Snorri the Miserable Quotes in Erik the Viking (1989)


Snorri the Miserable Quotes:

  • Harald the Missionary: Listen. I've been in this dump for sixteen years and I haven't made a single convert...

    Snorri the Miserable: There was Thorbjorn Vifilsson's wife. You converted HER.

    Harald the Missionary: Thorbjorn Vifilsson's wife became a Buddhist, not a Christian.

    Snorri the Miserable: Same thing, isn't it?

    Harald the Missionary: No, it is NOT.

  • Erik: Maybe none of us will return.

    Snorri the Miserable: Oh, well that's much more sensible than just Thorfin getting killed. Shall we all go and pack now?

  • Snorri the Miserable: First we're flying - now we're sinking!

  • Snorri the Miserable: Anyone know any good drowning songs?

    Erik: Listen! Maybe we won't get to Hy-Brasil! Maybe we won't find the Horn Resounding... but at least we've tried... and at least we shall have died like men.

    Snorri the Miserable: Like fish.

  • Harald the Missionary: You know, my son, our lord said...

    Snorri the Miserable: Your lord.

    Harald the Missionary: Quite... my lord said: "The Prayer of Faith shall have the sick."

    Snorri the Miserable: I hope the Dragon of North Sea gets you and your lord.

    Harald the Missionary: Darkness and ignorance...

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