Paulie Quotes in Out for Justice (1991)


Paulie Quotes:

  • Richie Madano: What about you, Paulie? You got the fuckin' balls?

    Paulie: Yeah, yeah I got the balls.

    [Richie tosses him a wad of cash]

    Richie Madano: Now you've got the bread.

  • Paulie: Charlie! They took my thumb!

  • Paulie: Murder rap? Nobody came within twenty feet of that yo-yo. He dived into that hole like a fucking gopher!

  • Paulie: The cop shit his pants! Hey, hey, the cop shit his pants!

  • Paulie: Cut that out you Argentine degenerate! That's my brother's place your robbin' there. This ain't some filthy little jail in Caracas, this is A-mer-i-ca!

  • Ginty: [Paulie runs into the bar as the summons man heads back towards the mens room] Hey I know you! You're the guy...

    Paulie: Yeah, I'm the guy who got his car fuckin' towed... and you're Kinty.

    Ginty: Ginty.

    Paulie: What'd I say

    [starts emptying a powder pack into a glass]

    Ginty: Good God, Lad! you're not poisoning the man!

    Paulie: Nah. It's horse physic - here, pour the ginger ale, man. It's what they give horses when they can't shit.

    Ginty: How much do they give a horse that can't shit?

    Paulie: One. One of these will bust a block of concrete

    Ginty: Does it work fast?

    Paulie: It ain't slow...

  • Paulie: Nicky don't go for spit. 'Nose' still shines his own shoes, pop. I don't call that success.

    Paulie's Father: Oh yeah? And what do you call it?

    Paulie: Knowin' how to spend it. I never ordered a Brandy in my life that wasn't Cordon Bleu... I took two-hundred from shylocks, pop, to see Sinatra at the Garden? Sat two seats away from Tony Bennett. That's success!

  • Paulie: [Making himself a very large sandwich at an outdoor table]

    Charlie: You know, you ought to get a permit.

    Paulie: A permit? For what?

    Charlie: To shit in the street. You eat like a horse!

  • Paulie: Horses ain't like people, man, they can't make themselves better than they're born. See, with a horse, it's all in the gene. It's the fucking gene that does the running. The horse has got absolutely nothing to do with it.

  • Charlie: I didn't do anything, Paulie. I didn't hit her. I didn't do nothin'.

    Paulie: You can't do that man. I mean you don't abuse 'em once in a while they'll shit all over you. I don't mean you walk around morning to night whackin' 'em upside the head like someone from the other side but you terrorize 'em once in a while just to keep 'em in line. Know what I mean?

  • Paulie: Aw man, another two-hundred dollar a week hard-on lookin' to shit on anyone was drivin' a Coupe deVille.

  • Paulie: Hey Barney, Don't eat that crap! this guy's selling instant hepatitis!

  • Jimmy the Cheese Man: Waiting tables is what you know. Making cheese is what I know. Let's stay with what we know here.

    Paulie: You know about making cheese? Not for nothin', Jimmy, but my mother sent me over a hunk of mozzarella from your place last week, it was no big bargain. Tough, that mozzarella and it ain't the first time I've noticed it either, your mozzarella's tough sometimes.

  • Paulie: The Bed Bug took my thumb.

  • Paulie: There are things in life you put off, because you think you're gonna do them later. But the real thing Ivy taught me is you gotta live like there may not be a later.

  • Ivy: You know what you are Paulie ? You're my seeing-eye parrot.

    [dissolve to sunset]

    Ivy: You've been a dear friend to me Paulie. We're birds of a feather, you and I. Betwixt and between, that's us. So what do we have tonight? Is it pretty?

    Paulie: Oh, very pretty. There's more orange now, and it's getting darker. Just a little gold left.

    Ivy: The sun must almost be set. Can you see any stars yet?

    Paulie: Not yet.

    [cut to ambulance pulling away]

    Paulie: And then one day, the cat got her.

  • Dr. Reingold: Speak. Speak.

    Misha: No, please listen, Sir. Maybe if I explain better.

    [to Paulie]

    Misha: You are lonely I think. I am lonely. In Russia, I was teacher of literature. In America, I'm cleaner of bird crap. I miss words, I miss my language. I just would like someone to talk to.

    Paulie: Join the club.

    Misha: What?

    Paulie: I said join the club.

    Misha: So I'm not crazy. You CAN talk.

    Paulie: Of course I can talk.

    Misha: Then why are you not?

    Paulie: Because talking just gets you into a lot of trouble.

    Misha: Trouble? Why you say that?

  • Paulie: Hit the brakes, ugly.

