RoboCop Quotes in RoboCop (1987)


RoboCop Quotes:

  • [repeated line]

    RoboCop: Dead or alive, you're coming with me!

  • The Old Man: [held at gunpoint by Jones] Dick, you're *fired*!

    [Directive 4 limitation against Jones is cancelled]

    RoboCop: Thank you.

    [shoots Jones]

  • Bob Morton: What are your Prime Directives?

    RoboCop: Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law.

  • [last lines]

    The Old Man: Nice shootin', son. What's your name?

    RoboCop: Murphy.

  • Reporter: Robo, excuse me, Robo. Any special message for all the kids watching at home?

    RoboCop: Stay out of trouble.

  • RoboCop: Clarence Boddicker, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent.

    Clarence Boddicker: [spits blood in Robo's face] Fuck you.

    [RoboCop sends him flying through a window]

    Clarence Boddicker: Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute! I'm protected, man. I've got protection.

    RoboCop: You have the right to an attorney.

    Clarence Boddicker: What is this shiiiit.

    [RoboCop sends him flying through another window]

    Clarence Boddicker: Goddammit! Godammit! Listen to me! Listen to me, you fuck! There's another guy. He's, uh, he's OCP. He's a senior president.

    RoboCop: Anything you say may be used against you.

    Clarence Boddicker: It's Dick Jonessssss...

    [RoboCop sends him flying through another window]

    Clarence Boddicker: You cocksucker! I work for Dick Jones! Dick Jones! He's the Number Two Guy at OCP. OCP runs the cops.

    [RoboCop grabs his throat]

    Clarence Boddicker: You're a cop. Cop!

    [RoboCop's program intervenes to prevent him from killing Clarence in cold blood. He releases Clarence from his grasp]

    RoboCop: Yes, I am a cop.

  • RoboCop: Murphy had a wife and son. What happened to them?

    Officer Lewis: Well, after the funeral... she moved away.

    RoboCop: Where did they go?

    Officer Lewis: She thought you were dead. She started over again.

    RoboCop: I can feel them... but I can't remember them.

    [Lewis extends her arm to comfort Murphy]

    RoboCop: Leave me alone.

  • RoboCop: Come quietly or there will be... trouble.

    Steve Minh: Oh...

    [cocks shotgun]

    Steve Minh: Fuck you!


  • Clarence Boddicker: Okay. I give up.

    RoboCop: I'm not arresting you anymore.

    [as RoboCop steadily advances, taking aim on Clarence, Clarence's nervous chuckles slowly turn to near panic as he realizes that Robocop truly means to kill him]

    Clarence Boddicker: H-hey, now wait a second. Now, wait a minute. You're taking this kind of personal, aren't ya? Come on, man. Come on, now. You're making me nervous. Come on, you can't do this! Come on, now! Don't mess around! Hey! Hey! Come on, man. Now, don't get cute!

  • RoboCop: [dragging Leon Nash by the hair] Let's talk.

  • RoboCop: Let the woman go. You are under arrest.

    Creep's Buddy: Shit!

    [RoboCop draws his gun]

    Creep's Buddy: You... you better back-up, pal! 'Cuz... he's gonna kill her. He... he is gonna kill her!

    [RoboCop, trying to subdue the suspects without hurting the woman, aims his gun around them both]

    Creep: I'm gonna cut this bitch!

    Creep's Buddy: He's gonna kill her, man!

    Creep: I'm gonna cut this bitch!

    Creep's Buddy: He... he's gonna kill her!

    [RoboCop shoots through the woman's skirt, hitting the Creep's crotch, who then crumples to the ground screaming in pain]

    Creep: Oooow! Ooow-how-ha-how! Ahhhh!

    RoboCop: Your move, Creep.

    Creep: [on the ground howling in pain and holding his bleeding groin] Oooow! Ooow! Ooooow!

    Creep's Buddy: [simultaneously, while surrendering] Okay, okay, it's okay!

    Rape Victim: Oh, God. I was so scared. Thank you. Oh, thank you.

    RoboCop: Madam, you have suffered an emotional shock. I will notify a rape crisis center.

  • RoboCop: [seeing Emil drawing his machine gun on him and draws his own gun] Drop it!

    [Emil walks backwards]

    RoboCop: Dead or alive, you're coming with me.

