Shan-Yu Quotes in Mulan (1998)


Shan-Yu Quotes:

  • Shan-Yu: I tire of your arrogance, old man. Bow to me!

    The Emperor of China: No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it.

    Shan-Yu: Then you will kneel in *pieces*!

  • Shan-Yu: Looks like you're all out of ideas.

    [he stabs at her with his sword; she dodges, catches the sword with the fan and twists it out of his hands]

    Mulan: Not quite.

  • Shan-Yu: You took away my victory!

    [Mulan's shoe hits his head]

    Mulan: No!

    [Shan-Yu faces Mulan]

    Mulan: I did.

    [she pulls back her hair so that Shan-Yu recognizes her]

    Shan-Yu: The soldier from the mountains...

    [Mulan runs off with Shan-Yu following]

  • Imperial scout: The Emperor will stop you.

    Shan-Yu: Stop me? He invited me.

    [clutching the scout and holding him aloft]

    Shan-Yu: By building his wall he challenged my strength. Well, I'm here to play his game.

  • [Shan-Yu releases two captured Imperial scouts to give the Emperor a message]

    Shan-Yu: How many men does it take to deliver a message?

    [Hun Archer draws back his bow and aims]

    Hun Archer: One.

  • [to a pair of captured Imperial scouts]

    Shan-Yu: Nice work, gentlemen. You found the Hun army.

  • Guard: [after lighting the signal fire] Now all of China knows you're here.

    Shan-Yu: [lights a flag on the fire] Perfect.

  • Shan-Yu: [tosses doll to soldiers] What do you see?

    Hun Twin 2: Black pine. From the high mountains.

    Hun Twin 1: [finds hair on doll] White horse hair. Imperial stallions.

    Hun: [sniffs doll] Sulfur... from cannons.

    Shan-Yu: This doll came from a village in the Tung Shao Pass, where the Imperial Army's waiting for us.

    Hun Archer: We can avoid them easily.

    Shan-Yu: No. The quickest way to the emperor is through that pass. Besides

    [smiles at doll]

    Shan-Yu: the little girl will be missing her doll. We should return it to her.

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