Smoker #2 Quotes in Clerks (1994)


Smoker #2 Quotes:

  • Chewlies Gum Rep: You're spending what? Twenty, maybe thirty dollars a week on your cigarettes?

    Angry Smoking Crowd: Yeah.

    Woolen Cap Smoker: Forty.

    Smoker #1: Something like that.

    Smoker #2: Fifty-three.

    Chewlies Gum Rep: Fifty-three dollars a week on cigarettes! Come on! Would you give somebody that much money each week to kill you? 'Cause that's what you're doing now, by paying for this so-called privilege to smoke.

    Angry Smoking Crowd: Hey, man, we gotta croak sometime.

    Chewlies Gum Rep: It's that kinda mentality that allows the cancer-producing industry to thrive. Course we're all gonna die some day. But do we have to pay for it? Do we have to actually throw hard-earned dollars down on the counter and say, "Please Mr. Merchant-of-Death, please, sell me something that'll stink up my breath and my clothes and fry my lungs."

    Dante Hicks: Now wait a second!

    Chewlies Gum Rep: Yeah. Yeah, now here comes the speech about how he's just doing his job by following orders. Friends, let me tell you about another group of hate mongers that were just following orders.

    Angry Smoking Crowd: Who's that?

    Chewlies Gum Rep: They were called Nazis!

    Woolen Cap Smoker: Nazis, that's right.

    Angry Smoking Crowd: Fuckin' Nazi!

    Chewlies Gum Rep: Yeah, and they practically wiped an entire nation of people off the Earth just like your cigarettes are doing now.

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