Roberto Canessa Quotes in Alive (1993)


Roberto Canessa Quotes:

  • Nando: Between these mountains somewhere there's a green valley. See these mountains over here? There's no snow on them.

    Roberto Canessa: Those mountains must be fifty miles away. You think you can walk fifty miles?

    Nando: If we have to, we will.

    Roberto Canessa: I can't.

    Nando: Yes, you can.

    Roberto Canessa: I can't. I'm not as strong as you.

    Nando: Do you know what it is that we've lived this long the way we have? Seventy days? That we climbed this mountain. You know what it is? It's impossible. It's impossible and we did it. I'm proud to be a man on a day like this. Alive. That I lived to see it, and see it in such a place. Take it in. I love you, man. Look, it's magnificent. It's God. And it'll carry us over every stone, I swear. I swear to you.

  • Roberto Canessa: We're gonna die, you know.

    Nando: Maybe. But if we die, we're gonna die walking.

  • Pilot Julio César Ferradas: [Canessa and Zerbino find the pilot, badly injured]


    Pilot Julio César Ferradas: My bag, my... bag.

    Roberto Canessa: He wants his bag.

    Gustavo Zerbino: There isn't much on the floor. I don't... I don't see his bag.

    Roberto Canessa: We're looking. What's in the bag?

    Pilot Julio César Ferradas: [rolls his eyes] My... My gun. Gun!


    Roberto Canessa: No, my friend. We can't be a part of that.

  • Roberto Canessa: [Canessa notices the uninjured Fraga wearing a coat] You took this coat off a girl back there, didn't you?

    Fraga, the Mechanic: No!

    Rafael: Yeah, he did, Roberto! It's Susanna Parrado's coat!

    Roberto Canessa: [to Rafael] Put it back on her.

    [Rafael goes to give her the coat]

    Roberto Canessa: [to Fraga] If you take it off her again, I'll kill you.

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