Riley Poole Quotes in National Treasure (2004)


Riley Poole Quotes:

  • Abigail Chase: What do you see?

    Ben Gates: 2:22.

    Abigail Chase: What time is it now?

    Clothing Store Clerk: Almost 3.

    Abigail Chase: [sighs] We missed it.

    Riley Poole: No, we didn't. We didn't miss it because... you don't know this? I know something about history that you don't know.

    Ben Gates: I'd be very excited to learn about it, Riley.

    Riley Poole: Hold on one second, let me just take in this moment. This is cool. Is this how you feel all the time? Well, except now.

    Abigail Chase: Riley!

    Riley Poole: All right! What I know is that daylight savings wasn't established until World War I. If it's 3 p.m. now that means that in 1776 it would be 2 p.m.

    Ben Gates: Riley, you're a genius.

  • Ben Gates: You all right?

    Abigail Chase: No, those - those lunatics...

    Ben Gates: You're not hurt, are you?

    Abigail Chase: You're *all* lunatics!

    Ben Gates: You hungry?

    Abigail Chase: What?

    Ben Gates: Are you all right?

    Riley Poole: Still a little on-edge from being shot at but I'll be fine, thanks for asking.

    Abigail Chase: Yeah, well *I'm* not all right! Those men have the Declaration of Independence!

    Riley Poole: She *lost* it?

    Ben Gates: *They* don't have it.

    [He pulls the Declaration out to show her]

    Ben Gates: See? Okay? Now could you *please* stop shouting?

    Abigail Chase: [She reaches for it but he pulls it away] Give me that!

    Ben Gates: You're *still* shouting, and it's really starting to annoy. You would do well, Dr. Chase, to be a little more *civilized* in this instance.

    Abigail Chase: If that's the *real* one, what did *they* get?

    Ben Gates: A souvenir. I thought it'd be a good idea to have a duplicate, turns out I was right. I actually had to pay for the souvenir *and* the real one, so you owe me $35, plus tax.

    Riley Poole: Genius.

    Abigail Chase: Who *were* those men?

    Ben Gates: Just the guys we *warned* you were going to try to steal the Declaration.

    Riley Poole: And *you* didn't believe us!

    Ben Gates: We did the only thing we could do to keep it safe.

    Abigail Chase: Verdammt! Give me that!

    Ben Gates: You know something? You're shouting again.

    Riley Poole: Pretty sure she was swearing too.

    Ben Gates: Well, we probably deserved *that.*

  • Powell: [referring to the underground staircase] How do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this?

    Ben Gates: Same way they built the pyramids - and the Great Wall of China.

    Riley Poole: Yeah... the aliens helped them.

  • Riley Poole: It's a big blue-ish green man... with a strange-looking goatee... I'm guessing that's significant.

    [hugs the statue]

  • Riley Poole: It's surrounded by guards and video monitors and little families from Iowa and little kids on their eighth grade field trips.

  • Abigail Chase: Riley, are you crying?

    Riley Poole: Look... Stairs.

  • Ben Gates: Do you know what the preservation room is for?

    Riley Poole: Delicious jams and jellies?

  • Riley Poole: When are we gonna get there? I'm hungry. This car smells weird.

  • Patrick Gates: [to Abigail] And he dragged you two into this nonsense?

    Abigail Chase: Literally.

    Riley Poole: I volunteered.

  • Ben Gates: It's invisible.

    Abigail Chase: Oh! Right.

    Riley Poole: And that's where we lost the Department of Homeland Security.

  • Riley Poole: I have to settle with 1%. One stinkin' percent. Half of one percent, actually.

    [he jumps into a Ferrari 360 Spider]

    Ben Gates: I'm sorry for your suffering, Riley.

  • Riley Poole: [after Ben decides to steal the Declaration] This is... huge.


    Riley Poole: Prison... huge. You are gonna go to prison. You know that, right?

    Benjamin Franklin Gates: Yeah, probably.

    Riley Poole: Well... that would... bother most people.

  • Riley Poole: It took you all of two seconds to decide to steal the Declaration of Independence.

