Mrs. Skinner Quotes in The Food of the Gods (1976)


Mrs. Skinner Quotes:

  • Mrs. Skinner: Until Mr. Skinner comes home and says he wants you to have our food, Mr. Bensington, nobody owns nothin' but us. The good Lord give it to us to do as we please.

    Morgan: [to Bensington] Well, it would appear that you just move back three spaces and lose a turn.

  • Jack Bensington: [pointing at bubbling fluid from ground] That's what your husband brought us out here for?

    Mrs. Skinner: Just like Mr. Skinner found 'er. Just like that one day. At first he thought it was oil and it was going to make us rich.

    Jack Bensington: Come on, Lorna.

    Lorna Scott: No, wait a minute, Jack, wait a minute. Look at this. I've never seen anything like it. Mrs. Skinner, how did your husband happen to feed it to the chickens?

    Mrs. Skinner: Well, when we found out it weren't no oil, there was nothing to do about it, so we fed it to the chicks.

    Lorna Scott: Right out of the ground like that?

    Mrs. Skinner: No, miss. Nothing'll eat it unless we mix it with chicken feed.

    Lorna Scott: And did all the chickens grow?

    Mrs. Skinner: Only the baby chicks. Nothing seemed to affect the grown ones. Nothing at all.

    Lorna Scott: Nothing happens to the full-grown chickens, is that right?

    Mrs. Skinner: Well, they didn't grow none, if that's what you mean. But I didn't say nothing happened to 'em.

    Lorna Scott: Well, what did happen?

    Mrs. Skinner: They got et... by the real big ones.

    Jack Bensington: Come on, Lorna.

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