Roy Bacon Quotes in Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)


Roy Bacon Quotes:

  • Roy Bacon: Elvises, light your fires.

  • Jack Singer: We're gonna jump out of one plane?

    Roy Bacon: At 3,000 feet.

    Jack Singer: And these chutes are fool-proof, right?

    Roy Bacon: Well, as the King always said there's nothing in this world fool-proof other than a Coupe de Ville... and hookers!

  • Jack Singer: [trying to remember how his parachute works] Let's see... I pull this one first?

    Roy Bacon: No, son. You pull this one, the yellow one. That's your main chute. Then if that chute don't open, what you do is reach down there and pull the red one. That there is your auxiliary chute.

    Jack Singer: Yellow then red?

    Roy Bacon: You got it.

    Jack Singer: Okay... let's just say that I get a little flustered when I'm hurling through space and... what happens if I pull the red one first?

    Roy Bacon: Oh, well then neither chute will open. You'll end up on the ground looking like a well-done chili burger. They'll have to shovel you into a coffin!

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Characters on Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)