    Benny: Oh, that's cute. You train the bird to insult your customers?

    Paulie: No, I could tell you're ugly all by myself.

  • Ivy: Somebody has to teach this beautiful bird some manners. Might as well be me.

    Paulie: What's wrong with my manners?

  • Paulie: I'm a bird. I have a small brain, and it's about to explode.

  • [last lines]

    Adult Marie Alweather: Paulie, how did you find me ?

    Paulie: Well, It's a long story.

    Misha: [chuckling] It's the only kind he knows.

  • Paulie: It's a long story.

    Misha: I'm Russian. I like long stories!

  • Ivy: We always used to talk about going to The Grand Canyon, but we just never got that far. You know, Earl said that if you stand right at the edge just when the sun comes up, it's like seeing the first sunrise in the whole world.

    Paulie: He was kind of poetic, wasn't he ?

    Ivy: For an ex-Marine.

  • [Paulie stops at The Grand Canyon]

    Paulie: I found a tree, and I spent the night. 'Cos I wanted to be there in the morning... for the very first sunrise.

    [as the sun rises]

  • Paulie: Can you tell me where I am?

    Ignacio: You can talk.

    Paulie: They talk.

    Ignacio: [Referring to his supposedly talking parrots] They can't talk. I say taco, they say taco

    Parrots: Taco, taco, taco

  • Misha: She would have books on her table and flowers in her hair.

    Paulie: Yeah, and lots of golden feathers.

  • Paulie: It all started with Marie.

    Misha: The one in the song?

    Paulie: Yeah, the one in the song.

  • Paulie: I really like you a lot.

    Lupe: I really like you a lot.

    Paulie: Wow, I'm so glad you feel that way.

    Lupe: Wow, I'm so glad you feel that way.

    Paulie: Are you listening?

    Lupe: Are you listening?

    Paulie: Or are you just repeating?

  • Research Assistant #1: What is this?

    Paulie: It's a flash card, you idiot.

    Research Assistant #2: How do I score that?

    Paulie: Score this.

  • Paulie: I have to find my friend.

  • Research Assistant #2: Blueberries are blue. Are cranberries cran?

    Paulie: Are boysenberries boys or girls?

  • Bartender: What? What do you want?

    Jack: I'll have uh... Shirley Temple with extra Marciano cherries

    Bartender: [correcting him] Maraschino.

    Jack: That's what I said, Maras-*CHINO.*

    Paulie: Get him a Madonna. Know who Madonna is right?

    Jack: Who?

    Paulie: Shirley Temple without the cherry.

  • Paulie: [about Dolores] Bet you could crack walnuts on her ass, too.

  • Paulie: We've got to call the police. They'll understand.

    Luke: Sure they would. Grad student kills war hero with a knife. You'll probably just get a ticket.

  • Paulie: Look, we're liberals. We do the right thing.

  • Paulie: ...why do you do the whole kids thing?

    Dez Howard: ...if you have one kid, you lose a little bit of your life, a little free time, a little bit of your freedom. But you have two kids, your life is over, Jo-Jo.

    Paulie: So why do it? I mean... why did you and Tina have another kid?

    Dez Howard: What do you do with your free time? Honestly, what do you do? You watch TV. You go hang out with these knuckleheads. You jerk off, right? Listen to me. Free time, it's not all it's cracked up to be. But at the end of the night, if I couldn't, you know... if I couldn't go upstairs and check in on my little boys, you know, if I couldn't look at 'em and make sure they're okay, you know, my life... my life would be empty, is what it'd be... Look, there are people that know, and there are people that don't know, and you, my man, are about to be a man that knows.

  • Paulie: If you were any more wound up you'd be a timex.

  • Paulie: [Amelia drives the car screeching from lane to lane] Jesus Christ! I'd like to get there in one piece, if possible.

  • Lincoln Rhyme: Nitrogen rich, explosive carbons, where do you find those in New York City?

    Paulie: Bomb sites, shooting ranges.

    Amelia: Maybe an old fort or an armory?

    Eddie Ortiz: Let's not forget the shit factor, guys.

    Lincoln Rhyme: The what?

    Eddie Ortiz: Manure becomes a nitrate when it's aged.

    Lincoln Rhyme: That's true. And you got cow bones, huh? Old cow bones, old manure. Turn of the century. Cows, farms... pastures, rats... dead cows. Where do you find... In stockyards... slaughterhouses, that's what we want to look for.

  • Paulie: You okay?

    Amelia: I'm fine. Wanna step aside so I can walk the grid?

