Professor Hendricks Quotes in Gorgo (1961)


Professor Hendricks Quotes:

  • Professor Flaherty: Captain Ryan. The creature that you have captured is not an adult specimen.

    Sam Slade: You mean it isn't fully grown?

    Professor Flaherty: No. In fact, we believe it is in rather early infancy.

    Sam Slade: You're trying to say there may be a fully grown one of these things around somewhere?

    Professor Hendricks: It's a fair assumption. Where there are offspring, there are generally parents.

    Joe Ryan: How big would a full-grown one be?

    Professor Flaherty: An approximate guess?

    [He shows them two scale drawings of the creatures]

    Professor Flaherty: The infant. The adult.

    Joe Ryan: That would make it nearly two hundred feet tall!

    Professor Flaherty: At the very least.

    Professor Hendricks: Obviously, the proper authorities must be notified at once.

    Joe Ryan: What are you trying to do? Stir up a whole hornet's nest because of a few calculations made on a piece of paper? Nuts to that!

    Professor Flaherty: I'm afraid, Captain Ryan, the decision is no longer in your hands.

    [Cut to Gorgo testing the limits of his enclosure and roaring when he finds an electrified fence. Cut to Gorgo's mother stomping from the sea onto Nara Island]

  • Professor Hendricks: It's undoubtedly heading for Battersea Park, sir. That's the place to stop it.

    Army Officer: How much voltage do you estimate would be required for electrocuting this animal?

    Professor Flaherty: Two million, three million volts? That's only a guess. There's not much precedent to go on, sir.

    Army Officer: Quite. Get me Battersea Power Station!

  • Professor Hendricks: Are we keeping you awake, Mr. Elliot?

    Steve Elliot: Barely.

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