Ron Albertson Quotes in Waiting for Guffman (1996)


Ron Albertson Quotes:

  • Ron Albertson: We consider ourselves bi-costal if you consider the Mississippi River one of the coasts.

  • Ron Albertson: If there's an empty space, just fill it with a line, that's what I like to do. Even if it's from another show.

  • Ron Albertson: Some people find it ironical that although we run a travel agency, we've never been outside of Blaine.

  • Ron Albertson: I had to have penis reduction surgery.

    Dr. Allan Pearl: Penis *reduction*?

    Sheila: I said to him, "Ron, you've gotta do something!" And he says to me, "Well, why don't you get one of those vagina enlargements?"

  • [the Pearls and the Albertsons are dining at the Chop Suey Chinese kitchen]

    Ron Albertson: Let me ask you something. You're a medical man.

    Dr. Allan Pearl: Yes.

    Ron Albertson: Uh... I wanna ask you something... if you... you...

    [stands up, prepares to drop trousers]

    Dr. Allan Pearl: [Horrified] Oh!

    Ron Albertson: No, I, I...

    Dr. Allan Pearl: Oh, for heaven's sake, no, noooooo...

    Ron Albertson: Look, no please, I just want...

    Dr. Allan Pearl: No!

    Mrs. Allan Pearl: You don't have to do that...

    Ron Albertson: Doctor, please...

    Dr. Allan Pearl: Mmmmmedicine Man not go near Dances With Stumpy! Noooo!

  • [Ron and Sheila are extras in some kind of Hollywood western]

    Ron Albertson: I'd wish they'd at least give us a line. I made some suggestions...

    Sheila: We should be line-DANCING.

  • Ron Albertson: You know, in China they'll kill a monkey at the table and split its head open and eat the brains right out of it.

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