    Paulie: Yeah.

  • Amelia: Shit! Cheney's here.

    [puts the evidences into her pocket]

    Captain Howard Cheney: You talking to Rhyme on that thing? Give me the radio. Now, listen, Linc. This is Cheney, man. What the hell do you think you're doing? Stealing evidence is a goddamn felony. You know that.

    Lincoln Rhyme: To my understanding, there's no chain of evidence voucher.

    Captain Howard Cheney: Oh, yeah? Well, I got some news for you. You are not a cop anymore. You understand that? What you are is a fucking meddling cripple. Now, I'm gonna place your little gofer here under arrest. You don't mind that, do ya? Lock her up.

    [looks back and finds Amelia gone]

    Paulie: Where'd she go?

  • Adrian: Einstein flunked out of school, twice.

    Paulie: Is that so?

    Adrian: Yeah. Beethoven was deaf. Helen Keller was blind. I think Rocky's got a good chance.

  • Paulie: [talking about Adrian] You like her?

    Rocky: Sure, I like her.

    Paulie: What's the attraction?

    Rocky: I dunno... she fills gaps.

    Paulie: What's 'gaps'?

    Rocky: I dunno, she's got gaps, I got gaps, together we fill gaps.

    Paulie: Are you ballin' her?

    Rocky: Hey.

    [punches Paulie in the shoulder]

    Rocky: Hey, you don't talk dirty about your sister.

    Paulie: Are you screwing my sister?

    Rocky: You see, that's why I can't connect you with Gazzo. You know that, Paulie. Because you got a big mouth. You know, you just talk too much.

  • [Paulie overhears Rocky and now he's angry and hurt]

    Paulie: I don't want nothin' from you. I don't want nothin' from you. This ain't no charity case. Get outta my house.

    Adrian: It's not just your house.

    Paulie: [to Rocky] You ain't no friend no more. Get outta my house, I just says.

    Adrian: Don't talk to him like that.

    Paulie: Both of you get out of my house.

    Rocky: Yo... It's cold outside, Paulie.

    [drops his hat; getting angrier, Paulie grabs his bat]

    Paulie: I don't want you messin' her, and I don't raise you to go with this scum bum! Yeah? Come on! You wanna hit on me? Come on! I'll break both your arms so they don't work for ya!

    [Paulie smashed a lamp, then a dinner tray; Adrian screams]

    Paulie: [Screaming] That's right! I'm not good enough to meet with Gazzo...


    Paulie: that's what I think of Gazzo! Now your a big-shot fighter on your way up, you don't even throw a crumb to your friend Paulie! When I go out and get your meat every morning! You forgot that! Then I even give you my sister, too!

    Adrian: Only a pig would say that!

    Paulie: I'm a pig? A pig gives you the best?

    Paulie: [Smashes a coffee set] You're such a loser! I don't get married because of you! You can't live by yourself! I put you two together! And you - don't you forget it! You owe me! You owe me!

    Adrian: [Freaks out] WHAT DO I OWE YOU?

    Paulie: [cries] You're supposed to be good to me.

    Adrian: WHAT DO I OWE YOU, PAULIE? WHAT DO I OWE YOU? I treat you good! I cook for you! I cleaned for you! I pick up your dirty clothes! I take care of ya, Paulie! I don't owe you nothin'! And you made me feel like a loser! I'M NOT A LOSER!

  • Paulie: I want you outta here instamatically.

  • Adrian: Paulie, it's Thanksgiving. I got a turkey in the oven.

    Paulie: Oh... a turkey in the oven.

    [he takes the turkey out]

    Paulie: You want the bird?

    [he throws it out the door]

    Paulie: Go in the alley and eat the bird!

    Adrian: [disgusted] Oh Paulie!

  • Paulie: [about Adrian] She's pushing thirty freaking years old, and if she don't wise up, she's gonna die an old maid.

    Rocky: I'm thirty myself!

  • Paulie: You're busted!

    Adrian: What?

    Paulie: You're not a virgin!

    [Adrian sobbing]

    Paulie: You let him get into your pants! She's busted!

    [Rocky grabs Paulie; screams, then sobs]

    Paulie: [cries] I can't haul meat no more.

  • [after Rocky finishes pounding on the raw meat]

    Paulie: You do that to Apollo Creed, they'll put us in jail for murder.

  • Paulie: [in the bathroom of a bar] I'd like to kill the freaking guy who broke this mirror.

  • Duke: What's happening out there?

    Rocky: He's winning... I see three of him out there!

    Paulie: Hit the one in the middle.

