Siggy Quotes in What About Bob? (1991)


Siggy Quotes:

  • Dr. Leo Marvin: I want some peace and quiet!

    Bob Wiley: Well, I'll be quiet.

    Siggy: I'll be peace!

    [Bob and Siggy burst into giggles]

  • Siggy: I mean, my Dad just dropped me in the water, without warning me first. I mean, I nearly drowned! My whole life flashed before my eyes!

    Bob Wiley: Wow, you're lucky you're only twelve.

    Siggy: It was still grim.

  • Dr. Leo Marvin: Why are you always wearing black? What is it with you and this death fixation?

    Siggy: Maybe I'm in mourning for my lost childhood.

  • Bob Wiley: Goodbye, rat-dick suck-nut!

    Siggy: [upstairs] Bye, dog-pissing-barf!

    Dr. Leo Marvin: [screams from the bottom of the stairs] Sigmund!

    Bob Wiley: Later, testicle-head bosom-beaver!

    [looks out the window]

    Bob Wiley: Good Morning America's here!

  • [Last Lines]

    Minister: Bob Wiley, would you have Lily Marvin to be your beloved wedded wife, to cherish and love till death do you part?

    Bob Wiley: I do.

    Minister: Lily Marvin, would you have Bob Wiley to be your beloved wedded husband, to cherish and love till death do you part?

    Lily Marvin: [smiling] I do.

    [Bob heaves a sigh of relief. Bob and Lily smile at one another]

    Minister: If anyone wishes to express why these two shouldn't join together in matrimony... speak now, or forever hold your peace.

    [the catatonic Leo jiggles his head and makes throaty sounds. No one notices, even Bob, who is looking around]

    Minister: Then, By the power invested in me and the state of New York. I pronounce you, man and wife.

    Dr. Leo Marvin: [suddenly stands up and shouts] NO!

    Siggy: [excitedly shouts] Dad's back!

    Anna Marvin: Daddy!

    Lily Marvin: Leo!

    Lily Marvin: [rushing over] Leo!

    [the family surrounds the recovered Leo as everyone applauds]

  • [the Marvins have told Bob to leave, and they are saying their farewells]

    Siggy: Goodbye, green-puking pissant.

    Bob Wiley: Later, barf-breath douche-mouth.

  • [Bob and Siggy are jumping on their beds, faking Tourette's syndrome]

    Bob Wiley: Shit-for-brains!

    Siggy: Butthead!

    Bob Wiley: Dingleberry butt!

    Siggy: Snot face!

    Bob Wiley: Vulture Vomit!

    Siggy: Turkey tits! Belch breath!

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