Robert Cole Quotes in Modern Romance (1981)


Robert Cole Quotes:

  • Robert Cole: [selecting a prop for the space film he's working on] How much would you say this weighs?

    Head Mixer: I don't know. Maybe it doesn't weigh anything - did you ever think of that? Maybe it's on one of those planets that doesn't have any gravity.

  • Robert Cole: [stretching before his first jog after breaking up] One, two, three! And I don't even miss her, two, three! One, two, three! And I don't even miss her, two, three...!

  • Robert Cole: [on the phone with Jay] Jay, listen -- I didn't tell you this before, and I think I should tell you now. I love you. I mean, in the right way. I think you're an amazing guy, and I -- I think I just love you.

    Jay: The ludes kicked in, right?

  • Robert Cole: I don't think we should go out. I mean, I just think it's over.

    Mary Harvard: OK, it's over again.

    Robert Cole: No, not "again". This it. It's the last time. It's for real.

    Mary Harvard: You don't love me?

    Robert Cole: I do love you. I mean, love has nothing to do with this. Yes, I love you. I mean, that makes it very confusing. But I just don't think. I mean... You've heard of a No Win Situation, haven't you?

    Mary Harvard: No.

    Robert Cole: No? Really, no? You've never heard of one? Vietnam; This.

  • Mary Harvard: I don't think we should go together anymore. This is too painful for me. I can't do this. It's over.

    Robert Cole: Marry me.

  • Robert Cole: What kind of surface might he be running on?

    Head Mixer: I don't know... space floor?

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