    Duke: Right! Hit the one in the middle.

  • Ludmilla: You call him a killer. He's a professional fighter, not a killer. We are getting death threats. We are not involved in politics. All I want is for my husband to be safe, and to be treated fairly. You have this belief that you are better than us. You have this belief that this country is so very good and we are so very bad. You have this belief that you are so fair and we are so very cruel.

    Nicoli Koloff: It's all lies and false propaganda to support this antagonistic and violent government.

    Paulie: Whoa. Violent? Hey, we don't keep our people behind a wall with machine guns.

    Nicoli Koloff: Who are you?

    Paulie: Who am I? I'm the unsilent majority, bigmouth.

  • Paulie: I know sometimes I act stupid and I say stupid things, but you kept me around and other people would have said "drop that bum". You give me respect. You know it's kinda hard for me to say these kinda things, cuz it ain't my way, but if I could just unzip myself and step out and be someone else, I'd wanna be you. You're all heart, Rock.

  • [Drago has just entered the ring]

    Paulie: Uh, Rock, you remember what I said about wantin' to be you?

    Rocky: Yeah.

    Paulie: Forget it.

    [exits the ring]

    Rocky: Thanks, Paul.

  • Paulie: [at Rocky's rented home in a snowy part of Russia] Are you planning to grow reindeer or something? How the heck are you supposed to train here? What a depressing vacation. What about the Rose Bowl game? I hope they have my comics here.

    [he falls in the snow]

  • Apollo: [In the dining room] His just an amateur, his big and stronger but his clumsy I know I can beat him

    Adrian: Why do you want to fight him?

    Apollo: Let's just say it's something I believe in

    Adrian: [to Rocky Jr] Go finish your homework

    Rocky Jr.: Ok, later dad later uncle Paulie later Apollo.

    Paulie: [to as he Rocky Jr. leaves] later big man

    Paulie: Don't you think people expect Rocky to whack this bum out first?

    Apollo: Yeah and he will this is just an exhibition bout, its kids' stuff

    Adrian: What's the purpose? What's it worth getting hurt at this point in your life?

    Adrian: I don't want that chump coming over here with all that hype, they're trying to make us look bad, they tried every other way, with Rock's help we'd get great media coverage and make them look bad for a change

    Adrian: I think it's wrong

    Apollo: No it's never been right

    Adrian: You're a great fighter but you've been retired for nearly five years don't you think it's time to start thinking about something else? How much more can you take? Either of you?

  • Paulie: [watching as Rocky goes for the knockout] Rocco, knock his head off!

  • Duke: You know all there is to know about fighting, so there's no sense us going down that same old road again. To beat this guy, you need speed - you don't have it. And your knees can't take the pounding, so hard running is out. And you got arthritis in your neck, and you've got calcium deposits on most of your joints, so sparring is out.

    Paulie: I had that problem.

    Duke: So, what we'll be calling on is good ol' fashion blunt force trauma. Horsepower. Heavy-duty, cast-iron, piledriving punches that will have to hurt so much they'll rattle his ancestors. Every time you hit him with a shot, it's gotta feel like he tried kissing the express train. Yeah! Let's start building some hurtin' bombs!

  • Rocky Balboa: Come on Paulie, we're about to serve the special.

    Paulie: Italian food made by Mexicans ain't that special.

  • Marie: Do you have a reservation?

    Paulie: Do I look like a freakin' Indian?

  • Rocky Balboa: Ya know they always say if you live in one place long enough, you are that place.

    Paulie: I ain't no talking building, Rock.

  • Duke: To beat this guy, you need speed. You don't have it. And you've got calcium deposits on most of your joints, so sparring is out.

    Paulie: I had that problem.

    Duke: So what we'll be calling on is blunt force trauma. Let's start building some hurtin' bombs

  • Rocky Balboa: My son's coming over tonight, so I'm going to have something special made for him.

    Paulie: Italian food made by a bunch of Mexicans doesn't sound so special to me, Rock.

  • Paulie: Are you angry because Adrian left you?

    Rocky Balboa: She didn't leave, she died.

  • Paulie: [to the dog Punchy] What an ugly dog!

  • Marie: [after Paulie walks into Adrian's after being let go from his job] Excuse me? Do you have a reservation?

    Paulie: [laughs] Do I look like an indian?

  • Paulie: Hide the silverware!

  • Paulie: Who's the criminal?

    Rocky Balboa: He's a nice kid.

    Paulie: He dresses like a bum.

    Rocky Balboa: Oh, coming from a human hamper, that's quite a compliment.

