Rev. Mr. LaSalle Quotes in The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)


Rev. Mr. LaSalle Quotes:

  • Rev. Mr. LaSalle: I will read over the dead now. My Bible, please. Mister, uh...

    Judge Roy Bean: Bean.

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: Bean?

    Judge Roy Bean: Roy Bean. Judge Roy Bean. I am the law in this area.

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: What has qualified you as such?

    Judge Roy Bean: I know the law. And I have spent my entire life in its flagrant disregard. But I had never killed a man before. Oh, I had shot at some... in self-defense or blind fright, but I never hit anyone. So God must have directed my bullets. Why, he even sent an angel to deliver this weapon


    Judge Roy Bean: .

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: Just how do you intend to dispense this law?

    Judge Roy Bean: With this


    Judge Roy Bean: and a rope.

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: And will you rely again on the grace of God?

    Judge Roy Bean: Well, I intend to


    Judge Roy Bean: practice and give Him some help. Get on with the reading.

  • Rev. Mr. LaSalle: That was the first and last time I saw Judge Roy Bean. I never got back to that country and died of dysentery in old Mexico. I haven't seen him since, so he probably went to Hell.

  • Rev. Mr. LaSalle: I shall pray for you, Bean. This land abounds in ruffians and varmints. Their numbers are legion, their evil skills commensurate.

    Judge Roy Bean: Piss on 'em.

  • Rev. Mr. LaSalle: What has happened here?

    Judge Roy Bean: These men tried to hang me. They have been killed for it.

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: How many of 'em are there?

    Judge Roy Bean: A lot of 'em.

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: Who did the killing?

    Judge Roy Bean: I did. They were bad men, and the whores weren't ladies.

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: Vengeance is mine sayeth, the Lord!

    Judge Roy Bean: It was. I'm waiting for the buzzards. They don't deserve burying.

    Rev. Mr. LaSalle: Maybe they don't, but they ought to be. They are a stench and an abomination! I got a shovel if you don't.

  • Rev. Mr. LaSalle: [Narrating] The first time I saw Roy Bean, he was set on killing me. Thought I was the Devil, come to take him. It was an understandable thought, considering all the carnage that he had so recently brought forth.

  • Rev. Mr. LaSalle: I buried them because Christ had died for all of them. It was his choice, not mine. I am not one to question the wisdom of the almighty.

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