Sephora Quotes in The Ten Commandments (1956)


Sephora Quotes:

  • Moses: Does your god live on this mountain?

    Sephora: Sinai is His high place, His temple.

    Moses: If this god is God, he would live on every mountain, in every valley. He would not be the god of Ishmael or Israel alone, but of all men. It is said he created all men in his image. He would dwell in every heart, every mind, every soul.

  • [Nefretiri and Sephora look upon one another for the only time]

    Sephora: The queen of Egypt is beautiful, as he told me.

  • Gershom: [Moses and Sephora are now parents] Did the little boy die in the desert, my father?

    Moses: No. God brought Ishmael and his mother Hagar into a good land.

    Gershom: The same God who lives on the mountain?

    Moses: It may be, my son.

    Sephora: Moses! Moses!

    Moses: Here!

    [Gershom starts to try blow shofar and Moses chuckles]

    Moses: [to Gershom] Your mother's calling.

    Sephora: Moses, there is a man among the sheep.

    [Sephora saw Joshua]

    Moses: Keep sounding the alarm, Gershom, but stay here till your mother comes.

    Sephora: [to Moses] In the cleft. Behind the rock.

    Moses: Your eyes are as sharp as they are beautiful.

  • Sephora: Which of my sisters did you choose?

    Moses: I made no choice, Sephora.

    Sephora: She was very beautiful, wasn't she? This woman of Egypt, who left her scar upon your heart. Her skin was white as curd, her eyes green as the cedars of Lebanon, her lips, tamarisk honey. Like the breast of a dove, her arms were soft... and the wine of desire was in her veins.

    Moses: Yes. She was beautiful... as a jewel.

    Sephora: A jewel has brilliant fire, but it gives no warmth. Our hands are not so soft, but they can serve. Our bodies not so white, but they are strong. Our lips are not perfumed, but they speak the truth. Love is not an art to us. It's life to us. We are not dressed in gold and fine linen. Strength and honor are our clothing. Our tents are not the columned halls of Egypt, but our children play happily before them. We can offer you little... but we offer all we have.

    Moses: I have not little, Sephora. I have nothing.

    Sephora: Nothing from some... is more than gold from others.

    Moses: You would fill the emptiness of my heart?

    Sephora: I could never fill all of it, Moses, but I shall not be jealous of a memory.

  • Sephora: I do not know about such things, but I do know that the mountain rumbles when God is there, and the earth trembles, and the cloud is red with fire.

    Moses: At such a time, has any man ever gone to see Him, face-to-face?

    Sephora: No man has ever set foot on the forbidden slopes of Sinai. Why do you want to see Him, Moses?

    Moses: To know that He is. And if He is, to know why He has not heard the cries of slaves in bondage.

  • Nefretiri: You need have no fear of me.

    Sephora: I feared only his memory of you.

    Nefretiri: You have been able to erase it.

    Sephora: He has forgotten both of us. You lost him when he went to seek his God. I lost him when he found his God.

  • Jethro's daughter: [Sephora saw Moses, asleep and drew her six sisters, to see him as he slept. Jethro's seven daughters looked at Moses asleep and admired him] He's eaten a whole bunch of dates.

    [then, they all quietly chuckled, in humor]

    Sephora: We drew this water.

    Amalekite herder: Out of the way, girl.

    Sephora: This is the well of Jethro, our father. You have no right here.

    Amalekite herder: Our goats don't know your father.

    Sephora: Jethro's mark is on the well.

    Amalekite: They can't read, either.

    [while speaking, he also chuckles, at the same time]

    Amalekite: Nor can we!

    [while was speaking, he also chuckles, at the same time]

    Amalekite herder: Then let him breed sons to guard it, not daughters.

    [an Amalekite herdsman pushed Sephora down, to the ground and Moses quickly defended Jethro's seven daughters and defeated the Amalekites, catching them off guard, combatting with them, using only his staff]

    Jethro's daughter: Drive them away!

    Moses: Let them be first whose hands have drawn the water.

    Sephora: The stranger is wise... and strong.

    Moses: Drive back your goats until the sheep are watered.

    Amalekite herder: All right, all right.

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