    [Emil realizes who RoboCop really is, for he had heard that statement earlier]

    Emil: I know you. You're dead! We killed you!

    [starts running and firing at RoboCop]

    Emil: We killed you!

  • RoboCop: [after stabbing Clarence] Lewis! Lewis!

    Officer Lewis: [looking up] Murphy... I'm a mess...

    RoboCop: They'll fix you. They fix everything.

  • RoboCop: Excuse me. I have to go. Somewhere there is a crime happening.

  • RoboCop: Looking for me?

    [shoots Joe mercilessly]

  • Dick Jones: Come in, officer. You know, I usually don't see anyone without an appointment, but your case I'll make an exception.

    RoboCop: You are under arrest.

    Dick Jones: Oh? On what charge?

    RoboCop: Aiding and abetting a known felon.

    Dick Jones: Sounds like I'm in a lot of trouble. You better take me in.

    RoboCop: I will.

    [Then RoboCop's Directive prevents him from arresting Jones, and is trying to fight it]

    Dick Jones: What's the matter officer? I'll tell you what's the matter. It's a little insurance policy called "Directive 4", my little contribution to your psychological profile. Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in shutdown. What did you think? That you were an ordinary police officer? You're our product, and we can't very well have our products turning against us, can we?

    [RoboCop, trying to resist his Directive, draws his gun, but drops it]

    Dick Jones: Ahh, still a little fight left in you. Maybe you'd like to meet a friend of mine.

    [ED-209 marches into the room]

    Dick Jones: I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake.

  • RoboCop: Book him!

    Sgt. Reed: What's the charge?

    RoboCop: He's a cop killer.

  • The Old Man: How can we help you, officer?

    RoboCop: Dick Jones is wanted for murder.

    Dick Jones: [Directive 4 starts flashing on RoboCop's status monitor] This is absurd! That thing... is a violent mechanical psychopath!

    RoboCop: My program will not allow me to act against an officer of this company.

    The Old Man: These are serious charges. What is your evidence?

    [RoboCop turns to the wall and inserts his data spike into the wall socket, a video starts to play]

    Dick Jones: [from video playback] I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake. I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake.

    Dick Jones: [takes a gun and holds it against the Old Man's head, wrapping his arm around his neck] Get up! Get up! I want a chopper, now! We will walk to the roof very calmly, I will board the chopper with my hostage. Anybody tries to stop me... the old geezer gets it.

    The Old Man: Dick, you're fired!

    [Directive 4 disappears from RoboCop's status monitor]

    RoboCop: Thank you.

    [the Old Man jabs Dick Jones from behind with his elbow, and RoboCop starts shooting at Dick Jones, who is no longer an OCP employee; Dick Jones falls through a glass window to the ground below and dies]

  • RoboCop: [entering a convenience store, robbery in progress] Drop the gun, you are under arrest!

    Hophead: [firing semi-automatic at RoboCop] Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

    [bullets deflect off RoboCop's armor]

    Hophead: [RoboCop grabs gun barrel and bends downward]

    [Hophead is shocked, runs for front door]

    Hophead: [RoboCop knocks him through a glass fridge window]

    RoboCop: [to shocked store owners] Thank you for your cooperation, goodnight.

  • Grocery Mom: [Hophead puts a comic book onto the check out counter, and the grocery mom puts the comic book in a bag] Would there be anything else, sir?

    Hophead: [muffled] Yeah, empty the register and put the money in the bag.

    Grocery Mom: Excuse me?

    Hophead: [shouts] I said give me your money and all of it, and don't fuck with me!

    [Hophead takes out a machine gun from his coat]

    Hophead: Now move! Open the safe, pops. Open the god-damn safe!

    Grocery Pop: We-we don't have a safe.

    Hophead: Shit!

    [Hophead kicks the display of beer cans that hides a safe]

    Hophead: There's your god-damn safe! Open that son of a bitch! I'm gonna count to three and you'd better open that son of a bitch! Come on, come ON!

    Hophead: [Points the gun at the mom's head] I'm gonna blow her brains out.

    Grocery Pop: I'll open the safe.

    Hophead: Good boy.

    [the pop works on the safe]

    Hophead: Come on! Well, you better open that on the count of three. One. Two.