    Benjamin Franklin Gates: Yeah, but I didn't think I was going personally have to tell my dad about it.

  • Riley Poole: Why can't they just say, 'go to this place, here's the treasure, spend it wisely'?

  • Abigail Chase: What led you to assume there's this invisible map?

    Ben Gates: We found an engraving on the stem of a 200-year-old pipe.

    Riley Poole: Owned by the Free Masons.

    Abigail Chase: May I see the pipe?

    Ben Gates: We don't actually have it.

    Abigail Chase: Did Bigfoot take it?

  • Riley Poole: [speaking through headset] How do you look?

    Ben Gates: [looking in mirror] Not bad.

    Riley Poole: Mazel tov!

  • [Ben shivers after unrolling the Declaration of Independence in the signing room of Independence Hall]

    Riley Poole: What?

    Ben Gates: It's just that... the last time this was here... it was being signed.

  • Benjamin Franklin Gates: I'm so sorry I dropped you - I had to save the Declaration!

    Abigail Chase: No, don't be. I would have done exactly the same to you.

    Benjamin Franklin Gates: Really?

    Abigail Chase: Yeah.

    Riley Poole: I would've dropped you both! Freaks.

  • [trying to find the password to the Preservation Room]

    Ben Gates: It's Valley Forge.

    Riley Poole: Valley... I don't have that on my computer.

    Ben Gates: It's Valley Forge. She pressed E and L twice.

    [typing password]

    Ben Gates: Valley Forge was a turning point in the Revolutionary War.

    [Access is granted]

    Riley Poole: Can I marry your brain?

  • Abigail Chase: You can't *seriously* intend to run chemical tests on the Declaration of Independence... in the back of a moving van!

    Riley Poole: We have a clean room environment all set up: EDS suits, a particulate air filtration system, the whole shebang.

    Abigail Chase: Really?

  • Riley Poole: Okay, Ben, pay attention. I've brought you to the Library of Congress. Why? Because it's the biggest library in the world. Over 20 million books. And they're all saying the same exact thing: Listen to Riley.

  • Powell: Look... this is a waste of time. How could a ship wind up way out here?

    Riley Poole: Well, I'm no expert but... it could be that the hydrothermic properties of this region produce hurricane-force ice storms that cause the ocean to freeze and then melt and then refreeze, resulting in a semisolid migrating land mass that would land a ship right around here.

    [walks away]

  • [Abigail is following Ben]

    Riley Poole: Ben, the, uh, the mean D-declaration lady is behind you.

  • Riley Poole: What do you care? You got the girl.

    Abigail ChaseBen Gates: That's true.

    [Ben and Abigail kiss]

    Riley Poole: Yeah, rub it in.

    [He turns and walks away]

    Riley Poole: Enjoy your spoils.

  • Riley Poole: Who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first?

  • Riley Poole: Do you actually know who the first person to suggest daylight savings was?

    Abigail ChaseBen Gates: Benjamin Franklin.

    [Riley stomps down his foot in disappointment]

  • Riley Poole: Our evil plan is working.

  • Riley Poole: For the record, Ben, I like the house.

    Ben Gates: You know, I chose this estate because in 1812 Charles Carroll met...

    Riley Poole: Yeah, someone that did something in history and had fun. Great. Wonderful.

    [puts on a pair of sunglasses and starts the car]

    Riley Poole: Could have had a bigger house.

    [drives away]

  • Riley Poole: [examining the back of the Declaration] So if it's in invisible ink, how do we see it?

    Patrick Gates: Throw it in the oven.

    Abigail ChaseBen Gates: NO!

  • Riley Poole: They're like Early American x-ray specs.

    Abigail Chase: Benjamin Franklin invented something like these.

    Ben Gates: Uh, I think he invented *these*.

  • Riley Poole: [after his computer goes blank] I lost my feed.

    Ben Gates: [in the preservation room] What?

    Riley Poole: I lost my feed, Ben. I don't know where anyone is. I have nothing. Ben, I have nothing. Get out of there. Get out of there now!

    Ben Gates: [picking up the Declaration of independence's case] I'm taking the whole thing. I'll get it out of the elevator.

