Sarah Lee Gates Quotes in Blue Hawaii (1961)


Sarah Lee Gates Quotes:

  • Chad Gates: I like my job, mum. It's fun, it's interesting and I meet a lot of nice people.

    Sarah Lee Gates: Nonsense. Tourists aren't people. They're... They're tourists.

  • Sarah Lee Gates: Now that Chadwick's home, I'm sure he's got all that foolishness out of his system, after the war.

    Fred Gates: Sarah Lee, how many times do I have to tell you, he was not in a war.

    Sarah Lee Gates: I know you're right, Daddy, but if I don't tell myself there was a war, I have a most depressive feeling Chadwick's just wasted two years.

  • Sarah Lee Gates: And he didn't even give his momma any goodnight sugar.

  • Sarah Lee Gates: You're up early this morning son.

    Chad Gates: I have to, I've got a job.

    Sarah Lee Gates: A job? Working?

  • Sarah Lee Gates: My baby's home from the big house

    Fred Gates: Oh, Sarah Lee, will you forget those old movies?

  • Sarah Lee Gates: Chadwick think of who you are. Remember you come from a fine family.

    Chad Gates: You'll do enough remembering for both of us, ma.

    Sarah Lee Gates: Oh Daddy, what did we do wrong?

    Fred Gates: Offhand I'd say we got married.

  • Sarah Lee Gates: Chadwick's a growing boy, I don't think it's appropriate of you to give him intoxicating libations.

  • Sarah Lee Gates: [after seeing Chad and Maile dancing to "Rock a Hula Rock"] Daddy, I'm gonna to have a headache. A dreadful headache!

  • Sarah Lee Gates: I woke up when I heard our dog barking, and I thought Chadwick was coming in then. But then I realized that it couldn't be, 'cause we don't have a dog.

  • Sarah Lee Gates: What was that?

    Fred Gates: Something we may have to get used to, Sarah Lee. It's called the sound of youth.

  • Sarah Lee Gates: Oh, it's such a shame Captain Polk was a damn yankee.

  • Chad Gates: Mom, I'm sorry, honestly. But it wasn't my fault.

    Sarah Lee Gates: Oh, I know that, dear. It's your friends. Mostly that Duval girl. She's the one to blame.

    Chad Gates: Maile had nothing to do with it.

    Sarah Lee Gates: Well she was there, wasn't she? And you got that job working in her tourist place. Well, who else can we blame? She's pulling you down to her level.

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