Prince Colwyn Quotes in Krull (1983)


Prince Colwyn Quotes:

  • Prince Colwyn: The reward is freedom... and fame!

    Torquil: Freedom? We have it! And fame? Nah. It's an empty purse. Count it, go broke. Eat it, go hungry. Seek it, go mad!

  • Seer: The temple is at the center of the swamp where three trees grow as one.

    Prince Colwyn: How can anything grow in that place? It smells of death.

    Ynyr: Death and power are close cousins.

    Torquil: I don't think I like your relatives, old man.

  • Prince Colwyn: The forest is not safe. You best travel with us.

    Ergo: Me travel with you? Do you know who I am?

    Prince Colwyn: No.

    Ergo: I am Ergo the magnificent. Short in stature, tall in power, narrow of purpose and wide of vision. And I do not travel with peasants and beggars. Goodbye!

  • Prince Colwyn: You've been with us for a long way now.

    Rell the Cyclops: Since the beginning. When I learned that the old one had come down, I knew that the time had come.

    Prince Colwyn: Join us then. All men need company.

    Rell the Cyclops: Yes, all men.

    [they shake hands]

  • Princess Lyssa: My father says that good fighters make bad husbands.

    Prince Colwyn: Well, that depends.

    Princess Lyssa: On what?

    Prince Colwyn: On whether you expect a husband to follow you around. Jump every time you clap your hands.

    Princess Lyssa: Wouldn't you jump for me? No of course not. You're a warrior.

  • Ynyr: The beast has many weapons. This was one of them. A changeling.

    [Looks at Rell]

    Ynyr: How did you know?

    Rell the Cyclops: I found the seer's body in the quicksand.

    Prince Colwyn: He gave his life for us.

    Titch: He was my only family.

    Prince Colwyn: We're your family now.

  • [Ynyr leaves to go see The Widow of the Web]

    Ynyr: From here, I go on alone.

    Prince Colwyn: I'm going with you.

    Ynyr: No. If two approach, she would certainly kill both. Alone, I may have a chance.

    Torquil: Each to his fate, Colwyn.

    Ynyr: Yes... Yes, each to his fate.

  • [Ynyr has fixed Colwyn's wounds and starts to leave]

    Prince Colwyn: Lyssa?

    Ynyr: They will hold her in the Black Fortress.

    Prince Colwyn: Can you lead me to it?

    Ynyr: You must have help.

    Prince Colwyn: I'll find men on the way.

  • Prince Colwyn: Who are you?

    Ynyr: I am Ynyr.

    Prince Colwyn: The old one?

    Ynyr: Well, not as old as all that.

    Prince Colwyn: You've come down from the Granite Mountains?

    Ynyr: Yes. I'm needed now.

  • Ergo: Wait! Wait for me. I've just remembered, I have urgent business in this direction.

    Prince Colwyn: What business?

    Ergo: Staying alive.

  • Torquil: [Colwyn gives the king's key to Torquil to rid himself of his manacles] I thought I might keep them as a momento of our journey.

    Prince Colwyn: Well, the key is yours.

    Torquil: Only the king and his Lord Marshall carry this key!

    Prince Colwyn: Right.

    [Torquil laughs realizing he's just been appointed Lord Marshall]

  • Ergo: There was a difference of opinion concerning a gooseberry pie. The man left it sitting on his windowsill. What did he expect?

    Prince Colwyn: Perhaps he expected to eat it.

  • Eirig: We sent to you for help.

    Turold: None came.

    Eirig: Twenty men were dispatched to you.

    Turold: We lost three hundred getting here.

    Eirig: I didn't choose this marriage, Turold.

    Turold: Nor did I Eirig.

    Prince Colwyn: I chose it. Your daughter chose it. It'll be done.

    Eirig: Can you lead this army with mine against the slayers?

    Prince Colwyn: Whatever army I have I'll lead against them. Till I've won, or am dead.

  • [Colwyn and Ergo meet Torquil and his gang for the first time]

    Ergo: Robbers.

    Prince Colwyn: They're men. We don't know yet whether they're robbers.