    Riley Poole: What are you taking... Is it heavy?

  • Ben Gates: [speaking through headset] Riley, can you hear me?

    Riley Poole: Unfortunately, yeah.

  • Ben Gates: Meet me at the car. Call me if you have any problems.

    Riley Poole: Like if we get caught and killed?

    Ben Gates: Yeah - that would be a big problem. Take care of her.

    Riley PooleAbigail Chase: [together] I will.

  • Riley Poole: Anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help.

    Ben Gates: We don't need someone crazy. But one step short of crazy, what do you get?

    Riley Poole: Obsessed.

    Ben Gates: Passionate.

  • [They see Abigail hanging out the back of Ian's truck, clinging to the door and screaming]

    Ben Gates: Oh, no.

    Riley Poole: Holy Lord.

  • Riley Poole: Ian, why don't you just come back down here, and we can talk through this together!

    [Ian aims his gun at Riley]

    Ian Howe: Don't speak again.

    Riley Poole: Okay.

  • Riley Poole: [listening to Abigail over Ben's wire connection] Is that that hot girl? How does she look?

  • Shaw: Prison.

    Riley Poole: Albuquerque. See, I can do it too. Snorkel.

    Shaw: That's where the map is. Like he said, "Fifty-five in iron pen." "Iron pen" is a prison.

    Ben Gates: Or it could be, since the primary writing medium of the time was iron gall ink, the "pen" is... just a pen. But then why not say a pen? Why say "iron pen"?

    Shaw: Cause it's a prison.

  • Riley Poole: [sings] Where are you?

    Ben Gates: [walking out] Stop talking. Start the van.

    Riley Poole: [starts the van and looks up] Ben, the, uh, mean D- Declaration lady is behind you.

  • [as he tries to turn the van while chasing Ian's truck]

    Riley Poole: Skidding! Skidding! Skidding!

  • Riley Poole: Will someone please explain to me what these magic numbers are?

  • Riley Poole: [after seeing a guy walk up to Gates and Chase] Who's the stiff?

  • Riley Poole: [through clenched teeth] Stop chatting and get in the van.

  • Riley Poole: [upon realizing the magnitude of everyone now after them for stealing the Declaration] ... We probably have our own satellite by now...

  • Palace Guard Sholder: Sir. You and your missus, take it outside.

    Ben Gates: Now look what you've done. You've brought the little bobbies down on us! You take the missus outside. I'm staying right here.

    [rides down the banister like a kid and stopped by another guard]

    Palace Guard Haggis: Good afternoon, sir.

    Ben Gates: [in British accent] 'Ello.

    Palace Guard Haggis: Been drinking, have we?

    Ben Gates: Just a nip. Popped down to the pub for a pint. Bit of all right. Going to arrest a man for that? Going to detain a blighter for enjoying his whiskey?

    Palace Guard Haggis: That's enough, sir.

    Ben Gates: Bangers and mash. Bubbles and squeak. Smoked eel pie.

    Palace Guard Haggis: Sir.

    Ben Gates: Haggis!

    Palace Guard Haggis: That's it. Dismount the banister.

    Ben Gates: [shouting, singing] /I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts! / Here they are, standing in a row! / Small ones, big ones, some as big as your head! /

    Riley Poole: That was brilliant.

  • [from trailer]

    Riley Poole: We have thirty seconds to disable the alarm.

    Ben Gates: Go.

    [Ben and Riley break into a house and Riley disables the alarm]

    Ben Gates: You did that in twenty-five seconds.

    Riley Poole: That's why I tell people to get a dog.

  • [from trailer]

    Riley Poole: [seeing several police pulling up to the building] Oh look. My tax dollars at work, coming to arrest me.

  • US President: Did you get the chance to look at page 47?

    Ben Gates: Yes, sir.

    US President: And?

    Ben Gates: I think I can help you with that, sir.

    US President: So it's good?

    Ben Gates: Life-altering, sir.

    [Ben and the President walk of together]

    Riley Poole: Page 47? Wait, are you talking about the book?

    US President: Book? What book?

  • Control Room Guard: The fire alarm's gone off.

