SHIELD Lieutenant Quotes in Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)


SHIELD Lieutenant Quotes:

  • [a body is discovered in the Arctic]

    SHIELD Lieutenant: Base. Get me a line to the Colonel! I don't care what time it is! This one's waited long enough.

  • [first lines]

    Search Team Leader: Are you the guys from Washington?

    SHIELD Tech: You get many other visitors out here?

    SHIELD Lieutenant: How long have you been on site?

    Search Team Leader: Since this morning. A Russian oil team called it in about eighteen hours ago.

    SHIELD Lieutenant: How come nobody spotted it before?

    Search Team Leader: It's really not that surprising. This landscapes changing all the time. You got any ideas what this thing is exactly?

    SHIELD Lieutenant: I don't know. It's probably a weather balloon.

    Search Team Leader: I don't think so. You know we don't have the equipment for a job like this.

    SHIELD Tech: How long before we can start craning it out?

    Search Team Leader: I don't think you quite understand. You guys are gonna need one hell of a crane!

    [Move to see there's a massive frozen structure]

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