Russian Quotes in


Russian Quotes:

  • [a preacher attacks Chien Fu with a sword]

    Chien Fu: Huh? The preacher?

    Russian: [laughs] I'm not any sort of priest. I come from Russia - I'm a fighter!

    Chien Fu: You're what? You're not a priest?

    Russian: Heh! The Eagle Claws have hired me - I'm to destroy the Snake Fist! And my master managed to trick you - into betraying your teacher. He'll have killed him by now!

    Chien Fu: You lousy swine.

    [they fight]

  • Steve March: Now this is my plan: I want all of your uranium, plutonium, all your atomic resources. I want your factories, railroad shipping, all your industrial facilities. Your workers will labour around the clock day and night, following my blueprints to build a most powerful invasion force ever gathered in the universe.

    General Brown: You mean to enslave the world?

    Russian: Russia would never agree to it!

    Steve March: There's a simple answer to that: There'll be no Russia. Your United Nations building will be turned over to me. I will teach your engineers to build a fleet of interplanetary rockets, to be armed and manned by your joint military forces. All under my command.

    General Brown: What would you do with all this power?

    Steve March: I will return to my planet Arous, and through its vast intellect, I will become master of the universe. After I'm gone, your Earth will be free to live out its miserable span of existence, as one of my satellites, and that's how it's going to be.

  • Kenneth Murdock: There'll be no fur trade if the white man builds his house in Oregon.

    Russian: Of course, this immigration cannot be halted permanently. It can be discouraged for a number of years, and now is the time to do it, but we don't want bloodshed, you understand that?

    Kenneth Murdock: I understand the white man. When he wants land, for which he gives nothing, he'll destroy anything to get it.

    Russian: You speak almost as an Indian.

    Kenneth Murdock: My mother was an Indian... my father I never saw.

  • Russian: You know, I had a boy like you once. He was as ugly as dirt... took after his ma. I ended up having to slit his throat.

  • Russian: Ol' B'ar Killer he wouldn't kill nobody. B'ars and injuns, maybe a white kid or two.

  • Russian: Well in all my born put-together, I never seen nothin' like this off no indian - talking about the gold headband Sam found

  • Russian: Nothin' purdier than sweeeet yeller gold.

  • Russian: [singing] I killed a b'ar, over thar. I didn't really do it, I was drunk.

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