it. Please!

    Lucian: Is that your answer, then? You will not come with me, so you want me to stay here for you? Like this? Like an animal?

    Sonja: Lucian!

    Lucian: Vampire and Lycan, we are both the children of Corvinus. Yet my kind are slaves. I will use this one day. And I will leave this place. But I can never be without you, now.

  • Coloman: The accused has committed high treason against the coven! She has consorted with animals, she has abetted in their escape...

    Sonja: I have saved this coven many times over!

    Coloman: You have killed your own kind! And you've commingled bloodlines, resulting in the thing germinating within you. Your past glory does not excuse your present guilt,neither does your station as a council member. The punishment for these crimes is death, how vote you?

  • Viktor: Killing me won't save your precious lycan!

    Sonja: Please call off your men, for the sake of your grandchild!

    Sonja: [Places Viktor's hand up to her stomach] A miracle father. The union of the bloodlines!

    Viktor: [Disgusted with her revealing her pregnancy] I curse the day your mother gave her life to bring you into this world.

    Viktor: [while pointing at her stomach and pulling out a concealed dagger] That thing inside you is a monstrosity!

    Viktor: [Places the dagger up to her throat] This is over!

    Viktor: [to his men about Lucian] Remove him!

    Lucian: Sonja! No! No! Noooo!

    [voice fades away]

    Viktor: [to Sonja] Do you understand what you've done? Tonight was never about you. It was about him! I could've handed Lucian over to the council and they'd never need know about your indiscretion. But after this? Never!

  • Frankie Wilde: I was thinking, you know Paul Newman's got his salad dressing and that? So why not Frankie Wilde Hummus?

    Sonja: That's a really good idea, Frankie.

    Frankie Wilde: People come see the gigs and they say, "That was a great set, Frankie," and I say, "Cheers, mate, want some hummus?"

    Sonja: Yeah, good name for an album.

    Frankie Wilde: How's that?

    Sonja: Frankie Wilde - Hummus.

    Frankie Wilde: What? Call my album Hummus? I don't think so.

    Sonja: I've got good ideas, Frankie, you should listen to me.

    Frankie Wilde: If I've got my own hummus brand and my album's called Hummus, it's all gettin' a bit much.

    Sonja: No, I think it's a good name.

    Frankie Wilde: I'll change my name to Frankie Hummus.

    Sonja: It sounds good.

  • Sonja: Have you got a condom?

    Frankie Wilde: Hey?

    Sonja: Have you got a condom?

    Frankie Wilde: No, I'm not gonna fuck her. I'm knackered. I'm just gonna have a nosh.

  • Sonja: [Frankie and Sonja are having sex] I fuckin' hate you!

    Frankie Wilde: I fuckin' hate you!

  • Ove: I thought, I should pay back the money.

    Sonja: Wouldn't it be nicer if you invite me to dinner?

  • Cameron: Eat something, I'm begging you! You look like a swizzle stick.

    Sonja: Food?

  • Sonja: I don't have time. I promised to do that photo shot this afternoon. I have to shower and vomit!

  • Cameron: Eat something. You look like a swizzle stick!

    Sonja: You mean, food?

  • Cameron: This is where I grew up.

    Sonja: I don't care.

    Cameron: Sonja, we're here to help someone. For once, we're gonna think about something besides our careers and our hair.

  • Sonja: To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer; not to love is to suffer; to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love. To be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy. Therefore, to be unhappy, one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down.

  • Boris: Nothingness... non-existence... black emptiness...

    Sonja: What did you say?

    Boris: Oh, I was just planning my future.

  • Sonja: Oh don't, Boris, please. Sex without love is an empty experience.

    Boris: Yes, but as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.

  • Sonja: You were my one great love.

    Boris: Oh, thank you very much. I appreciate that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm dead.

    Sonja: What's it like?

    Boris: What's it like? You know the chicken at Tresky's Restaurant? It's worse.

  • Russian gentleman: So who is to say what is moral?

    Sonja: Morality is subjective.

    Russian gentleman: Subjectivity is objective.

    Sonja: Moral notions imply attributes to substances which exist only in relational duality.

