Roger Podacter Quotes in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)


Roger Podacter Quotes:

  • Ace Ventura: [with a German accent] How can I be getting zis vork done wit all de shouting? Control de shouting?

    Reporter: Who's That?

    Ace Ventura: Heinz Getwellvet. I am trainer of dolphins. You want to talk to de dolphin, you talk to me.

    Reporter: What happened to the *regular* trainer?

    Ace Ventura: Vat happened to him? Vat happened to me? Seven years I am wit Siegfried.

    [he holds up only four fingers]

    Ace Ventura: Ve are making de dolphins disappear, und den Roy is coming wit de vite tiger und ze shtuffing in de pants und den I'm gone.

    Reporter: [skeptically] Where is Snowflake?

    Ace Ventura: Why do you care about Snowflake? Do you know him? Does he call you at home?


    Ace Ventura: Do you have a dorsal fin? To train ze dolphin you must zink like ze dolphin! You must be getting inside ze dolphin's head. I am saying to Snowflake, "Akay!... Akay Akay Akay?" und he is saying "AKay Akay!" und he is up on ze tail "Eeeeeeeeee!" und you can quote him!

    [Ace spits]

    Roger Podacter: Alright, it's almost time for Coach Shula's press confrence, uh, lets let Heinz do his work?

    Ace Ventura: [shooing reporters] Go to de conference, go to it.

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