  • Tommy Gunn: [as Rocky goes back into the bar] Hey. Hey! I'm not done talking to you yet.

    Rocky Balboa: Listen, Tommy. I've got notin' else to say to you okay?

    George W. Duke: Rocky Balboa. Tommy Gunn wants to fight you in his next match. Do you, or do you not accept Tommy's challenge?

    Rocky Balboa: [to Tommy] Listen, Tommy. This guy wants us to fight in the ring. When we were together, we were like, like brothers.

    [Tommy shrugs to Duke in disgust at Rocky]

    Rocky Balboa: You see, Tommy Duke wants us to fight, get us to fight in the ring. He don't care about you Tommy, he don't care about me either.

    Paulie: C'mon Rock. Get out of here.

    [Turns to Tommy]

    Paulie: Tommy, you're a peice of garbage, you know that?

    Tommy Gunn: Hey, stay out of it.

    Paulie: No, you listen okay? Rocky, Rocky, he's the real champion, you're just a goddamn joke.

    [Paulie pshes back Tommy and Tommy punches him back, Rocky comes back to console Paulie]

    Paulie: [to Rocky] Yous hould've left him on streets where you found him.

    Rocky Balboa: [to Tommy] Hey! You knock him down how 'bout tryin' knockin' *me* down.

    George W. Duke: No, no. In the ring. In the ring. Tommy only fights in the ring.

    Rocky Balboa: My ring's outside.

  • George W. Duke: It's like your Mark Twain once said - "Virtue has never been as respectable as money money."

    Paulie: Who's Twain?

    Rocky Balboa: He was a painter.

  • Paulie: [about Tommy] He stinks of opportunity, Rock.

  • Paulie: He says he wants to fight. I told him to get married.

    Rocky Balboa: Why?

    Paulie: That's gym humor, Rocko.

  • Paulie: [When he sees George Duke with Tommy Gunn] Your ship is sinkin', Rock.

  • Rocky Balboa: Nobody owes nobody nothin'. You owe yourself.

    Paulie: You're wrong! Friends owe!

    Rocky Balboa: Friends don't owe! They do because the wanna do.

    Paulie: Shut your freakin' mouth. You been keepin' me down!

    Rocky Balboa: Down? You know, you're like a crazy brother to me, Paulie, you really are. So I'm gonna tell ya something and I want you to listen because I really mean this. You ain't down. And you ain't even a loser. You're just a jealous, lazy bum.

    Paulie: Alright, I'm gonna break your freakin' mouth up! I'm gonna break your freakin' mouth up!

    [Paulie throws punches at Rocky and Rocky blocks them]

    Paulie: [exhausted] Can I have a job?

    Rocky Balboa: All you had to do was ask.

    [starts walking toward Rocky's car]

    Rocky Balboa: Hey, you know, you punch pretty good.

    Paulie: Really?

    Rocky Balboa: Absolutely.

    Paulie: [looking at Rocky's car] This new?

    Rocky Balboa: Yeah.

    Paulie: Cost a lot?

    Rocky Balboa: Yeah, a few bucks.

    Paulie: Got an extra one?

  • Apollo Creed: [during the rematch with Lang] He's gettin' killed out there!

    Paulie: No, no, no! He ain't gettin' killed; he's gettin' mad!

  • Paulie: [referring to African-Americans ] I don't like these people.

    Rocky Balboa: You don't like em'? Well maybe they don't like you either Paulie.

    Paulie: [in awe] What'd I ever do to them?

    Rocky Balboa: [looks at Adrian] And they call ME "Punchy".

  • Apollo Creed: Can he swim?

    Paulie: With a name like "Rock"!

  • Paulie: [leaving the police station] You wann hear I owe ya? You I owe nothin'!

    Rocky Balboa: No you don't owe me nothin'.

    Paulie: So, what do you want I should do? My sister ain't here?

    Rocky Balboa: She's home.

    Paulie: You know, me and her used to be tight before you come in. I raise her she don't come down.

    Rocky Balboa: She don't know about this.

    Paulie: You can just up and go to hell, you know that?

    Rocky Balboa: Hey, watch your mouth, Paulie.

    Paulie: What? You gonna whack me? I don't sweat you. I don't sweat you!

    Rocky Balboa: Come on, Paulie, why don't you screw your head on right.

    Paulie: My head? You're freakin' head's the one's on wrong.

    Rocky Balboa: Me? What'd I do?

    Paulie: You? Nothin'! You get your face all fixed up. Handsome. Nice clothes. What'd you do for Paulie, anything? This! You give me a lousy, stinkin' ex-lax watch. There!