    Russian gentleman: Not as an essential extension of ontological existence.

    Sonja: Can we not talk about sex so much?

  • Napoleon: This is an honor for me.

    Boris: No, it's a greater honor for me.

    Napoleon: No, a greater honor for me.

    Boris: No, it's a greater honor for me.

    Napoleon: No, a greater honor for ME.

    Boris: Well, perhaps you're right. Perhaps it IS a greater honor for you.

    Napoleon: And you must be Don Francisco's sister.

    Sonja: No, you must be Don Francisco's sister.

    Napoleon: No, you must be Don Francisco's sister.

    Sonja: No, you must be Don Francisco's sister.

    Boris: No, it's a greater honor for me.

    Napoleon: I see our Spanish guests have a sense of humor.

    Boris: She's a great kidder.

    Sonja: No, you're a great kidder.

    Boris: No, you're Don Francisco's sister.

  • Sonja: Boris is trying to commit suicide - last week he contemplated inhaling next to an Armenian.

  • Boris: Sonja, are you scared of dying?

    Sonja: Scared is the wrong word. I'm frightened of it.

    Boris: That's an interesting distinction.

  • Sonja: Alright, let's say that there is no God and each man is free to do exactly as he chooses, well, well, what prevents you from murdering somebody?

    Boris: Well, murder is immoral.

    Sonja: Immorality is subjective.

    Boris: Yes but subjectivity is objective.

    Sonja: Not in any rational scheme of perception.

    Boris: Perception is irrational, it implies immanence.

    Sonja: But judgement of any system or a priori relation of phenomena exists in any rational or metaphysical or at least epistemological contradiction to an abstract and empirical concept such as being or to be or to occur in the thing itself or of the thing itself.

    Boris: Yeah, I've said that many times.

  • Sonja: Boris, you're a coward!

    Boris: Yes, but I'm a militant coward.

  • Sonja: There are many different kinds of love, Boris. There's love between a man and a woman; between a mother and son...

    Boris: Two women. Let's not forget my favorite.

  • Sonja: And I want three children.

    Boris: Yes. Yes. One of each.

  • Sonja: Violence is justified in the service of mankind.

    Boris: Who said that?

    Sonja: Attila the Hun.

    Boris: You're quoting a Hun to me?

  • Sonja: I truly think this is the best of all possible worlds.

    Boris: It's certainly the most expensive.

  • Sonja: Oh, Boris, I'm so unhappy.

    Boris: Ohh, I wish you weren't.

    Sonja: Voskovec and I quarrel frequently. I've become a scandal.

    Boris: Poor Sonja.

    Sonja: For the past weeks, I've visited Seretski in his room

    Boris: Why? What's in his room? Oh...

    Sonja: And before Seretski, Aleksei, and before Aleksei, Alegorian, and before Alegorian, Asimov, and...

    Boris: Okay!

    Sonja: Wait, I'm still on the A's.

    Boris: How many lovers do you have?

    Sonja: In the mid-town area?

  • Boris: Oh, if only God would give me some sign. If He would just speak to me once. Anything. One sentence. Two words. If He would just cough.

    Sonja: Of course there's a God! We're made in His image!

    Boris: You think I was made in God's image? Take a look at me. You think He wears glasses?

    Sonja: Not with those frames.

  • Russian gentleman: I must have you.

    Sonja: No, no. Not here, not on the piano. It's a rented piano.

  • Napoleon: I heard you speaking to someone.

    Sonja: Oh, I was praying.

    Napoleon: But I heard TWO voices.

    Sonja: Well, I do both parts.

  • Sonja: He kissed me.

    Boris: Any place I should know about?

    Sonja: He warmed the cockles of my heart.

    Boris: That's just great. Nothing like hot cockles.

  • Sonja: Boris, you can't be serious, you're talking about Mother Russia.

    Boris: She's not my mother. My mother's standing right here, and she's not gonna let her youngest baby get shrapnel in his gums.

  • Sonja: What are you suggesting, passive resistance?

    Boris: No, I'm suggesting active fleeing.

