Preston Lennox Quotes in Species (1995)


Preston Lennox Quotes:

  • Xavier Fitch: We decided to make it female so it would be more docile and controllable.

    Preston Lennox: More docile and controllable, eh? You guys don't get out much.

  • Dr. Laura Baker: I got his machine. Should I leave a message?

    Preston Lennox: Yeah. Tell him he's about to copulate with a creature from outer space.

    [Preston laughs and Laura smiles]

  • Preston Lennox: No one ever asked me to find anything they didn't want dead.

    Dan Smithson, Empath: I feel sorry for you.

    Preston Lennox: Yeah? That's great. I feel sorry for her.

  • Dan Smithson, Empath: I thought I was dead.

    Preston Lennox: I thought you'd drank your last Long Island Iced Tea there, Dan.

    Dr. Laura Baker: Yeah, I thought we all had. Hey, you okay?

    Dan Smithson, Empath: Yeah, I'm okay. My pants are a little messed up, but I'm okay.

    Dr. Laura Baker: She was half us, half something else. I wonder which was the predatory half.

    Preston Lennox: The dead half. Let's get the hell out of here.

  • Agent: Criminologist says there's no evidence of semen in the hot tub water.

    Preston Lennox: Well, maybe she took it with.

  • Preston Lennox: Let go of him you motherfucker.

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