Reverend Johnson Quotes in Big Bad Mama (1974)


Reverend Johnson Quotes:

  • Reverend Johnson: [yelling] That's Goddamn blasphemy!

  • Reverend Johnson: Now I don't have to tell you good folks what's been happening in our beloved little town. Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded, and cattle raped. The time has come to act, and act fast. I'm leaving.

  • Reverend Johnson: Order, order. Goddamnit, I said "order".

    Howard Johnson: Y'know, Nietzsche says: "Out of chaos comes order."

    Olson Johnson: Oh, blow it out your ass, Howard.

  • Reverend Johnson: We will now read from Matthew, Mark, Luke...

    [stick of dynamite sails in through window]

    Reverend Johnson: ... and DUCK.

  • Reverend Johnson: [praying] O Lord, do we have the strength to carry off this mighty task in one night? Or are we just jerking off?

    Townspeople: Amen.

  • [as the townspeople point guns at Bart, the newly arrived sheriff]

    Reverend Johnson: Gentlemen, gentlemen, allow not hatred to rule the day.

    [holds up his Bible]

    Reverend Johnson: As your spiritual leader, I implore you to pay heed to this good book and what it has to say!

    [Townspeople shoot the Bible, blowing it apart]

    Reverend Johnson: [to Bart] Son, you're on your own.

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