Ra Quotes in Gods of Egypt (2016)


Ra Quotes:

  • Ra: Egypt has always been a paradise. But now, there is chaos. God of the air, you must protect the mortals.

    Horus: I don't know if I'm strong enough.

    Ra: Then becone stronger.

    -- Ra
  • Ra: Every night the battle between chaos and creation must go on, otherwise the world will be destroyed. For you see, there are worse things than Set.

    Horus: That's not true! He killed my father, your son!

    Ra: They are BOTH my sons! I favored them equally!

    -- Ra
  • Ra: [to Horus] I do not approve of Set's rule. But I doubt yours would be much better.

    -- Ra
  • Ra: There can be only one Ra.

    -- Ra
  • Ra: The Mahars are all-seeing, all evil.

    David Innes: Ra, why haven't you risen up and fought the Mahars?

    Ra: You do not know the Mahar. You have not really seen their power. They're evil!

    David Innes: Mm. Ra, if your tribe and the others was joined together, you could defeat the Mahars.

    Ra: Yes, good thought, but come with me. I'll show you, then you'll understand.

    -- Ra

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Characters on Gods of Egypt (2016)