  • Napoleon: I wonder if you would be more difficult to conquer than Russia?

    Sonja: Well, I weigh less.

  • [comforting her husband on his deathbed]

    Sonja: I know I could have been a better wife to you... kinder. I could have made love with you more often... or once, even.

    Leon Voskovec: Once would have been nice.

  • Boris: [about their plan to murder Napoleon] ... I know, but murder, the most foul of all crimes. And not just abstract murder like shooting an unknown enemy on the battlefield, but standing in a closed room with a live human being and pulling the trigger, face to face. And a famous human being, a successful one, one who earns more than I do... My God, you figure Napoleon has gotta be good for 10,000 francs a week... That's minimum. That's without tips or extras. Nothing like that. And me, what am I? He's a great man. He thinks like the superman, and I'm just a worm, an insect... some kind of crawling, disgusting, creeping little vermin! You know, you can stop me!

    Sonja: I will when I disagree.

  • Russian gentleman: What would you think if I told you you were one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen?

    Sonja: I'd think what a mad fool he is.

    Russian gentleman: And what would you think if I suddenly put my arms around you?

    Sonja: I'd think what a mad impetuous fool he is.

    Russian gentleman: And what would you think if I kissed you?

    Sonja: I'd think what a mad, impetuous, wonderful fool he is.

  • Russian gentleman: Your skin, it is so beautiful!

    Sonja: Yes, I know. It covers my whole body.

  • Sonja: Don Francisco?

    Don Francisco: Pardon me?

    Sonja: I'm having trouble adjusting my belt. Do you think you could come over here and hold my bosom for a while?

  • Boris: If, by some mistake, I'm not killed tomorrow, would you marry me?

    Sonja: What do you think the odds are?

  • [Boris must fight a duel in the morning]

    Sonja: Uh... this Anton Inbedkov, he is a good shot isn't he?

    Boris: I'm afraid so.

    Sonja: Well, since this may be your last night on Earth, let's go back to my room and make love.

    Boris: Oh... nice idea! I'll bring the soy sauce.

  • Napoleon: I'll go to your room.

    Sonja: Good, I'll go to yours.

  • Napoleon: Do you find me attractive as a man?

    Sonja: Yes, I think that's your best bet.

  • [Sonja meets Ivan's widow in church]

    Anna: You're praying for Ivan?

    Sonja: Yes. Your husband, I loved him, as you know.

    Anna: I wanted you to have some of his possessions.

    Sonja: How kind.

    Anna: I kept his sword and gold watch... but here, I'm giving you his mustache.

    Sonja: I'll cherish it.

    Anna: Also some string. Ivan saved string.

    Sonja: I know. It was one of the reasons why I loved him.

    Anna: I understand that. I loved him for his string, too.

    Sonja: Anything else for me?

    Anna: I thought we should divide his letters. Do you want the vowels or the consonants?

  • Sonja: Hey, this is good champagne, Boris.

    Boris: Oh yeah? Have you had enough, or are you gonna drink another case?

  • Sonja: Alright, let's say that there is no God and each man is free to do exactly as he chooses, well, well, what prevents you from murdering somebody?

    Boris: Well murder is immoral.

    Sonja: Immorality is subjective.

    Boris: Yes but subjectivity is objective.

    Sonja: Not in any rational scheme of perception.

    Boris: Perception is irrational, it implies immanence.

    Sonja: But judgement of any system or a priori relation of phenomena exists in any rational or metaphysical or at least epistemological contradiction to an abstract and empirical concept such as being or to be or to occur in the thing itself or of the thing itself.

    Boris: Yeah, I've said that many times.

  • Napoleon: Shall we to the bed?

    Sonja: Shall we WHAT to the bed?

  • Sonja: That is so jejune!

    Boris: Jejune? You have the temerity to accuse me of quoting to you out of jejunosity? I'm the most june person there is!

  • Napoleon: Forgive my haste, I have heard that Spanish Blood is the hottest in Europe.

    Sonja: I had mine cooled for the Summer.

  • Sonja: You have to know where things come from to know where they're going.

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Characters on Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)