Parallax Quotes in Green Lantern (2011)


Parallax Quotes:

  • Parallax: I feel your fear growing. You will be dead soon...

    Hal Jordan: [moaning] In brightest day, in blackest night...

    Parallax: ...and when you are gone, I will destroy everything you ever loved...

    Hal Jordan: evil shall escape my sight...

    Parallax: ...your family, your home, your planet will be no more.

    Hal Jordan: ...let those who worship evil's might...

    Parallax: Your entire human race will be wiped out, because you, Hal Jordan, were afraid.

    Hal Jordan: ...beware of my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!


  • Parallax: [to Hal] You wear the ring of the Lantern that imprisoned me. You will suffer the same fate. Once I have devoured your world, I will have all the strength I need to defeat the Corps and destroy the Guardians.

  • [Parallax captures a ringless Jordan]

    Parallax: Your will is strong, but not strong enough. You are nothing without the ring.

  • Parallax: [sees Hammond with the ring] You have failed me.

    [comsumes Hammond's soul]

  • [a trio of stranded astronauts encounter Parallax]

    Parallax: You are afraid. Good.

    [devours their souls]

  • Abin Sur: [receives a transmission] Sinestro, I'm travelling at maximum velocity. Tell Fentara...

    Sinestro: Fentara is dead.

    Abin Sur: The planet's inhabitants?

    Sinestro: Your mission to evacuate them is no longer necessary. It's just as it was on Tuvok: every lifeform destroyed and their essence absorbed, traces of yellow energy everywhere.

    Abin Sur: And the Guardians?

    Sinestro: The Guardians are silent... I'm demanding more pressure...

    [flickers away]

    Parallax: Abin Sur...

    [attacks his starship]

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