Mujaki Quotes in Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer (1984)


Mujaki Quotes:

  • [Mujaki cries as his dream is being destroyed]

    Ataru Moroboshi: Oh, calm down, it's just a dream. You can always make more.

    Mujaki: You don't understand at all. What's the difference between reality and the dreams I make? I've been making and living in other people's dreams since I was born. Can't I have a dream of my own, just this once? Oh, why do they always have to be destroyed?

  • [Regarding Lum]

    Mujaki: I knew right away that she'd been born under a very unusual star...

    Sakura: Well, she came from a different one...

  • [Sakura rides in Mujaki's "Blue Turtle" cab]

    Mujaki: Things are a mess fer ya 'cause ya think time an' space are objective things. Y'now how time seems down when y're waiting? Fact is, time is simply a creation of your human consciousness. What is there ain't no human beings anywhere in the world? Wouldn't clocks and calendars be a waste? Maybe there ain't no such thing as time that flows in one direction from the past to the future, and never was dontcha think, ma'am? Human beings are slipshod to begin with, so there ain't nothing strange 'bout time being slipshod too. If ev'rything was all hunky-dory then THAT'D be weird! The only certain thing is the present, that just keeps flowin' like this. Ain't that the best way to think 'bout it?

    Sakura: Interesting. Maybe I really AM riding a turtle.

    Mujaki: Wanna go straight to Dragon Palace? I'll give you a discount fare!

  • [Ataru has Baku's horn]

    Mujaki: Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Do you have any idea what'll happen if you do that?

    Ataru Moroboshi: You're just like Lum. When will you learn that I always do things without thinking of the consequences?

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Characters on Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer (1984)