    [RoboCop comes in]

    Hophead: Fuck me!

    RoboCop: Drop the gun. You are under arrest.

    Hophead: [shouting while shooting at RoboCop] Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

    [RoboCop bends the nose of Hophead's gun. Hophead tries to run away but RoboCop tosses him into a freezer]

    RoboCop: [turning to the grocery couple] Thank you for your co-operation. Good night.

    Bixby Snyder: [From the TV] I'll buy that for a dollar!

  • Jesse Perkins: Robocop: Who is he? What is he? Where does he come from? He is OCP"s newest soldier in their revolutionary crime management program. OCP spokesmen claim that the fearless machine has crooks on the run in Old Detroit. Today, kids at Lee Iacocca Elementary School got to meet in person what their parents only read about in comic books.

    Reporter: Robo, excuse me, Robo! Any special message for all the kids watching at home?

    RoboCop: Stay out of trouble.

  • RoboCop: [entering a convenience store, robbery in progress] Drop the gun, you are under arrest!

    Hophead: [firing semi-automatic at RoboCop] Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

    [bullets deflect off RoboCop's armor]

    Hophead: [RoboCop grabs gun barrel and bends downward]

    [shocked Hophead runs for front door]

    Hophead: [RoboCop knocks him through a glass fridge window]

    RoboCop: [to amazed store owners] Thank you for your cooperation, goodnight.

  • Raymond Sellars: Alex, we need to work together here, because I'm the only one with the technology to keep you alive.

    RoboCop: Dead or alive, you're coming with me.

  • RoboCop: Get down on the ground and put your hands behind your back.

    Tom Pope: I-I'm just from marketing.

    RoboCop: NOW!

    Tom Pope: Okay, yep, yep, yep. Yep.

  • Clara Murphy: Alex. You need to come home.

    RoboCop: Clara, please stand aside.

    Clara Murphy: You need to speak to your son.

    RoboCop: Right now, I see three crimes in progress.

    Clara Murphy: Alex, listen to me. I know you're in there. David won't show his face at school. He's having nightmares. He's falling apart. I am falling apart. Please. I can't do this on my own. He's been scared ever since that night.

  • John Lake: Don't shoot me. Okay? I swear to Christ. It was Dean. She helped pulled those guns. Just don't shoot me.

    RoboCop: Thank you for your cooperation.

    [shoots Lake]

    RoboCop: You can cuff him now, Jack.

  • Walter Karrel: DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT! Don't shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot!

    RoboCop: Walter Karrel, look at me. You have two options. Option 1: I shoot you with 50,000 volts which may cause respiratory failure, organ malfunction, internal burns, and loss in bowel and bladder control and then I arrest you. Option 2: you tell me where John Bigg's drug lab is located and then I arrest you. You have two seconds to decide.

  • RoboCop: Isn't the moon wonderful tonight?

    Lewis: It's still daytime.

    RoboCop: It's the thought that counts

    Lewis: Oh, Jesus! We're heading back to the station!

  • [Robocop shoots at man with cigarette]

    RoboCop: Thank you for not smoking.

  • Cain: You want me?

    RoboCop: Dead or alive.

    Cain: One of us must die.

    RoboCop: Dead, then.

  • RoboCop: [poised to kill Cain] Goodbye.

  • Hob: [as he lays dying] Don't leave me.

    RoboCop: I won't leave you.

  • [Robocop enters a busy arcade]

    RoboCop: Isn't this a school day?

  • Ellen Murphy: Alex? Don't you know me? Don't you remember me? Alex, it doesn't matter what they've done to you. I...

    RoboCop: [leans forward] Touch me.

    Ellen Murphy: [touches his lip] It's cold.

    RoboCop: [referring to his face] They made this to honor him.

    Ellen Murphy: No , I...

    RoboCop: Your husband is dead. I don't know you.

  • Lewis: Good eyes, Murphy.

    RoboCop: Good as money can buy.

  • RoboCop: [after Lewis guns down a criminal] You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

    Lewis: He's dead, Murphy.

    RoboCop: You have the right to an attorney...

    Lewis: You're reading Miranda to a corpse!

    RoboCop: [drops the corpse] I'm having... Trouble.

  • RoboCop: Waste makes haste, for time is fleeting. A rolling stone is worth two in the bush.

