Principal Nathan Gardner Quotes in Charlie Bartlett (2007)


Principal Nathan Gardner Quotes:

  • Principal Nathan Gardner: [repeating lines from earlier] How's THAT working for you?

    Charlie Bartlett: Some days are better than others.

  • Charlie Bartlett: For the first time, everybody likes me.

    Principal Nathan Gardner: There are more important things.

    Charlie Bartlett: Look, I know. Everybody keeps saying that, but the thing IS is I'm 17 and popularity is pretty damn important to me.

    Principal Nathan Gardner: Charlie, there are more important things

    Charlie Bartlett: Like what?

    Principal Nathan Gardner: Like what you do with that popularity.

  • Principal Nathan Gardner: Never, never attack a drunk guy with a gun.

  • Charlie Bartlett: How's that going for you?

    Principal Nathan Gardner: Some days are better than others.

    Charlie Bartlett: Do you wanna talk about it sometime?

  • Principal Nathan Gardner: Everybody needs to vent a little now and again, don't you figure? Some of us are privileged enough to vent to you in the boys' room stall and the rest of us have to settle for less conventional methods, like, I don't know, a bottle of booze and a handgun.

    [gun goes off]

    Charlie Bartlett: Ahh!

    Principal Nathan Gardner: [sarcastically and cruelly] God, I'm sorry. I'm-I'm not putting you on edge with my behavior, am I?

  • Charlie Bartlett: I thought you were going to kill yourself.

    Principal Nathan Gardner: I can't kill myself, I've got too many responsibilities. You okay? Never, never attack a drunk guy with a gun. Do you understand?

  • Principal Nathan Gardner: Charlie, come on... What are you doing this for?

    Charlie Bartlett: [long pause] I don't know. I guess... I'm really happy here. For the first time, everybody likes me.

    Principal Nathan Gardner: There are more important things.

    Charlie Bartlett: Look, I know. Everybody keeps saying that. But the thing is, I'm 17, and popularity is pretty damned important to me.

    Principal Nathan Gardner: Charlie, there are more important things.

    Charlie Bartlett: Like *what*?

    Principal Nathan Gardner: Like what you do *with* that popularity.

    Principal Nathan Gardner: [long pause, somber music plays] Look, I've been around a while, you know, long enough to say this: what you do in this life... matters.

  • Charlie Bartlett: [after he punches Principal Gardner, knocking him to the ground] Oh, shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that!

    Principal Nathan Gardner: Well... you did it. It's done.

  • Principal Nathan Gardner: [referring to Charlie's estranged father, who's in prison for tax evasion] There are worse crimes than tax evasion.

    Charlie Bartlett: Yeah, but it's not worth losing your father over.

    Principal Nathan Gardner: Okay, so, stay mad at him forever. How's that working for you?

    Charlie Bartlett: [sly smile, using Gardner's own words from before] Some days are better than others.

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