    [throws his watch on the ground]

    Rocky Balboa: [going to pick up watch] Hey, Paulie, come on.

    Paulie: [kicks watch away] No, no, no leave it down there! It never kept good time anyway. You know, you forget when you were a punk and those guys used to laugh at you because you were so jive? Who used to whack them bums out, huh?

    Rocky Balboa: They laughed at both of us.

    Paulie: Nobody laughed at me. Who was it got you your first woman, huh? Me! Paulie! I was responsible!

    Rocky Balboa: She was pregnant.

    Paulie: So what, you wasn't no prize either. You know I give you, I give you. You buy a new house, right? You move Mick in with you, right? Did you ask me? Is there somethin' the matter with me? I got feelings you, know.

    [points to his heart]

    Paulie: This ain't cardboard.

    Rocky Balboa: Hey, everybody's got 'em, Paulie.

    Paulie: To hell with everybody.

    Rocky Balboa: No, maybe it's to hell with you.

    Paulie: I don't think I want to listen to this crap.

    Rocky Balboa: Come on, you act like everybody owes you a livin'.

    Paulie: Shut your mouth.

  • Paulie: [Thunderlips is walking to the ring] Why are they carrying him?

    Mickey: He's walking.

  • Paulie: Don't listen to it, Rocky.

    Apollo Creed: No, do listen to it Rock. Because when it's over, everybody's gonna owe you an engraved apology. And you're gonna owe me a favor.

    Rocky Balboa: What favor?

    Apollo Creed: When it's over Rock.

  • Rocky Jr.: [Rocky as he reads the story about Goldilocks to his son] Then what happened to Goldilocks?

    Rocky Balboa: Happened to her? I'm not exactly sure.

    Paulie: Busted for trespassing and got 30 days in the cooler.

    Rocky Balboa: Oh, that's real nice, Paulie.

  • LeRoy Neiman: [announcing the wrestling match] Now entering the ring, a man who calls himself the ultimate male, World Wrestling Champion, Thunderlips!

    Rocky Balboa: [looking at Thunderlips] Wow, he's awful big. Hey, Mick, how much do you think he eats?

    Mickey: About 202 pounds.

    LeRoy Neiman: Weighing in at 202 pounds...

    Mickey: [Mickey smiles and looks at Rocky]

    Paulie: Hey, Rock; you better call Bob Hope.

  • Paulie: [after Thunderlips slams Rocky to the canvas] Rocko, remember the neighborhood!

  • Paulie: He IS the ring!

  • [At a press conference for fight]

    Paulie: His lungs he's gonna punch out.

    Apollo: Now who is that? Al Capone?

    Paulie: I don't sweat you.

  • [an exhausted Rocky lands a knockout punch at Apollo but sends them both falling onto the ring]

    Adrian: [shocked] Oh!

    Referee: One! Two!

    Bill Baldwin: If he gets up, Creed will regain the title! If neither of them gets up, it's a draw and Creed will win the title automatically! The count...

    Referee: Four...

    Duke: [calling to Apollo] Get up, my Man!

    Mickey: GET ON YOUR FEET!

    Adrian: [whispers] Get up.

    Referee: [Pandemonium in the stadium grows] Six! Seven!

    Paulie: [Screams] Get up!

    Referee: Eight!

    Mary Anne Creed: GET UP!

    Referee: Nine...

    [Apollo collapses; Mary Anne moans]

    Referee: [Rocky at the last second stands up] TEN! YOU'RE OUT!

    [Paulie and Adrian screams in happiness; Mickey yells]

    Bill Baldwin: He made it at the last second! Rocky Balboa has shocked the world! He is the new heavyweight champion of the world!

  • Paulie: Liar! Liar, Liar, Liar! You've all got your heads up your assholes because love is. It just is and nothing you can say can make it go away because it is the point of why we are here, it is the highest point and once you are up there, looking down on everyone else, you're there forever. Because if you move, right, you fall. You fall.

  • Paulie: Lesbian? Lesbian? Are you fucking kidding me, you think I'm a LESBIAN?

    Mouse: You're a girl in love with a girl, aren't you?

    Paulie: No! I'm PAULIE in love with TORI. Remember? And Tori, she is, she IS in love with me because she is mine and I am hers and neither of us are LESBIANS!

  • Paulie: Shall I abide in this dull world, which in her absence is no better then a sty?

  • Paulie: I'm Paulie.

    [exhales cigarette smoke]

    Paulie: Oster.

    [shakes Mouse's hand firmly]

    Mouse: Mary Bedford. Mouse, really... they call me.