    Riley Poole: Uh-oh. God save the Queen.

  • [from trailer]

    Ben Gates: I'm gonna kidnap him. I'm gonna kidnap the President of the United States.

    Riley Poole: Wouldn't it just have been easier to make an appointment?

  • Patrick Gates: The Statue of Liberty! But which one?

    Riley Poole: Exactly. Wait is there more than one?

  • Riley Poole: [to Ben] Do you know what the taxes are on 5 million dollars? 6 million dollars.

  • Riley Poole: Did no one read my book?

  • Abigail Chase: Okay, I've been doing the math here, and...

    Ben Gates: I know. One of us is going to have to stay behind.

    Riley Poole: I've been doing the math too... just promise you'll come back for me.

    [in a high pitched voice]

    Riley Poole: Riley! No Riley! We won't leave you behind!

    [back to his normal voice]

    Riley Poole: No, I'm just kidding. Just go.

  • Riley Poole: [running to the left front door of a car] I'll drive.

    Ben Gates: We're in England.

  • Ben Gates: [about to break into Buckingham Palace, unbeknownst to Abigail] I appreciate you trying to help, but it's kind of a bad time right now.

    Abigail Chase: A bad time?

    Ben Gates: It's a bad time.

    Abigail Chase: I just flew all the way to England to help you, and...

    Ben Gates: You're the one making a scene here.

    Abigail Chase: I'm not making a scene!

    Riley Poole: [over the mike] Wait, Ben, we *want* to make a scene...

    Ben Gates: [screams at the top of his lungs] Well, fine! If that's how you want it, let's have it out right now!

    Riley Poole: Ah, so subtle.

  • [last lines]

    Riley Poole: [Riley gets his red Ferrari, now tax free, back] I love this car.

    [starts it up and then accidentally backs into something]

  • Ben Gates: Someone else is after the treasure.

    Riley Poole: Of course someone else is after the treasure. It's the axiom of treasure hunting.

  • Ben Gates: Riley, how fast can we get to Buckingham Palace?

    Riley Poole: [sarcastically] I don't know, why don't you ask your new best friend.

  • Riley Poole: Look at it this way - in a hundred years, no one is gonna remember anyone involved in the Lincoln assassination besides Booth.

    Ben Gates: That's not true. Do you know the expression "His name is mud?"

    Riley Poole: Yes, of course.

    Ben Gates: You do? Do you know the origin of the expression?

    Riley Poole: Does anyone but you?

    Ben Gates: Dr. Samuel Mudd was convicted of being a co-conspirator in the Lincoln assassination. The evidence was circumstantial, he was later pardoned, but it didn't matter. Mudd's name still lives in infamy, and I will not let Thomas Gates' name be mud.

  • [from trailer]

    Riley Poole: So let's recap: We've broken into Buckingham Palace, and the Oval Office, stolen a page from the President's super-secret book, and actually kidnapped the President of the United States. What are we gonna do next, short-sheet the Pope's bed?

    Ben Gates: Well, you never know.

  • Ben Gates: [reading President's Secret Book] Here's the final entry by President Coolidge. "1924 - I found a plank in secret desk compartment. Plank photographed and then destroyed. Borglum commissioned to destroy landmarks in sacred Black Hills mountains."

    Abigail Chase: Borglum... Mount Rushmore?

    Ben Gates: He carved Mount Rushmore, to erase the map's landmarks, in order to protect the City of Gold.

    Riley Poole: [muttering] Mount Rushmore was a cover-up.

  • Abigail Chase: [scoffs] Ah, come on, Riley. That's, that's urban legends.

    Riley Poole: Is it Abigail? Is it?

    [raises eyebrows]

    Abigail Chase: It's just totally...

    Riley Poole: Crazy?

    Abigail Chase: Yeah!

    Riley Poole: Hmmm, 'Cause the last time I checked, we pretty much make our living on "crazy."

    Ben Gates: [reading the book] He's got a point.

  • [from trailer]

    Riley Poole: The last time I checked, we make our living off crazy.

  • [from trailer]

    Riley Poole: [looking at the helicopter over head] Is that for us?

