Nestor 1 Quotes in Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)


Nestor 1 Quotes:

  • Cowboy: Welcome, Nestor. I'm from Earth. Ever hear of it?

    Nestor 1: No, but we are pleased to meet you.

  • [Nestor explains why "he" would like to participate in the Malmor-Akir War]

    Nestor 1: You see, there is only one Nestor, one consciousness. As you might imagine, this has proven very lonely, very dull. We must avoid becoming... we believe you have a phrase for it... becoming "bored to death."

  • Nanelia: The Sonar Tank. They're wearing sound baffles in case they get in front of it. Even if we plug our ears, we can't get any closer.

    Cowboy: [to the nearby Kelvin, who are trying to get his attention] Will you two radiators stand back? It's hard enough to think!

    Nestor 1: It seems they're volunteering.

    Cowboy: Yeah, what can THEY do?

    Nestor 1: Well, for one thing, the Kelvin have no ears.

  • Nestor 1: We are Nestor.

    Shad: All of you?

    Nestor 1: [speaking of himself and the four behind him] This is but a facet. These are but facets. There are hundreds of thousands like us at home and scattered throughout the universe. We are Nestor.

    Shad: You're clones.

    Nestor 1: In a manner of speaking. We share identical consciousness. What one sees, all see. What one knows, all know.

    Shad: And all of you want to help us?

    Nestor 1: These five facets, yes. Four of us are required to operate this ship.

    Shad: What about the fifth?

    Nestor 1: We always carry a spare.

  • Nestor 1: While life exists, the possibilities are unlimited.

  • Nestor 1: [eating a hot dog for the first time] There's no dog in this.

    Cowboy: Uh-uh.

    Nestor 1: Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, soybean meal, niacin, dextrose, and sodium nitrate flavoring.

    Cowboy: Yup, that's what we call "meat" back home.

  • Shad: [drawing his handgun as he finds himself aboard Nestor's ship] Okay, what's the big idea?

    [All five Nestors turn to face him]

    Shad: Don't everybody talk at once!

    [None of the Nestors respond]

    Shad: Listen, if I don't get some answers FAST, I'm gonna have to use this thing!

    [Nestor motion causes Shad's gun-hand to turn against him, bringing the muzzle to his own head, which Shad vainly attempts to wrench away]

    Shad: Let me rephrase that.

    Nestor 1: [releasing Shad] You are not of a violent form. We sensed that you did not intend to shoot.

    Shad: You read my mind?

    Nestor 1: Among other things.

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