    Ergo: Faces that ugly could only belong to robbers. Don't worry, I'll turn them all into pigs.

  • [Slayers are attacking the castle]

    Prince Colwyn: The slayers.

    Turold: Arm yourselves.

    Princess Lyssa: We'll fight together.

    Prince Colwyn: No. Is there a safe way out of the castle?

    Eirig: An underground passage.

    [Lyssa hugs her father]

    Eirig: Go!

  • [Colwyn and Lyssa are trying to escape from the slayers]

    Princess Lyssa: My place is with you.

    Prince Colwyn: Do you love me?

    Princess Lyssa: Of course I love you.

    Prince Colwyn: Then go.

    [they kiss]

    Princess Lyssa: Colwyn, hurry back to me.

  • [Colwyn and Lyssa meet for the first time]

    Princess Lyssa: I've chosen well.

    Prince Colwyn: So have I.

  • Prince Colwyn: Lyssa!

    Ynyr: She's alive.

    Prince Colwyn: Where?

    Ynyr: Stay still.

    Prince Colwyn: Where?

    Ynyr: For now, beyond your reach.

  • Ynyr: Well, I too was young once. I too loved as you do. But your love will be luckier than mine. What I told you was that I knew how to find the fortress and that is by seeking the vision of the blind emerald seer.

    Prince Colwyn: But his place isn't known either.

    Ynyr: It is known to me. It is a day's journey from here. Come.

  • Torquil: I don't kill men without good reason.

    Prince Colwyn: Nor do I. And be thankful for it.

  • Torquil: Silence! You're surrounded by a hundred men.

    Prince Colwyn: A hundred is not enough.

    Torquil: Well what have we here? A fighter?

    Prince Colwyn: Besides you're short by about ninety men.

  • Prince Colwyn: Would you follow a king to the black fortress?

    Torquil: Now I know you're a lunatic. I wouldn't follow me own father to the black fortress.

  • Velta: You must eat something.

    Prince Colwyn: I'm not hungry.

    Velta: Please. For me?

    [Colwyn accepts]

    Prince Colwyn: Thank you.

  • Velta: Let me comfort you.

    Prince Colwyn: I can't accept comfort when she has none.

    Velta: You'll not then?

    Prince Colwyn: I cannot.

    [Velta blinks her eyes and reveals that she's a changling]

    Velta: My master says make him betray her. If not, then kill him. Yes, he is my master. These talons were a heartbeat away from your throat. I could've killed you in an instant... but in the hour that I knew you, I loved you.

  • Prince Colwyn: Now we have no way to find the fortress.

    Ynyr: There is one who might help.

    Prince Colwyn: Who?

    Ynyr: The Widow of the Web.

    Torquil: That creature helps no one. For none who go there return.

    Ynyr: She has great powers.

    Torquil: Yeah, to kill.

    Ynyr: She may not kill me. For I know her name.

    Torquil: Her name is death.

    Ynyr: She had another name once. An ancient and powerful name.

    [Torquil has a look of disbelief and this gets Ynyr mad]

    Ynyr: We all risk our lives on this journey. My risk is no greater than yours. I must try.

  • Ynyr: Do not use it until you need it.

    Prince Colwyn: How will I know when?

    Ynyr: You'll know.

  • Prince Colwyn: The glave is nothing but an ancient symbol. It doesn't really exist.

    Ynyr: It exists. Up there in a cave on the highest peak.

  • Torquil: Only the king and his lord marshall have the keys to these manicles. You don't look like the lord marshall.

    Prince Colwyn: No.

    Torquil: You look about the right age to be Turold's son.

    Prince Colwyn: Exact age.

  • Rell the Cyclops: I must remain here.

    Prince Colwyn: Is it time?

    Prince Colwyn: [Rell nodds] You've done enough Rell. Stay here.

    Rell the Cyclops: [they shake hands] Each to his fate.

    Prince Colwyn: Each to his fate.

  • Prince Colwyn: [looking at Torquil and his men] You're escaped prisoners

    Torquil: Every one of us. Thieves, fighters, bandits and brawlers!

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