    [spotlight trains on them]

    Riley Poole: Oh, hello!

  • Riley Poole: It's a little, golden man.

  • US President: [Ben, Riley, Abigail and company have discovered the City of Gold] All of you will get credit for this discovery.

    Ben Gates: Thank you.

    Abigail Chase: Thank you.

    Riley Poole: [nervously] Heh...

  • Riley Poole: Mitch, we gotta be on the other side of that door!

    Mitch Wilkinson: Nobody leaves unless I say so! That doors not going to stay open by itself. We both know what has to happen here Ben.

    Ben Gates: One of us keeps the door open, and stays behind.

    Riley Poole: I vote Mitch!

    Mitch Wilkinson: This isn't a democracy.

    [Mitch punches Ben and Riley in the face then holds a knife to Abigails' throat]

    Ben Gates: Wait! Stop! I'll stay!

  • Patrick Gates: [after being told the clues] The resolute desk. *The* resolute desk? The President's desk?

    Riley Poole: [nervously] The President? Which President? Our President?

    Abigail Chase: [sighing] Unfortunately, yes.

    Riley Poole: [still nervous] But that means, so we have to... the White House?

    Ben Gates: The Oval Office, to be exact.

    Patrick Gates: [beat] Why would I overreact to that?

  • [after Ben and Abigail stage a disturbance in Buckingham Palace]

    Riley Poole: That... was brilliant.

  • [from trailer]

    Ben Gates: [underground in the Hall of Records in Mt. Rushmore] Riley, what do you see?

    Riley Poole: [balancing on the giant over turned engraved slab, looking down at an open grave] Death and despair! Mostly death. Uh, I mean a little despair, the last few seconds. But then a hard, sudden death.

  • Riley Poole: [while trying to convince them of a conspiracy theory] Ben, if it were you trying to convince me, you'd have less evidence and I'd already believe you by now.

  • Riley Poole: [while disarming the security systems] Now I know I'll probably regret asking this, but what happened with you and Abigail?

    Ben Gates: I don't know, you know? I don't know. She started using the word "so" alot.

    Riley Poole: So?

    Ben Gates: [continues] Yeah, like "so, I guess my opinion doesn't matter", "so, you seem to always know what's best", "SO, I guess I'm invisible" and now I've moved out, and we're dividing the furniture.

    Riley Poole: [finishes the deactivation] Women. Can't live with 'em, especially if they change the alarm codes.

  • Riley Poole: So, what's new with you?

    Ben Gates: Well, my girlfriend kicked me out, I'm living with my dad, and my family killed President Lincoln.


    Riley Poole: All right.

  • Riley Poole: The president's a tattle-tale!

  • Ben Gates: [Riley comes walking home] Where's the Ferrari?

    Riley Poole: IRS impounded it.

    Ben Gates: The IRS?

    Riley Poole: Funny story. My accountant set up a corporation on an island that didn't exist and assured me that that's how rich people do it. Then I got audited and slapped with a huge fine plus interest! Wanna know what taxes are on five millions dollars? Six million dollars. But enough about me.


    Riley Poole: What's new with you?

    Ben Gates: Well, my girlfriend kicked me out, I'm living with my dad and my family killed President Lincoln.

    Riley Poole: [with a smile] Alright!

    Ben Gates: I need your help.

  • [from trailer]

    Abigail Chase: Look!

    Ben Gates: It's a cipher...

    Riley Poole: Clever!

  • [from trailer]

    Ben Gates: [about the book he is reading] This doesn't make any sense.

    Riley Poole: [beat] As if these clues ever do.

  • [from trailer]

    Ben Gates: I need your help.

    Riley Poole: Does it involve treasure?

  • Riley Poole: [Riley and Ben are standing by Abigail and her date] Awkward!

  • Ben Gates: Well, would you look at that.

    Riley Poole: Oh yeah, it spells "smudge"!

  • Riley Poole: [over hearing Ben and Abigail's argument] You guys are so great together.

  • Abigail Chase: It's him.

    Riley Poole: You have his number on speed dial?

    Abigail Chase: Oh, shut...

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