Shogunate Envoy Quotes in Ninja Scroll (1993)


Shogunate Envoy Quotes:

  • Shogunate Envoy: Gemma, this gold will soon help us make our dream come true.

    Lord Himuro Gemma: What dream?

    Shogunate Envoy: Our great dream. We'll topple the Tokugawa government, and restore the reign of the house of Toyotomi. You wouldn't understand how we ex-Toyotomi retainers have suffered. This time, the Tokugawa will suffer those agonies. With the gold we intend to buy the most advanced weapons from Spain and use them against him. That is the true dream of all who work for the Shogun of the Dark.

    Lord Himuro Gemma: Nonsense.

    Shogunate Envoy: Wha... what did you say?

    Lord Himuro Gemma: I said it's nonsense.

    Shogunate Envoy: Watch your tongue! You're a mere ninja!

    Lord Himuro Gemma: My dream is different. The gold won't go to the Shogun of the Dark.

    Shogunate Envoy: What?

    Lord Himuro Gemma: The Devils of Kimon will take the gold.

    Shogunate Envoy: Damn you! Yaah!

    [runs to Gemma with his sword, but Gemma puts him in a stranglehold]

    Lord Himuro Gemma: I'll use the gold to organise the most powerful army of ninja ever, and we will rule the country with terror and power from the shadows. Anyone who disobeys me - Tokugawa, or Toyotomi, even the Shogun of the Dark - shall die.

    [breaks the Envoy's neck]

    Lord Himuro Gemma: That means the *real* Shogun of the Dark... is me!

    [chuckles as he throws the body into the sea]

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