    Paulie: [chuckles] I'd rather call you shithead than Mouse.

    Paulie: [sits down next to Mouse] So you're roomin' with me and Tori, huh?

    Mouse: Yeah, that's what Miss Vaughn said.

    Paulie: Well, I guess she didn't like us up there all by our lonesome.

  • Paulie: When she's old, I'm going to carry her around on my back.

  • [Everybody on the field looks up and sees Paulie on the roof of the builing with the falcon perched on her arm]

    Mouse: [Quietly, in tears] Paulie... Paulie... please!

    Paulie: [recites] 'I will make me a willow cabin at your gate, and call upon my soul within the house... '

    [Tori's eyes widen as she shakes uncontrollably]

    Paulie: [quietly] I rush into the secret house...

    [Paulie stretches both of her arms out sideways]

    Tori: PAULIE!

    [Paulie leans forward and then falls off the roof. The falcon flies away]

  • [Mouse and Tori are sleeping. Paulie comes over to Tori's bed, she lifts the cover up, climbs into the bed, and gets on top of Tori]

    Paulie: I bet he doesn't know how to do what I can do for you.

    [Paulie starts to kiss Tori on her chin... Tori tries to push Paulie off]

    Tori: Paulie...

    [Paulie starts kissing and touching her. Tori moans... ]

    Tori: Paulie!

    [Tori pushes Paulie off of her, and then sits up]

    Tori: Paulie, there'll be no more of this, ok?

    [Mouse is awake, and she looks over to Tori's bed and listens]

    Tori: I love Jake!

    [Paulie doesn't say anything. She just sits beside Tori on the bed. Tori gets out of bed and stands on the floor with her back to Paulie. Paulie kneels on the bed and leans forward. Tori turns to Paulie then kneels down to face her. She puts one hand on Paulie's face]

    Tori: Paulie, listen to me, ok? Because I'm only gonna say this once and never, ever again. I will never love anybody the way I love you. Never. You know that, and I know that, and I will die knowing that, ok? But it just can never, it just can never, ever, forever be. Do you understand?


    Tori: It just can never, ever, forever be.

    [She kisses Paulie. Tori gets up and Paulie holds on to her hand, but Tori pulls it away. Paulie leans over on the bed face down and starts to cry]

  • [Paulie enters the library in a fencing outfit carrying a sword, and stands on top of the table Tori is studying at]

    Paulie: I shall make me a willow cabin at your gate and call upon my soul within the house; Write loyal cantons of contemned love and sing them loud even in the dead of night; Halloo your name to the reverberate hills and make the babbling gossip of the air cry out 'Victoria!'

    Eleanor Bannet: Paulie... why don't you come down from there?

    [touches her arm]

    Paulie: [flinches away] Don't ever touch a raptor.

  • Paulie: Mouse, where is your father? Did I see you cry? Did you cry like a girl? Like a girly, girly girl? I've been crying, too, Mary B. I've been crying like a girly girl, sucky suck for weeks now! And it's time... it's time for the raptor... Are you with me? I hate my father! Say it, it's easy... come on... Say I HATE MY FATHER!

  • Paulie: She's the only person who ever loved me, you know?

    [Fay Vaughn nods]

    Paulie: I think I'll die without her.

  • Paulie: Hey boys, didn't you see the sign? "No dickheads allowed."

  • Cordelia: [Tori ignores Paulie's beckoning to her and Mouse and sits with Cordelia and Kara, and Mouse continues to Paulie's table]

    [to Tori]

    Cordelia: So... how are you?

    Tori: First of all, whatever they're saying is trash talk. Stupid. I know you guys won't listen to it.

    Cordelia: Of course not. God, I mean, even if it was true, I'd still be like, "So? Grow up."

    Tori: But it's not true.

    Cordelia: I mean, like, my aunt is gay. Like, get over it.

    Tori: Yeah, but I'm not. Totally. So...

    Cordelia: No, I know.

    Mouse: [She and Paulie have overheard the conversation] She's upset. Give her time.

    Paulie: Bedford, this is a dark day.

  • Fay Vaughn: Paulie, you looked like you were involved with the piece.

    Paulie: Actually, I was just thinking whether the Jays were gonna take the World Series again.

    Fay Vaughn: I don't believe you, Paulie. I saw you listening.

    Paulie: You can go fuck yourself sideways.

    [storms out of the classroom]

  • Jake Hollander: [after Paulie attacks him viciously to start their duel] Place your bets, my friends.

    John: Go Jake!

    Paulie: [brandishes sword] For my love.

