Sheriff Stan Watkins Quotes in Walking Tall (2004)


Sheriff Stan Watkins Quotes:

  • Sheriff Stan Watkins: [after Chris wins the election, he pulls up to address the police force] Sheriff.

    Chris Vaughn: Watkins.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: You won the election. Congratulations. But we do have a tradition of professional courtesy up here. And I can personally vouch for each and every one of these men. They're good deputies.

    Chris Vaughn: You're all fired.

  • Sheriff Stan Watkins: [after he and his men shoot up the sheriff's office] Hey, sheriff! You home?

  • Sheriff Stan Watkins: Hey, Chris. Good to see you up and about. You're looking spiffy.

    Chris Vaughn: I'm here to press charges.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: Oh, this is about that incident at the casino a while back, huh?

    Chris Vaughn: Yeah, it is.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: Because that matter's closed.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: I mean, you're lucky you weren't brought in on charges. I mean...

    Chris Vaughn: Did you even look into it?

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: They did an internal investigation. Uhmm, yeah. That's good enough for me.

    Chris Vaughn: An *internal investigation*?

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: Chris, I know you're familiar with the term no-fly zone. Because that's what the casino is. Since the mill closed down, that casino is the main source of revenue in this town. So case closed, basically. I'll see ya.

    [walks away]

    Chris Vaughn: I'm not gonna let this stand.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: [turns around] Excuse me?

    [walks back over]

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: What did you say to me?

    Chris Vaughn: I SAID, I'm not gonna let this stand.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: You're lucky to be alive right now. That's all you need to be concentrating on. This is my town. Okay? I'm the sheriff here. I'll tell you what stands. Not the other way around. Now please get out of my building.

  • Doctor: [to the Vaughns on Chris] Folks. He's pretty banged up. Inside and out. Whoever did this, left him for dead. A lesser man wouldn't have survived.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: I'm gonna need a statement from him, doctor.

    Doctor: Well, he's in no condition to give you one.

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: I'll also need a copy of your write-up, along with toxicology and blood-alcohol level.

    Michelle Vaughn: What are you talking about, Stan?

    Sheriff Stan Watkins: I'm just trying to get some facts here.

    Michelle Vaughn: Oh, come on. You need to be out arresting whoever tried to kill my brother. Not testing his blood.

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