    Boy: Go fuck a refrigerator, pecker-neck!

    RoboCop: Bad language makes for bad feelings.

  • RoboCop: I'm... having... trouble.

  • [last lines]

    Lewis: That son of a bitch is getting away with it. We can't even touch him.

    RoboCop: [while using a ratchet on his head] Patience, Lewis. We're only human.

  • RoboCop: And now, a word on nutrition.

    Little League Kid: Shit, he's fucked up!

    RoboCop: Bad language makes for bad feelings.

  • RoboCop: You sold us out, Officer Duffy!

  • RoboCop: Ladies, stay down.

  • RoboCop: You're coming with me, Cain.

  • RoboCop: Cain, let's take this outside!

  • [repeated line]

    RoboCop: Where is Cain?

  • Robocop: I must commandeer your vehicle for police use.

    Pimp: [turning around and raising a knife] What is your problem, sucker?

    Pimp: [gaping at Robocop, his a gun, and dropping his knife] I mean, Officer.

  • [last lines]

    The CEO: Well, I gotta hand it to ya. What do they call ya? Murphy, is it?

    Robocop: My friends call me Murphy. You call me... Robocop.

  • Robocop: [to Otomo] Detroit police. Identify yourself. You are under arrest for assaulting an officer.

    [Robocop draws for his Auto-9, Otomo knocks it away and cuts off Robocop's fingers]

    Robocop: And destruction of police property.

  • [Robocop lands inside the top-story OCP Command Center]

    Paul McDaggett: How may I help you, officer?

    Robocop: By resisting arrest.

  • Paul McDaggett: [after the androids behead each other] Stupid fools. Don't you know what you've done to us? Those androids are programmed with a thermal failsafe device.

    Dr. Marie Lazarus: They're made to self-destruct?

    Paul McDaggett: In fifteen seconds, everything within twenty yards of where we're standing will be atomised. We're DEAD, ya stupid slag!

    Robocop: Don't count on it, chum.

  • Robocop: [with flamethrower arm in police station] You may want to call the fire department.

    [Lights the place up]

  • Robocop: [watches helplessly as Officer Lewis dies] Officer down.

  • [Robocop is covered in soot]

    Officer Anne Lewis: Jesus, Murphy. Are you okay?

    Robocop: I'm fine, Anne. Thank you for asking.

  • Robocop: Where's McDaggett?

    Hotel Desk Clerk: Room 212.

    Robocop: Thank you. I hope you are insured.

  • Officer Anne Lewis: Are they gone?

    Robocop: I'm still scanning three.

    [catches a bullet in his hand and fires his gun offscreen]

    Robocop: Make that... two.

  • Robocop: Police officer. No loitering.

  • Robocop: You called for backup?

  • Officer Anne Lewis: We're police officers.

    Paul McDaggett: We don't want you. We have reason to believe there are squatters in that structure. Now, step away from the door.

    Officer Anne Lewis: There're civilians inside. They're just trying to stay warm.

    Paul McDaggett: Those people belong in the nearest rehabilitation center. Some of them are armed terrorists. Now, step away from the door or you'll be cited for obstructing justice. Look, I'm not gonna ask politely next time, now step away from the door. This is your final warning.

    Robocop: [shoots at McDaggett's feet] You are making a mistake. Back off, or there will be trouble.

    Officer Anne Lewis: Now you're talking, Murphy. We're not budging. If you wanna get in there, you're gonna have to shoot through us.

    Paul McDaggett: I don't have a huge problem with that.

    [guns down Officer Lewis]

  • [two OCP Rehabs are harassing a teen prostitute]

    Teen Prostitute: No!

    Robocop: [appearing] She said "no".

    Rehab Rapist: Huh?

    [the Rehabs look at Robocop confused. Robocop points his gun at them]

    Robocop: Maybe you have a hearing problem.

    [Standing behind the girl, the Rehabs raise their guns. Robocop fires, killing the Rehabs without harming the girl]

    Robocop: [to the girl] Go home, young lady. You are in violation of curfew.

  • [Darth Vader, a T-Rex, G.I. Joe, a Cardassian, a Ferengi, and Robocop stop fighting and notice Omri]

    Robocop: [with gun aimed at Omri] Halt!

    T-Rex: Rrrahrr?

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