    Jake Hollander: If you're talking about Tori, twit, get real. She hates you. She's just too nice to tell you.

    Paulie: She loves me.

    Jake Hollander: Stop talking shit, Paulie. Tori is my girlfriend.

    [Paulie glares and lunges, and the fight continues]

  • Paulie: Hey, new girl, what do you think of Vaughnie?

    Tori: [giggling] Don't call her "new girl," it's so rude!

    Mouse: Miss Vaughn? She's nice.

    [Paulie chuckles]

    Tori: Some of the girls say rude things about her.

    Paulie: She and Bannet, they got it goin' on for sure.

    Tori: Paulie, give it a rest. She's just a single lady, and they're very good friends, and that's it. Don't be so mean... or homophobic.

    Mouse: She seemed nice to me.

    [Paulie and Tori stare at her]

    Mouse: I mean, um, normal. Well, not...

    Paulie: I'm not sayin' she's not nice new girl, I'm sayin' shes a LES-BO! And she got the hots for Tori here.

    [Tori scoffs]

    Paulie: Who can blame her, eh?

    [squeezes Tori's face playfully]

    Paulie: Beautiful.

  • Eleanor Bannet: What do you think you're doing?

    Paulie: I'm teaching, Miss Bannet, what you should've been doin'.

    Tori: [whispers] Paulie, don't.

    Eleanor Bannet: Out of my classroom! You will go to Miss Vaughn's, and explain why you are not in my class, and suffer the consequences.

    [Paulie doesn't move]

    Eleanor Bannet: Do you hear me? Am I not clear?

    Paulie: [smirks] You have a nice day now, Eleanor.

    [winks seductively and saunters out]

  • [Paulie points her sword on Jake as he lies on the ground and runs the pointed end from his chest down to his right thigh]

    Paulie: [about Tori] Give her up!

    Mouse: Paulie!

    Paulie: Say, "I... give... her... up!"

    Jake Hollander: Go fuck yourself!

    [Paulie thrusts her sword into Jake's thigh, making him scream at the top of his lungs, and so does Paulie]

    Mouse: Paulie, no!

    John: Fucking bitch!

    Mouse: Paulie!

    Jake Hollander: [to John and Phil] She cut me!

    John: Fucking bitch!

    [John and Phil try to help Jake stop the bleeding while Mouse pulls Paulie away]

    Mouse: [Shaking Paulie] What are you doing? What are you doing?

    Jake Hollander: You are fucking crazy!

    [Paulie breaks down and runs off screaming]

  • [while Tori is dancing with her father, Paulie appears at the party dressed in a men's suit. As she is walking in, everyone is looking at her. She walks over to where Tori and her father are, and just stands there staring at Tori. A few seconds later, Bruce looks over at Paulie. Then Tori looks over too. Paulie steps in closer to them]

    Paulie: Good evening, Victoria. Hello Bruce!

    Bruce Moller: Good evening.

    Paulie: Bruce, I wonder if I might cut in?

    Bruce Moller: This is a joke, right?

    Paulie: Joke? I'm asking you... nicely... can I dance with your daughter please?

    Bruce Moller: I'm afraid I don't think that's appropriate, and I don't think Victoria does either, so...

    [She cuts in anyway, and shoves Bruce out of the way. They are dancing together now. And by now, mostly everyone at the party is watching]

    Tori: Are you crazy?

    Paulie: What? You don't like dancing? You used to love to dance with me on the roof, remember?

    Tori: Paulie... please...

    Paulie: What?

    Tori: Don't make this difficult!

    Paulie: You love me Tori!

    Tori: Like a friend!

    Paulie: As a lover. Say it! I'm in love with you Paulie!


    Paulie: You say it or I'll stop this dance right now!

    [Everyone looks over at them]

    Tori: Paulie please... please...

    Paulie: Then say it! Say it!

    [Tori looks at her father then looks back at Paulie]

    Tori: No! You tell anyone whatever you want.

    [Tori walks away and her father follows behind her, leaving Paulie standing alone in the middle of the dance floor. Paulie starts to cry and Ms. Vaughn comes up behind her]

    Fay Vaughn: Paulie! Paulie!

    [tries to grab Paulie]

    Fay Vaughn: Come here... Paulie...

    [Paulie grabs her, spins around with her, and then runs from the party. Ms. Bannet walks over to Ms. Vaughn]

    Eleanor Bannet: Faye!

    [Paulie runs out onto the grass, screaming]

  • Peter Maguire: Do you know who I am?

    Paulie: You're The Man Who Talks For Us.

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