Peter Page Quotes in The World's End (2013)


Peter Page Quotes:

  • Oliver: WTF, Gary. WTF.

    Gary King: What the fuck does WTF mean?

    Peter Page: [getting out the cubicle] What the fuck?

    Gary King: Ooohh yeah!

  • Gary King: How is, uh...

    Peter Page: Vanessa.

    Gary King: No. Your wife.

    Peter Page: Vanessa.

    Gary King: Yeah. How's she?

    Peter Page: She's good.

    Gary King: Have you had sex yet?

    Peter Page: We have two children.

    Gary King: Ooh twice! Get you, fuck machine.

  • Steven Prince: We need to be able to differentiate between them, them and us.

    Peter Page: Yeah, I think the pronouns are really confusing.

    Gary King: I don't even know what a pronoun is.

    Oliver: Well, it's a word that can function by itself as a noun which refers to something else in the discourse.

    Gary King: I don't get it.

    Andrew Knightley: You just used one.

    Gary King: Did I?

    Andrew Knightley: "It" it's a pronoun.

    Gary King: What is?

    Andrew Knightley: It!

    Gary King: Is it?

    Andrew Knightley: Christ!

  • Gary King: And we're back! Just like the Five Musketeers!

    Steven Prince: Three musketeers, wasn't it?

    Peter Page: Four, if you count d'Artagnan.

    Gary King: Well, nobody knows how many there were, really, do they, Pete? I mean, history's a sketchbook.

    Oliver: You do know that "The Three Musketeers" is a fiction, right? Written by Alexandre Dumas?

    Gary King: A lot of people are saying that about the Bible these days.

    Steven Prince: What, that it was written by Alexandre Dumas?

    Gary King: Don't be daft, Steve! It was written by Jesus! Anyway, five sounds much better. I think they missed a trick only having three 'cos if they'd had five then two could've died and they'd still have three left.

    Andrew Knightley: Are we there yet?

    Gary King: Let's do this!

  • Steven Prince: [checks watch, waiting for Garry to use the bathroom] This is a long piss.

    Oliver: If it is a piss. It might be a little

    [mimes out cocaine snorting]

    Peter Page: Poo?

    Oliver: How's that a poo?

  • Gary King: That settles it then, the last thing we need to do is get pulled over by the police. A - we're all drunk, B- they might be in on it, and C - we've got blood on our hands.

    Peter Page: It's more like ink

    Gary King: We've got ink on our hands.

  • Peter Page: I'll have to check with Vanessa.

    Gary King: Who's Vanessa?

    Peter Page: My wife!

    Gary King: Since when have you had to check with your wife?

    Peter Page: Since we got married.

  • Peter Page: [laughing] King Gay!

  • Gary King: Who are you calling?

    Peter Page: Vanessa.

    Gary King: Why are you calling your wife?

    Peter Page: Because she's my wife!

  • Steven Prince: This is a long piss.

    Oliver: If it is a piss.

    Peter Page: Poo.

    Oliver: How's that a poo?

  • Gary King: How's um...?

    Peter Page: Vanessa?

    Gary King: No, your wife.

    Peter Page: Vanessa.

    Gary King: Yeah, how's she?

  • [Gary, Andy, Steven, Oliver and Peter drink in unison]

    Gary King: Drinking.

    Oliver: Ahhhh.

    Steven Prince: Beer.

    Andrew Knightley: Pubs.

    Peter Page: [burps]

    Gary King: Shall we?

    [they leave the bar drunkenly]

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